
Literature Search

Literature Search

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
  • Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
  • Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.



Literature Search

The health care sector across the world requires the establishment of targeted clinical systems to help improve patient outcomes.  The development and application of evidence-based practices as best clinical systems approach can lead to delivery of health care. Best outcomes refer to the absence of the sign and symptoms of a disease, which can be achieved through quality improvement.   This paper addresses the application of The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), its outcomes and efficiencies, and lessons learned from its application.

Summary One

Chiu, S., Bergeron, N., Williams, P. T., Bray, G. A., Sutherland, B., & Krauss, R. M. (2015). Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: A randomized controlled trial–3. The American journal of clinical nutrition103(2), 341-347.

The study by Chiu, et al. (2015) examines the effects of substitution of full-fat with low-fat dairy food products in the DASH diet with a corresponding increase in fat and a decrease in the intake of sugar on plasma lipids, lipoproteins and blood pressure.  The Dash diet enhances low-density lipoprotein, lowering of high blood pressure and cholesterol that is high-density lipoprotein. The researchers used a sample size of three health persons to conduct a randomised crossover trial based on three periods. The individuals consumed a standard Dash diet, a control diet, a lower carbohydrate modification of DASH diet, and a high-fat diet for three weeks each which was separated by two weeks’ periods for washouts. The researchers then conducted laboratory measurements that included the concentration of lipoprotein particles determined by the mobility of ions, which was established at the end of each experimental diet.


The study results showed that the HF-DASH and DASH diets profoundly reduced blood pressure compared to the control diet. There was a reduction in the concentration of medium and large very-low-density lipoprotein particles and triglycerides.  The HF-DASH diet also increased the peak particle diameter of LDL and decreased the HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, apolipoprotein A-I, large LDL particles Intermediate density lipoprotein and the width of LDL peak compared with the control diet.

Literature Search

The DAS diet significantly lowered blood pressure to the same extent as the HF- DASH diet and also reduced the concentration of VLDL and plasma triglyceride without increasing the cholesterol. The findings of the study can help improve nursing practice in managing hypertension. Nurses should create awareness among patients and the community at large about the DASH and HF-DASH diet to help reduce the mortality rates and the costs of treatments.

Summary Two

Akita, S., Sacks, F. M., Svetkey, L. P., Conlin, P. R., & Kimura, G. (2003). Effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on the pressure-natriuresis relationship.  Hypertension42(1), 8-13.

Akita et al. (2003) assess the effects of the DASH diet on the pressure-natriuresis relationship to identify its mechanisms of lowering blood pressure. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension can act as primary mechanism for lowering blood pressure through consumption of a diet with vegetables, fruits, and low-fat dairy foods. The article uses a controlled trial method where DASH sodium trial and randomised feeding trial were used. The participants were not healthy individuals as they had systolic blood pressure (SBP) ranging between 120 and 159 and Diastolic blood pressure ranging between 80 and 95 without blood pressure-lowering medication. Statistical analysis was conducted by comparing the x-intercept and the steepness of the curve of the pressure-natriuresis between DASH diets and the control diet as well as the subgroups and testing them by the use of Student t-test for the non-paired samples.

Literature Search

The results of the study showed that the DASH diet effectively lowered blood pressure groups though a diuretic action with high sensitivity of sodium. This means that the article provides proof on whether the DASH diet lowers blood pressure within the first five months if intervention by testing its effects on pressure-natriuresis. Nurses should consider Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension as one of the primary nonpharmacological approaches to stop high blood pressure.

From the study, it is critical to note that the DASH diet should be used as a primary nonpharmacological treatment of blood pressure. DASH diet is a significant intervention in lowering the levels of high blood pressure among urban African Americans.  It also helps nurses understand the mechanism of the DASH diet in lowering BP, which makes it possible for them to speculate on patients and those situations it can be beneficial.

Summary Three

Kim, H., & Andrade, F. C. (2016). The diagnostic status of hypertension on adherence to the

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Preventive medicine reports4, 525-531.

Kim and Andrade (2016) address the status of hypertension after adhering to the DASH diet. DASH diet is primarily used for patients with hypertension. However, it is unknown if the diagnosis of hypertension can help patients adhere to the DASH diet and nutrient intake.  The authors use linear regression analysis to analyse the relationship between DASH diet and diagnosis of hypertension.  The study used a sample of patients with hypertension and a DASH score of between 0 and 10 to help measure the intake of nutrients.

Literature Search

The study results indicated that the increased consumption of protein, fat, and sodium was linked to the diagnostic status of hypertension. The patients who followed the DASH diet showed reduced effect of stroke and hypertension. However, patients who did not engage in health nutritional behaviour showed no effect after using the DASH diet. Therefore, most patients did not adhere to the DASH guidelines regardless of their health condition.

I have learned that although the DASH diet is critical in reducing hypertension among patients, most do not adhere to the guidelines which continue putting their health at risk.  Nurses need to create awareness on management of hypertension through the use of DASH diet by stressing the importance of diet in managing hypertension and the effect nutrition has when under medication.

Summary Four

Seangpraw, Auttama, Tonchoy, and Panta, (2019) analyses the effect of Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on hypertension among elderly patients. The study employed quasi-experimental research by enrolling the elderly patients with hypertension as selected groups were then assigned to receive the DASH randomly. The sample size was 85, which was obtained after a full 90 days follow up intervention.

Literature Search

The study demonstrated considerable improvements in hypertension in intervention and control groups. The diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure of the patients in the intervention group reduced. Nurses should consider the intervention as the primary prevention strategy for high blood pressure among seniors in various minority ethnic or racial groups in the United States. The findings of the study suggest that nursing education should highly consider training the nurses about DASH diet intervention to improve patient outcome.

I have learned that high blood pressure is reduced using DASH diet intervention among elderly patients. Nursing practice should emphasise increased use of DASH diet among the minority groups, especially elderly patients with hypertension, to reduce the risks of stroke and high blood pressure. It is the responsibility of the nurses to create awareness on the benefits of DASH diet in minimising the stroke cases, which can, in turn, reduce the treatment costs and reduce the mortality rates.


Summary Five

Kawamura, A., Kajiya, K., Kishi, H., Inagaki, J., Mitarai, M., Oda, H., … & Kobayashi, S.

(2016). Effects of the DASH-JUMP dietary intervention in Japanese participants with high-normal blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: an open-label single-arm trial. Hypertension Research39(11), 777.

