
Group Therapy Documentation

Group Therapy Documentation

Students will:

  • Develop effective documentation skills for group therapy sessions *
  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving group psychotherapy *
  • Evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for groups *
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders *

* The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 10.

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session.

Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the group session.
  • Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.



Group Therapy Documentation


Documentation of sessions in psychotherapy is considered an essential aspect for practitioners. The act enables psychotherapists to have a strong foundation for their clinical decisions. Moreover, documents act as a source of reference. Therefore, they may have legal and ethical implications (Amico et al., 2019). The paper develops documentation of a group therapy session, explains viability of a therapy, and depicts legal and ethical consequences regarding the clients.

Group Session Documentation

Jake reveals that he has fear and nightmares based on his experience in Iraq. He shows that he feels regretful for not keeping his friend’s last request of letting him to kill him. He also shows that many veterans are suffering, with a high rate of suicidal incidences. Bill also reveals that he is facing fear due to their bombing experience. In his words, none was supposed to see the images that occurred during the bombing period. He also suffers from hallucinations as he hears mortar rounds and tries to reach for his helmet and weapons. His narration shows that he has not adjusted well to civilian life (Fulton, 2016).


Jake and Bill show that their fear has led to other social problems. For instance, they both drink heavily to forget about the images. In addition, they have problems interacting with other people. Jake shows that he has gotten into fights with his wife after the Iraq incident. The clients reveal that they want to have a normal life. Jake shows that he is expecting a baby. Therefore, his situation is making it difficult to make suitable goals with his family. Bill shows that he is having problems in making decisions concerning his feeding habits (Fulton, 2016).

Clients’ Description

Both Jake and Bill are marine veterans who experienced a similar traumatizing incident in Iraq. They are ex-marine soldiers. Jake is married and has an expectant wife. Bill’s family life is unknown. There is no previous medical record indicating that the clients have had fear issues in their lives before (Kalisch et al., 2017).

Clients’ Diagnosis

The subjective information shows that Jake has fear-related issues. He also feels anxious at times.  It is evident that his major fear emanates from the bombing incident in Iraq. This shows that the incident may have traumatized his psychology. Therefore, Jake is diagnosed of post-traumatic stress disorder (PSD). Bill is also diagnosed of PSD. This issue is revealed in his revelation of nightmares related to the Iraq incident. He also has some severe anxiety and difficulty in speaking about the incident. These features are associated with the disorder (Kalisch et al., 2017).

Effective Therapeutic Approach

Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for the situation. While assessing the scenario, it can be seen that the clients seem to very emotional when they recollect the incident. Cognitive therapy is essential in improving their emotional processing. Since the clients also engage in addictive behaviors, the approach is suitable in shaping their behavior to enhance better outcomes. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also important in developing self-efficacy for the clients. This will make them believe that they can overcome their anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder with strength (Patterson, 2014).

Nursing Paper Help

Legal and Ethical Implications

The practitioner needs to ensure that the clients have enough information regarding the session and techniques used in managing their problems. Any underlying   health issues that emanate from the analysis need to be reported to the relevant therapists. The practitioner is also obliged to offer quality treatment for clients. Therefore, he or she needs to maintain professionalism to maintain the audience. The practitioner is also mandated to report the clients’ problem in case they show signs of threatening others (Fulton, 2016).



Amico, K. R., Miller, J., Balthazar, C., Serrano, P. A., Brothers, J., Zollweg, S., & Hosek,

  1. (2019). Integrated next step counseling (iNSC) for sexual health and PrEP use among young men who have sex with men: Implementation and observations from ATN110/113. AIDS and Behavior23(7), 1812-1823.

Fulton, C. L. (2016). Mindfulness, self-compassion, and counselor characteristics and

session variables. Journal of Mental Health Counseling38(4), 360-374.

Kalisch, R., Baker, D. G., Basten, U., Boks, M. P., Bonanno, G. A., Brummelman, E., … &

Geuze, E. (2017). The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(11), 784-790.

Patterson, T. (2014). A cognitive behavioral systems approach to family therapy. Journal of

            Family Psychotherapy, 25(2), 132–144. doi:10.1080/08975353.2014.910023.


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Management of Tuberculosis

Management of Tuberculosis

Wilson is a 36-year-old migrant worker. He was admitted to the Hospital with a cough, unintended weight loss, and night sweats. He is staying with 6 friends in a one bedroom apartment near the strawberry field where he works. The ED physician suspects Tuberculosis (TB).

  • What diagnostic testing will the Provider order to confirm a diagnosis of TB?
  • What Isolation precautions do you expect to be put in place and why?
  • Describe the recommended treatment regimen for TB, including the rationale for combination drug therapy.
  • Identify the reason compliance to medication therapy is often a concern in the patient with TB.
  • What