Kawamura et al. (2016) address the impact of the DASH-Japan Ube Modified diet Program (DASH-JUMP) dietary patients with stage 1 hypertension and high-normal blood pressure.  The DASH-JUMP diet emphasises the consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods to reduce blood pressure and the risks of cardiovascular diseases. It is essential to include a variation in the composition of the macronutrients in the DASH diet while still enhancing the preservation of the benefits of lipid and blood pressure risk factors.

Literature Search

The study used fifty-eight participants who consumed a standard DASH-JUMP four weeks.  After the intervention, it was found that the DASH-JUMP significantly reduced the BMI, fasting serum glucose level and fasting insulin level. The extent of adherence to diet determines the effectiveness of the intervention of the DASH diet. This means that the DASH-JUMP diet was an effective nutritional strategy for reducing high blood pressure among patients.

Most people with the problem of following prescribed diets have difficulty if adhering to DASH-JUMP diet. It is the responsibility of the nurses to create awareness and advice patients to follow prescribed diets to increase the effectiveness of DASH-JUMP intervention. This would help effectively implement the use of the DASH-JUMP diet as a nonpharmacological treatment of blood pressure because it is effective in controlling the level s of high blood pressure within five years of intervention.



Akita, S., Sacks, F. M., Svetkey, L. P., Conlin, P. R., & Kimura, G. (2003). Effects of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet on the pressure-natriuresis relationship.  Hypertension42(1), 8-13.

Chiu, S., Bergeron, N., Williams, P. T., Bray, G. A., Sutherland, B., & Krauss, R. M. (2015). Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: A randomized controlled trial–3. The American journal of clinical nutrition103(2), 341-347.

Kawamura, A., Kajiya, K., Kishi, H., Inagaki, J., Mitarai, M., Oda, H., … & Kobayashi, S.

(2016). Effects of the DASH-JUMP dietary intervention in Japanese participants with high-normal blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: an open-label single-arm trial. Hypertension Research39(11), 777.

Kim, H., & Andrade, F. C. (2016). The diagnostic status of hypertension on adherence to the

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Preventive medicine reports4, 525-531.

Seangpraw, K., Auttama, N., Tonchoy, P., & Panta, P. (2019). The effect of the behaviour

modification program Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) on reducing the risk of hypertension among elderly patients in the rural community of Phayao, Thailand. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare12, 109. DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S185569


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Personal Leadership Development Plan

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Design a personal leadership development plan.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • PU550-4:Create a personal leadership development plan.


In this scenarioyou have recently been hired at a healthcare organization. Your hiring manager has asked you to assess your leadership skills and develop a personal leadership development plan based on areas that need improvement.

  • Complete the Tier 3 Competency Assessment to determine how prepared you are to meet the requirements of a public health leader.
  • After completing the Assessment, copy and paste the “Your Results” section from the Assessment to the Assignment 9 Submission Template.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for improving in the three areas with the lowest score.



  • Tier 3 Competency Assessment Completed.
  • Results section from Tier 3 Competency Assessment copied and pasted into Unit 9 Assignment Submission Template Section I.
  • Section II Table completed – table includes three strategies or trainings to support development in areas of improvement.
  • 500–800 word summary of personal leadership development plan.



Unit 9 Assignment




Domain Average Total
Analytical/Assessment Skills 3.1
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills 2.9
Communication Skills 3.4
Cultural Competency Skills 3.0
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills 2.8
Public Health Sciences Skills 2.8
Financial Planning and Management Skills 3.4
Leadership and Systems Thinking 2.5





Area for Improvement Strategy/Training 1 Strategy/Training 2 Strategy/Training 3
Leadership and System Thinking Skills Conference

Online training


Public Health Sciences Skills Conference



Community Dimensions Skills Online training







Personal Leadership Development Plan


A personal leadership development plan is viewed to help one to define and direct his or her career goals.  In healthcare, this plan helps one to achieve better satisfaction in practice. It also improves the organization’s operations (Baron, 2016).  Reflection of my leadership skills reveals that m knowledgeable in many areas.  After doing the competence assessment tier, I have realized that I need to improve my skills in three areas. The paper develops a plan that is focused on improving my leadership and system thinking, public health sciences, and community dimensions skills.


Leadership and System Thinking Development

From my assessment, the areas that need much focus in this domain include collaboration with individuals, creating opportunities to organizations, and interacting with systems. To improve my leadership and system thinking skills, I need to attend a workshop. While this training program is short, I view that it is suitable in developing my skills. Moreover, I view that workshops usually involve professionals who can focus on individual needs. Secondly, I would like to engage in online training. This approach needs much dedication as online lessons may occur during inconvenient hours. In addition, I also need to attend a conference. The conference will be held by a business organization. However, the attained leadership skills will be applied in my profession. The training period for this aspect will take two months (Bellack & Thibault, 2016).

Public Health Sciences Improvement

As a healthcare practitioner, some of the most important skills are public health sciences skills. They are essential in improving my professionalism at the workplace.  The assessment has depicted that the areas which need more focus in this domain include explanations of prominent events, applying public health sciences in organization management, and explanations of evidence. I will attend a workshop which aligns with public health issues. Moreover, I would need to engage in conferences because they will take a longer. Lastly, I would like to attend lectures.  Since I have much focus in this domain, I will employ many strategies. For instance, I will engage note taking, active listening, and asking questions to get clarifications in areas of difficulty. The training period for this aspect will take three months.

Community Dimensions

Community dimension skills are important in helping a practitioner work well in a community setting (Dong et al., 2017). My area of focus is in understanding suitable ways of enabling community inputs to be used in improving healthcare policies and programs. In this area, I need to engage in online training.  I find this approach to be suitable because most of the issues about the current society are found online. Workshops will also be suitable in understanding various issues in this domain. However, since workshops take a short period, I will also attend some lectures on community health issues. This dimension needs about a month to improve on my skills (Fernandez et al., 2015).


Leadership training is a common occurrence in healthcare organizations. The plan tries to reveal that competence in healthcare is very important. Moreover, it tries to reveal that improvement in various skills needs multiple strategies or training elements. The training is predicted to take about three months to complete. I believe that my chosen strategies and training will improve my leadership skills.



Baron, L. (2016). Authentic leadership and mindfulness development through action

learning. Journal of Managerial Psychology31(1), 296-311.

Bellack, J. P., & Thibault, G. E. (2016). Creating a continuously learning health system through

technology: A call to action. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(1), 3–5.

Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via

individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual‐focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior38(3), 439-458.

Fernandez, C. S., Noble, C. C., Jensen, E., & Steffen, D. (2015). Moving the needle: A

retrospective pre-and post-analysis of improving perceived abilities across 20 leadership skills. Maternal and Child Health Journal19(2), 343-352.


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An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

Please follow this


A short Introduction = About APRN


Post a comparison of at least two APRN board of nursing regulations in your state/region with those of at least one other state/region = Example is California state and Texas


Describe how they may differ. Be specific and provide examples. = At least 3-4


Then, explain how the regulations you selected may apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience.


Provide at least one example of how APRNs may adhere to the two regulations you selected.

Reference page at Least three sources


This is a discussion

No tittle pages.

No running heads.

This a Masters level class

APA Format with intext citation

Required to use the reading resources, no outside resources for this one.


Ø  Comparison of Board of Nursing Regulations between (California state and Texas)


Ø  How they may Differ (include examples) 

Ø  How do the Regulations Apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses?


Ø  Example of how APRNs May adhere to the Two Regulations



An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

An Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) is a registered nurse with clinical competencies, complex decision-making skills, and expert knowledge critical for expanded practice (NCSBN, 2019).  APRNs can take more complex case works and have more discretion and independence than RNs.

The APRN board of nursing regulations in both California and Texas are similar in both the certification process and the application process. The states require nurses to verify their certification through clinical competency and experience in delivery of health care services (, 20191;, 20192). The certification process is also determined through education and a certification exam as determined by the certification agency. The application process in both states is the same as the application forms are got online from the board website (, 20191;, 20192). The evidence of current certification and eligibility would also be required.


The legislations also differ in both California and Texas. For example, the education requirements for APRNs in Texas are conducted at the master’s level or higher, and the programs must be nationally accredited by the board of nursing or an accrediting agency (, 20191). In California, the education requirement includes completing an approved California’s education programs recognized by the Board or an equivalent program through an accepted organization (, 20192).  The renewal requirements in both states also differ. For example, in Texas, APRN must have to maintain national certification, and there must be active practice and continuing education (, 20191). However, in California, the renewal requirements do not involve continuous education. Instead renewal is automatic and may require payment of additional fees (, 20192) Finally, Out-of-state nurses without licensing in California can apply and become temporary APRNs, but such nurses cannot work in Texas by submitting endorsement RN applications.

The legislations selected apply to APRNs because they must attain all education, certification, application and renewal requirements to work in respective states. The legislations are important in providing a clear understanding of APRNs scope of practice based on the state regulatory agencies (Milstead & Short, 2019).

APRNs need to adhere to both the educational requirements and certification requirements by doing approved programs by the Board of nurses or other nationally accredited by recognized accrediting agencies (ANA, 2017). The education requirements will help during the certification process since it must be consistent with education and other basics for certification exams.



Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.).

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

American Nurses Association (ANA). (November 14, 2017). ANA Enterprise.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). (2019). APRN consensus

implementation status. NCSBN. (20191). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license requirements in

Texas. Nursinglicensure. (20192). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license requirements in

Carlifornia. Nursinglicensure.







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Precede-Proceed Model

Precede-Proceed Model

PRECEDE-PROCEED Model Based on the review of global health epidemiological applications (methods), apply and analyze data to international public health programs to determine stability/instability of health and wellness of these countries. Select any one of your three countries used in an earlier assignment and determine a serious health issue that country struggles with. Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model, design a model to promote health promotion for this public health issue. Country: S. Africa or Ghana



Precede-Proceed Model


While HIV/AIDS is the highest disease killer in South Africa, tuberculosis (TB) takes the highest distinction. Over 80 percent of South Africans are thought to have latent TB. Additionally, individuals who have HIV/AIDS are more likely to get infected with TB (Nieburg, 2015). When people with HIV/AIDS get infected with active TB, they experience accelerated progression of their HIV/AIDS disease. While the South African Department of Health is creating policies and programs to control TB infections, it still faces several challenges. The country has slow GDP growth and high rates of unemployment that limit resources to address health challenges (Nieburg, 2015). A structure to assess and analyze the health needs of a population and to guarantee health promotion like the Precede-proceed model will improve health programs proposed by the South African Department of Health to control TB infections.

Precede-Proceed Model to Promote Health Promotion in South Africa


            Social Assessment: with over 450,000 people developing TB every year, TB has become a public health issue in South Africa. The country has made significant strides towards the eradication of the disease especially in people with HIV/AIDS. However, more needs to be done.

            Epidemiological Assessment: poverty is a key determinant of TB in South Africa. Therefore, alleviating poverty reduces the risk of TB transmission (“Addressing the Social Determinants of TB”, 2019). An effective model should; design effective poverty reduction strategies, reduce food insecurity, improve living standards, control environmental pollutants, and address lifestyles conditions including reduction of drug use and smoking.


            Ecological Assessment:  minority races in the country are at a higher risk of contracting TB. Additionally, low income and lack of education are strong risk factors for transmission of tuberculosis. Congestion and pollution accelerate the spread of TB in public areas and in slums (Alvaro-Meca et al. 2016).

Administrative and Policy factors: some of the policy factors include; training for TB infection control for all healthcare workers, improved TB infection and spread control policy guidelines, creation of awareness and education of TB infection control measures, improved hygiene practices and destigmatisation (Zinatsa, Engelbrecht, Rensburg & Kigozi, 2018). Administrative strategies to control the spread of TB in South Africa include; the National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STIs 2017-2022, Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020 and the Treatment Action Campaign (Kanabus, 2018).


            Implementation: At the individual level, isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) has been seen to reduce TB infections by 60%. Additionally, rapid molecular techniques should be developed to facilitate rapid treatment (Dowdy et al. 2017). Decongestion is also critical since TB is airborne. To implement the proposed strategies, efforts should be intensified in the geographical areas hard hit by TB. Resources should be provided by the national government in collaboration with other relevant health promotion bodies.

            Process Evaluation: healthcare workers and the South African Health Department should carry out regular program checks to determine if the programs implemented are reaching the targeted population and that program goals are met.

            Impact Evaluation: changes in the rate of new TB infections in the country will be used to determine success of the programs.

            Outcome Evaluation: A decrease or increase in the prevalence of TB in the country will be analyzed. Decreasing rate of TB infections will indicate success of interventions while increasing rates of TB infections will indicate failure of interventions.  



Alvaro-Meca, A., Diaz, A., Diez, J.M., Resino, R. & Resion, S. (2016). Environmental Factors Related to Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients in the Combined Antiretroviral Therapy (cART) Era. Public Library of Science, 11(11). Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0165944

“Addressing the Social Determinants of TB”. (2019). World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Dowdy, D.W., Grant. A.D., Dheda, K., Nardell, E., Fielding, K. & Moore, D.A. (2017). Designing and Evaluating Interventions to Halt the Transmission of Tuberculosis. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 216(6), 654-661.

Kanabus, A. (2018). Information About Tuberculosis. TBFACTS.ORG. Retrieved from

Nieburg, P. (2015). South Africa’s Health Challenges: An Elephant in the Room. Center for Strategic & International Studies. Retrieved from

Zinatsa, F., Engelbrecht, M., Rensburg, A.J. & Kigozi, G. (2018). Voices from the Frontline: Barriers and Strategies to Improve Tuberculosis Infection Control in Primary Health Care Facilities in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 269. Doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3083-0

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Coalition Advocating for Healthcare Policies

Coalition Advocating for Healthcare Policies

three hundred word essay response to following questions, need 1 source cited in work.

Lcate a state(Florida) or national(USA) coalition advocating for your approved healthcare policy concern. Who are the coalition partners and is there an identified leader? Can you identify successes indicating strong leadership? What can you add to the content for your upcoming interview from the work of this coalition?

Nursing Paper Help

***My approved healthcare policy concern is the increasing rate of diabetes and obesity in school aged children and ways to educate about diet/nutrition,



Coalition Advocating for Healthcare Policies

Based in Maitland, Florida, the American Diabetes Association educates the public on diabetes prevention measures and offers support to families and children living with diabetes. Florida is struggling to control the effects of diabetes among its residents {“American Diabetes Association”, 2019). Thousands of people are currently living with diabetes in Florida. One in every three children born in the United States is directly affected by diabetes. With this in mind, the American Diabetes Association works closely with over 565,000 volunteers who manage more than 540,000 individuals living with diabetes. Additionally, the association has a team of over 20,000 healthcare workers and over 400 staff members (“American Diabetes Association”, 2019). The board of directors forms the ultimate governing authority of the association. Led by the chair David Herrick, the board governs the organization’s legal, financial and ethical affairs ensuring stability and viability as per its mission. The organization has a staff leadership team led by the chief executive officer Tracey D. Brown, who oversees all employees and volunteers.


The American Diabetes Association enjoys corporate support from several companies both locally and internationally. The Banting Circle Elite recognizes the work done by the American Diabetes Association in developing medicines and devices designed to help children and adults living with diabetes. From its national strategic partners, the organization receives at least 400,000 USD to facilitate advertisements and run promotional materials (“American Diabetes Association”, 2019). The organization has also set up an information center that offers valid information about the organization’s programs and events. Additionally, the information center offers pamphlets on several diabetes topics; it also refers individuals to association-recognized providers in the region and assists individuals to connect with appropriate local resources to help fight diabetes. The American Diabetes Association also provides dietary advice to guide people with diabetes on what to eat and what to avoid. Likewise, the association runs a blog that handles topics ranging from insulin use to activities that children can engage in to reduce childhood obesity (“American Diabetes Association”, 2019). With the vision of living free of diabetes and a mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve overall life of all people living with diabetes, the American Diabetes Association strives to be resourceful to be able to help children and adults fight obesity and manage diabetes.



“American Diabetes Association”. (2019). Retrieved from

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Big Data in a Clinical System

Big Data in a Clinical System

This is APA Format paper. One page discussion. Reference page. Intext citation.  No running head. Please use at least three references from the resourses provided.

Please make sure you address all the questions being ask.

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the web article Big Data Means Big Potential, Challenges for Nurse Execs.
  • Reflect on your own experience with complex health information access and management and consider potential challenges and risks you may have experienced or observed.

Post a description of at least one potential benefit of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Then, describe at least one potential challenge or risk of using big data as part of a clinical system and explain why. Propose at least one strategy you have experienced, observed, or researched that may effectively mitigate the challenges or risks of using big data you described. Be specific and provide examples.



Big Data in a Clinical System

The use of big data analytics tools has the potential to improve the healthcare system. A major benefit of employing this concept is the improvement of high-risk patient care. In many cases, there are various healthcare costs and complication in emergency care. Patients in these scenarios do not experience better outcomes. With the employment of big data, records are digitized. This feature allows practitioners to identify patient patterns in a quicker and more effective way. Therefore, practitioners can customize their treatment approach to meet the needs of the patients and improve efficiency (Topaz, 2013).

Nursing Paper Help

Despite its benefits, big data is also viewed to have some drawbacks. One challenge facing this concept is the security of data. Like in other industries, data in healthcare faces security threats such as phishing, hackings, and high profile breaches (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).While there are a suitable number of technical safeguards, some practitioners still engage in activities that make the data vulnerable.  Data insecurity makes it hard to have reliable data as some information may be taken down.  This makes it hard for healthcare organizations to make customized treatments, thereby affecting healthcare outcomes (Wang, Kung, & Byrd, 2018).


A suitable strategy to control security problem in big data analytics is the use of strict security policies. The facility management needs to develop suitable security protocols to ensure that the employees understand. The workers need to be reminded of the critical nature of the given protocols. In addition, the management needs to review the people who have access to highly-sensitive data to limit the number of people who can cause problems to the data. These authorized individuals need to understand the standard security procedures to minimize making security errors (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017).



McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge

(4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Topaz, M. (2013). The hitchhiker’s guide to nursing theory: Using the Data-Knowledge-

Information-Wisdom framework to guide informatics research. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 17(3).

Wang, Y. Kung, L., & Byrd, T. A. (2018). Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and

potential benefits for healthcare organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 126(1), 3–13. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2015.12.019.



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Statistical Analysis Assignment 08

Statistical Analysis Assignment 08

1. In the following situations, indicate whether you’d use the normal distribution, the t distribution, or neither.

a. The population is normally distributed, and you know the population standard deviation.b. You don’t know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is 35.c. The sample size is 22, and the population is normally distributed.d. The sample size is 12, and the population is not normally distributed.e. The sample size is 45, and you know the population standard deviation.

Statistical Analysis Assignment 08

2. The prices of used books at a large college bookstore are normally distributed. If a sample of 23 used books from this store has a mean price of $27.50 with a standard deviation of $6.75, use Table 10.1 in your textbook to calculate the following for a 95% confidence level about the population mean. Be sure to show your work.

a. Degrees of freedomb. The critical value of tc. The margin of errord. The confidence interval for a 95% confidence level

3. Statistics students at a state college compiled the following two-way table from a sample of randomly selected students at their college:

 Play chess

Don’t play chess

Male students



Female students



Answer the following questions about the table. Be sure to show any calculations.

a. How many students in total were surveyed?b. How many of the students surveyed play chess? c. What question about the population of students at the state college would this table attempt to answer?d. State Hº  and Hª for the test related to this table.

4. Answer the following questions about an ANOVA analysis involving three samples.

a. In this ANOVA analysis, what are we trying to determine about the three populations they’re taken from?b. State the null and alternate hypotheses for a three-sample ANOVA analysis. c. What sample statistics must be known to conduct an ANOVA analysis?d. In an ANOVA test, what does an F test statistic lower than its critical value tell us about the three populations we’re examining?



  1. In the following situations, indicate whether you’d use the normal distribution, the distribution, or neither.


  1. The population is normally distributed, and you know the population standard deviation.


Since the population is normally distributed and we know the population standard deviation it is a normal distribution (z-distribution).

  1. You don’t know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is 35.


We don’t know the population standard deviation, but we know the sample size is 35 we will do a normal, t-distribution.

  1. The sample size is 22, and the population is normally distributed.


With a normal distribution and a sample size of 22 we will do a normal, t-distribution.

Statistical Analysis Assignment 08

  1. The sample size is 12, and the population is not normally distributed.


Since the population isn’t normal and the sample size is 12 we will do neither distributions.

  1. The sample size is 45, and you know the population standard deviation.

Knowing the population standard deviation and the sample size we will do a normal distribution, (z-distribution).



  1. The prices of used books at a large college bookstore are normally distributed. If a sample of 23 used books from this store has a mean price of $27.50 with a standard deviation of $6.75, use Table 10.1 in your textbook to calculate the following for a 95% confidence level about the population mean. Be sure to show your work.



Sample size: n :23

Sample mean: ̅x : $27.50

Sample Standard deviation: ơ: $6.75

95% Confidence Level

Level of Significance = α = 1-95 = 0.05

 Nursing Paper Help

  1. Degrees of freedom,


df: n-1 = 23-1 = 22 Degrees of freedom

  1. The critical value of t: 1-α/2,

df = 1-0.05/2, 22 = 0.975, 23 = 2.074

  1. The margin of error:


z x ơ/ √n = 1.96 x 6.75/√23 = (1.96 x 6.75√23) / 23 = (13.23 √23)/ 23 = $2.758 = $2.76

  1. The confidence interval for a 95% confidence level:


 ̅x ± z x ơ / √n =


  1. Statistics students at a state college compiled the following two-way table from a sample of randomly selected students at their college:


 Play chess Don’t play chess
Male students 25 162
Female students 19 148


Answer the following questions about the table. Be sure to show any calculations.

  1. How many students in total were surveyed?


25+19+162+148 = 354

  1. How many of the students surveyed play chess? 


25+19 = 44

  1. What question about the population of students at the state college would this table attempt to answer?


The population of male students who play chess (p₁) is equal to the population of female students who play chess (p₂).

  1. State Hºand Hª for the test related to this table.


Hº: p₁=p₂       Hª: p₁≠p₂


  1. Answer the following questions about an ANOVA analysis involving three samples.
  2. In this ANOVA analysis, what are we trying to determine about the three populations they’re taken from?


What we are trying to determine about the three populations that ANOVA is taken from is the difference in means. It’s a way to figure out if the survey or experiment results are significant.

  1. State the null and alternate hypotheses for a three-sample ANOVA analysis.



Ha: At least one of the means is different from the others.

  1. What sample statistics must be known to conduct an ANOVA analysis?


Sample statistics of the sample size, mean and standard deviations of all comparison groups must be known in order to conduct an ANOVA analysis.

  1. In an ANOVA test, what does an F test statistic lower than its critical value tell us about the three populations we’re examining?


When the F test statistic is lower than its critical value this tells us that at least one of the three populations means we are comparing is different. This indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected.


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Action Plan in Counselling

Action Plan in Counselling

If counseling is all talk and no action, it is not effective counseling. The problem is that clients encounter many barriers in carrying out actions they identify in the counseling process.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing action planning and overcoming barriers for client treatment. Please use headings and include the following in your paper:

1.      Discuss the principles for effectively implementing an action plan.

2.      Describe at least five barriers that might interfere with client implementation of the action plans that are created. Include a case example of each barrier.

3.      Outline a counselor intervention that would help to overcome each barrier.

4.      A list of your local community resources for different types of needs.

5.      Outline an aftercare plan that utilized local community resources.

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


Action Plan in Counselling


Mental health is an important health field that is helping a lot of people who in the past struggled in silence. For it to be effective, it is important to understand the specific steps that needs to be taken as well as possible barriers to effective treatment and how to overcome them (Treatment, 2014). The following is an analysis explaining principles of effective action plan implementation, its barriers and ways to address the barriers. It also explores possible resources available to assist the clients and how they can be used for the benefit of the patient.

Action Plan in Counselling

Principles of Effective Action Plan

The first principle for an effective treatment plan is that of clarity in that all the activities that are to be done need to be clearly defined as well the period they will run. The second principle is that of sufficiency. It explains that for an action plan to be effective then all of the objectives that were defined before its implementation are done (Treatment, 2014). The third on is that of resources. For an action plan to be effective there needs to be very specific resources that are available to the person. Principle of resources require that the resources need are well explained as well as how they will be availed. Finally, the action plan needs to meet the principle of flexibility. It explains that for an action plan to be effective, then it needs to be one that can respond effectively to new changes as well as emerging barriers and opportunities.



One of the barriers to be addressed is stigma. A lot of people suffering from mental problems are stigmatized which can make them not want to take advantage of the resources available to address the problems for fear of being stigmatized. For example, people tend to categorize any person receiving any mental health related care as being crazy which can inhibit the willingness from seeking help so as not to be categorized as such. Another barrier is financial (Treatment, 2014). Treatment can be expensive and implementation of action plan will need specific resources that might need to be paid to acquire. Many who do not have the financial capacity to pay for these resources can struggle to effectively address their problem. For example, some action plans might need insurance to be effective and if a person cannot afford a cover, then it will be hard to effectively implement it.

Another barrier is reluctance to face problems. A lot of people that need counselling tend to be unwilling to take the necessary steps for them to get better due to various reasons such as being in denial (Drake & Latimer, 2014). For example, an action plan might need an individual to apologize for something that they did and if unwilling, then it is hard to implement that part of the plan. For those people, it will be hard to get the right assistance because they do not feel like the need it in the first place. Many of them also do not feel like counselling and the steps that need to be taken will be effective and the end up not either seeking help or following up on everything that needs to be done. Other health problems can also be a source of barrier to effective implementation of an action plan. For example, those suffering from health problems such as HIV/AIDS or with chronic diseases that are painful may be unable to be actively involved in all required activities. Finally, there are also many system problems that can also result in barriers. For example, if a person was getting help from Medicaid to implement the action plan and end up taking a better paying job, then they will not be eligible to getting the financial help anymore.

Resources available for Various Needs

There are various resources available to those who need them. For information, some of the online resources include American psychological association, American Psychiatric Association, and Psychology Today websites. For military and Veterans, they can get the help they need from the veteran affairs offices, military pathways offices and the national association on mental illness. For the young people, some resources that are available to them include the US office of adolescent health, Jed foundation, and law lifeline (Sanetti & DiGennaro Reed, 2014). The Mental Health America (MHA) is also a viable option for many and is community based. Among the resources it provides include screening tools and approach to getting help among others.

Action Plan in Counselling

Aftercare Plan

A good after plan provides assistance after the action plan implementation to ensure that a person continue of the upwards trajectory of recovery. A good option to consider is joining a support group. The aftercare plan needs to start with finding a good after care group near and individual and cites such as Mental Health America can help (Drake & Latimer, 2014). One will then need to approach the group which is in most cases made up of people recovering from similar problems. It gives them a chance to share and talk about their experiences as well as offer support to each other. This can help a person feel strengthened and have people to talk to during challenging times.


Mental health is an important issue in America and action plans are central to an effective recovery. They need to have some specific principle to be effective. It is also important to identify barriers that can inhibit successful implementation and devise ways to eliminate them. Finally, one needs to have an effective aftercare plan to assist the person recovering to keep moving forward.


Drake, R. E., & Latimer, E. (2014). Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in North America. World Psychiatry, 11(1), 47-51. doi:10.1016/j.wpsyc.2012.01.007

Sanetti, L. M., & DiGennaro Reed, F. D. (2014). Barriers to Implementing Treatment Integrity Procedures in School Psychology Research. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 37(4), 195-202. doi:10.1177/1534508411432466

Treatment, C. F. (2014). Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment.


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Floating Improvement Program

Floating Improvement Program

In this assignment, you will propose a quality improvement initiative from your place of employment that could easily be implemented if approved. Assume you are presenting this program to the board for approval of funding. Write an executive summary (750-1,000 words) to present to the board, from which the board will make its decision to fund your program or project. Include the following:

  1. The purpose of the quality improvement initiative.
  2. The target population or audience.
  3. The benefits of the quality improvement initiative.
  4. The interprofessional collaboration that would be required to implement the quality improvement initiative.
  5. The cost or budget justification.
  6. The basis upon which the quality improvement initiative will be evaluated.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful

I wanted it to be written over nurses floating to other units and them getting properly trained. I work on a mom/baby unit

nurses get stressed from floating to other units



Floating Improvement Program


Quality health improvement programs are proven ways health organizations can deploy to meet the competitive demands of patient protection frameworks such as Medicare. The need for efficient supply chain processes that improve patient outcomes as well as limiting treatment costs imply strategic alternatives to traditional healthcare delivery. This essay discusses alternative approaches to nurse floating; outlining improvement approaches aimed at benefiting both the nurses, patients and the health organization. Also discussed is the required interprofessional collaboration, budget justification and the basis for evaluation.

Floating Improvement Program

Program’s Purpose and Target Population

Floating of nurses across different units in my health organization has proved a key challenge for most of the nursing staff. Moving these caregivers from their units of specialization to provide services in unfamiliar units presents most health workers with different concerns that range from anxiety and uncertainty to severe challenges such as inability to provide timely and adequate care (Trossman, 2014). This indeed compromises the overall quality of health outcomes thereby necessitating floating interventions that relieve nurses of the pressure as well as providing patients with quality care.

Adopting a Nursing Float Development Program admits that nursing shortages are a reality in most care units and that effectively managing floating allows deprived units the benefit of additional nurses from different units during their time of need (Larson, Sendelbach, Missal, Fliss, & Gaillard, 2012). The knowledge gap seen in nurses working in new environments will be addressed by developing a skills acquisition program that aims at training nurses in common skill sets. This directly boosts the confidence of float nurses away from their professional units (Trossman, 2014). Pediatric and cardiac nurses, for example, will receive training in emergency care resulting in quality emergency outcomes. This approach will be adopted for individual or groups of nursing units on a voluntary basis allowing nurses to train in skill sets of their preferences. This approach assures better nurse participation in floating programs.


Establishing a dedicated pool of floating nurses will also be mandated under the nursing quality improvement program. This initiative will require the health organization to hire additional nursing personnel who will be imbued with the scarce nursing resources within the facility such as cardiac and emergency care skills. Having no home unit implies that this pool of caregivers will be easily programed to meet the day to day care requirements in most of the units. Ensuring that highly qualified and skilled nurses form this pool promises efficient services even in highly technical circumstances.

Developing a comprehensive floating resource plan will equally contribute to the efforts of addressing floating challenges. The resource plan primarily equips the float nurse with the unit’s information including team contact addresses, documentation protocols, safety procedures, and shift routines (Larson et al., 2012). Adequate training in some of these standard procedures ensures that floating nurses integrate positively with the unit nurses for improved health delivery and patient satisfaction.

Program Benefits and Interprofessional Collaboration

A major influence of the program is to relieve nurses of the tension and uncertainty they face whenever they encounter circumstances that significantly differ from their accustomed work stations (Trossman, 2014). This effort acknowledges that employee satisfaction is a major contributor to positive health outcomes. The Nursing Float Development Program achieves these aims by ensuring float nurses are well adapted to different units to help address the chronic challenge of nursing shortages. Reducing the stress and anxiety faced by float nurses by implementing and developing various resources that direct nurses in new environments ensures that float nurses are more confident of their skills and the resources at their disposal. This is a clear way of boosting their efficiency and responsiveness in unfamiliar units (Trossman, 2014).

Developing nursing competencies by addressing their knowledge gaps in different skill sets enhances their relevance in the healthcare setting. Being able to adequately provide services in more than a single specialist unit increases the demand of the individual nurse opening them up for better opportunities in their practice. Another significant benefit of the improvement program that contributes to a vibrant workforce is the program’s capacity to limit involuntary floating which acts as a key source of nurse’s dissatisfaction (Larson et al., 2012). Investing in a dedicated floating pool implies that floating needs are handled with a predetermined regularity which eliminates the uncertainty faced by both armature and experienced nurses.

Nursing Paper Help

All efforts towards improving the nursing experience during floating are a major contributor of lower turnovers since this lessens the burden faced by the nurses as well as creating enabling environments that ensure patients obtain the highest quality care (Trossman, 2014). Effectively covering the patient needs is a quality outcome that the improvement program is determined to achieve.

Interproffesional collaboration on the other hand admits that the nursing environment is a sophisticated area and that collaboration from other health professionals is pivotal for a sustainable healthcare system. Effective development and implementation of the floating program will involve the contribution of practically all nursing units within my care facility. Nursing teachers also play an essential role in the training of float nurses. Ensuring that float nurses are well versed in different skill sets required in the hospital’s health units signifies the role of interprofessional collaboration. Physicians working throughout the organization should also be aware of the presence of float nurses in their work stations and provide the adequate support needed for smooth operations. Technicians in all units also provide essential collaborative support by equipping float nurses with the technical knowhow required to operate equipment of different orientations.

Budget Justification and Evaluation Metrics

             A significant amount of the program budget will go towards the training of nurses in the organization and developing a float pool. Training programs will involve each nurse picking at least one unit which they would be confortable to serve as a float. The training aims to equip about 220 nurses, in the process incurring about $950,000. This amount will cater for all training needs including the allowances for the nurses. Another $1,200,000 will be utilized to establish a dedicated float pool of highly skilled nurses. 40 specialist nurses are to be hired to serve in this capacity.

Predominant evaluation parameters will include patient satisfaction scores, turnover rates, and the costs of care. Patient satisfaction is a key determinant of the program’s success enabling the organization to see its impact on patient welfare. A reduction in nurse turnover rates will demonstrate the impact of the program in improving the working conditions of the float nurses. The costs of administering basic healthcare should also be minimized through increased efficiency of service delivery. This makes the cost of healthcare after the program an important evaluation parameter.


The shortage of nurses in healthcare provision presents health organizations with a unique challenge. Floating is one strategy that institutions can adopt with increased chances to better patient outcomes and minimize instances of nurse turnovers. The Nursing Float Development Program aims to equip nurses with essential skills in several health units to increase their effectiveness in new care environments. Establishing a float pool of specialized nurses is an initiative that seeks to mitigate the consistent shortage of nurses throughout the different units of care in my health organization.


Larson, N., Sendelbach, S., Missal, B., Fliss, J., & Gaillard P. (2012). Staffing patterns of scheduled unit staff nurses vs. float pool nurses: A pilot study. Medsurg Nurs, 21(1), 27-39.

Trossman, S. (2014). On less familiar ground: Strategies aim to reduce random floating, improve the experience. Am Nurse, 46(1), 7. Retrieved from




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Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

2 peer responses to Group A and Group E. They are posted below.

 Peer responses By Day 7

Individually respond to at least two other teams in one or more of the following ways:

  • Provide recommendations for another team’s content.
  • Offer insights on how your team’s content supports another team’s content.

Group E, Week 3 Discussion

In the scenario presented regarding Millersville Regional Medical Center with a strategic plan requiring an evaluation, there are certain factors and components that need to be considered (Ginter, Duncan & Swayne, 2018). In the process of, the center needs to apply strategic controls, which are some of the factors to consider when looking at the center’s ability to optimize its strengths and opportunities. Premise control is used in order to help measure and determine outside environmental factors and this strategy can potentially be used in order to help the health care organization when it comes to determining influx of immigrants in the surrounding area (Clear Point Strategy, n.d.).  For example, the center’s ability to recruit more physicians and also retain the current workforce in the face of competition and better alternatives such as better pay and amenities for its workforce from its competitors.

Also, implementation control could possibly be used in order to help create and track an overall plan that can be used in order to help decrease wait times, increase funds, as well as increase the number of health care professionals.  It is because, at the implementation of the strategic plan, the center needs to ensure that in the event of unforeseen circumstances like the influx of patients, the strategic plan will not need any adjustments. These adjustments, in most cases, are costly, time-consuming, and may trigger loss of clients to competitors.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

The third strategic control the organization should utilize is the special alert control. “A special alert control is the need to thoroughly, and often rapidly, reconsider the firm’s basis strategy based on a sudden, unexpected event” (Strategic Control, 2018). This strategic control would benefit the organization because the organization has seen an unexpected spike in the number of patients that visits the hospital.

It is vital for every strategic plan, even at its time of evaluation to put in place some monitoring tools. In this case of Millersville Regional Center, a monitoring tool such as the Gantt Chart, which is a bar chart used to monitor and show a project plan and its advancement or progress over time, is crucial in its strategy. It is because, in the moment of monitoring progress, the center would have set appropriate measures to prevent the depletion of its charitable care budget early in the year. The use of a balanced scorecard is essential because of its purpose in tracking and isolating four separate areas, also known as legs. These legs include learning and growing, business processes, customers, and finance (Cebeci, 2018). In the scenario, the strategic plan needs this tool to evaluate the center’s ability and capacity to handle some issues. These issues include the increase of patients, better pay, and amenities for its workforce through available resources. It will give the center an idea of where immediate or critical improvements are required or the need for additional resources. A dashboard would also help the center to focus on its mission and ensure that its strategy is effective.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

Two tactical objectives the organization can use to address its operations requirements are to reach out to the nearest universities to create connections with nursing and healthcare students so that they may find interest in becoming employed at the facility when they graduate. By networking, the hospital can establish connections while also making students aware of the overall benefit of using their talents in rural communities. Another tactical objective the hospital should consider is involving staff members with their input on creative and innovative ways to improve the quality care and rewarding the employees for their involvement. Regardless of job title, all staff members may have ideas that could benefit the organization. Including staff also shows them that the organization cares about them and their ideas regarding the company.


Klipfolio. 2001. What is a data dashboard? Retrieved from

Strategic Control. 2018. Strategic Management: Formulation and Implementation. Retrieved from

S. Epstein. September 2013. Using the Internet in Your Job Search. Retrieved from

Clear Point Strategy. (n.d). Strategic control: Breaking down the process and techniques.Retrieved from

Cebeci, U. (2018). Building hospital balanced scorecard by using decision support approach. IIOAB JOURNAL, 9(6), 42-47.

Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.


Group A Week 3 Discussion


The board of directors of Elite Healthcare formulated and implemented a strategic plan to address the city’s rapidly growing population (11% increase per month), which is demanding greater access to quality, innovative patient care. However, they failed to evaluate the implementation of the plan, and over time, many employees became overworked because of the increased demand for services, which has led to a higher percentage of work-related employee and patient injuries. The current work environment has adversely impacted employee morale and the organization’s ability to recruit new talent. Moreover, patients have started seeking care across town even though it is a much longer commute

Strategic controls, monitoring tools, and tactical objectives might be used to address date and tracking via medical records.  As an organization using tolls to monitor data from medical claims, pharmacy claims, and electronic medical records can impact millions of lives. Strategically leveraging this data to hone and train predictive models for population health management, fostering innovation and research across health care will also be impactful.  Although the size of the data assets would be impressive, it’s the enrichment and curation that makes most valuable to the health care industry. Also, there will be fewer negative consequences with expressed objectives and goals. Organizations are built with the goal of profitability through processes in mind. The organizational control approach incorporates goals and the strategy used to reach them.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

As far as tactical objectives to leverage operational requirements the organization should revamp the scheduling process on the front line. Offer and request should be taken into consideration in scheduling surgeries and other non-life-threatening processes. Patients should be planned for such processes on days when owing to a busy night in the ED, the hospital is less likely to have a spike in patient volume. Consider alternative care delivery techniques. The organization can attempt to treat patients in different ways to alleviate the burden of heavy wait times. For patients with less severe problems with ED, telemedicine may be one option. The organization can also partner directly with neighboring emergency medical centers and other healthcare institutions to provide patients with an option for ED to reduce their waiting time. Incorporate the preferences of patients. Patients, not providers, should be the focus of scheduling. The organization must, therefore, reach out to find out what types of modifications would best suit the requirements of patients. Some clinics have provided patients with access to schemes where they can create their own ED appointments for less critical problems –or offer patients an estimated time to wait over the phone before arrival so they can make the appropriate arrangements. (White, 2015) These solutions should help with accommodating the imbalance of supply and demand that the organization is facing.

Monitoring tools used are data-driven tools, Epic, and good old fashion workgroups and meetings. We have weekly meetings with our vendor to ensure that the project is up to speed and this issue is being worked through. Monitoring this is no easy task but through communication and a strong project plan, we get it done. We rely on the data from the groups and their feedback to drive our conversations and push us.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

In addition, we will use a balanced scorecard to align the daily work of all employees with the strategic plan aimed at increasing access to quality care and measure progress towards our strategic target (Walston, 2018). Taking the organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses into account, our objective of delivering quality care will lead us to the tactical goal of matching a reasonable patient-provider ratio that will prevent employee burnout. The balanced the scorecard will, at all times, help keep the patient-provider ratio proportionate to that determined in the strategic plan; a ratio that will prevent excessive workloads and employee burnouts.

One tactic used is meeting the NCQA standards for the health risk assessment to ensure that our organization meets the guidelines and requirements for reimbursements and the standards of care.  This is a necessary objective for all parties involved.

Another objective is weekly meetings to ensure that no other issues will arise and the project is on track. To me, nothing beats good old-fashioned meetings and face-to-face conversation. Meeting weekly increases the amount of communication and ensures that the project will get done. To me, this is very necessary and one of the strongest tasks. We go over project plans, updates, questions, concerns, and the timeline. We all count on this meeting to get our product done. Behrouzi, Shaharoun, and Ma’aram note this in their piece as a useful measure (Behrouzi, F., Shaharoun, A. M., & Ma’aram, A., 2014).

Diving deeper, an example within the workplace comes from work in an ICU as a respiratory therapist. One employee noticed that the balloon cuff on are vented patients was deflating between shifts causing patients not to get the exact volume they need to keep their lungs open while they were on the ventilator. Of course, this drives the nurses crazy when the ventilator is alarming. So the employees came up with a plan to do cuff checks at the beginning and end of our shifts.  Employees would check all patients that were vented at the end of the month as our milestone review and notice deflation was down. This allows vented patients to get the volume they needed to get their lungs healthier until they come off the ventilator.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan

Stepping further, with monitoring tools, these employees used a data dashboard tool to analyze the data from doing the cuff checks. They could track the average time when deflation started, average pressure that stayed in the cuff and us used that data to help to keep accurate pressure in the cuffs for our vented patients.


Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration.

Chapter 15, “Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Strategy” (pp. 339-353)

Behrouzi, F., Shaharoun, A. M., & Ma’aram, A. (2014). Applications of the balanced scorecard for strategic management and performance measurement in the health sector. Australian Health Review, 38(2), 208–217.

Jakob Lauring, Jan Selmer and Annamaria Kubovcikova, Personality in context: effective traits for expatriate managers at different levels, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 10.1080/09585192.2017.1381137, 30, 6, (1010-1035), (2017)

White, J. (July 6, 2015). 4 keys to reducing patient wait times. 


Group E, Week 3 Discussion

Having a strategic plan for a healthcare institution has become very imperative with the changing healthcare needs. Therefore, it is important for every healthcare institution to have its strategic plan for the future to ensure its success. A strategic plan helps the organization plan for the unknown. This is important to ensure that the healthcare organization can be able to deal with whatever may come along the way that was not expected. One of the most important consideration that needs to be done and planned for is financial requirements for running the organization. An organization should have objectives as well as goals that have been set to be achieved. In order to measure the implementation and success of the set goals, it is important to have a strategic plan. As you have mentioned, it is important for the healthcare organization to have a dashboard that would measure its performance overtime. The dashboard will help in evaluating which areas that may require improvement and which areas that needs to be maintained at the same level. Having a dashboard and a reward system within the healthcare organization can help in improving the efficiency of the organization.


Strategic Planning in Hospitals. Retrieved from



Group A Week 3 Discussion

Strategic management is an important management practice in healthcare institutions. Nowadays, in order to achieve improved quality of health services, it is important to set a plan for the future by establishing sustainable processes through a strategic plan. A strategic plan outlines how an organization aims to progress from the current situation to the desire future situation. For the current case, it was important for the board of directors to have done a thorough strategic plan that could have helped them avoid the problems they are currently facing. This would have saved resources as well as costs that can be used to expand the facility. Due to the current situation, the quality of healthcare has been affected leading to patients seeking healthcare services elsewhere. It is important to look at the broad picture while making a strategic plan. This can help in identifying all the elements that can affect positively or negatively a healthcare organization in the future. Hospital performance evaluation is very important in order to determine the performance over time. This in turn would help in the development of a strategic plan.

Week 3 Discussion_Strategic Plan


Sadeghifar, J., Jafari, M., Tofighi, S., Ravaghi, H and Maleki M. (2015). Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Processes in Hospital Systems: A Survey from Iran. Glob J Health Sci, 7(2): 56–65.


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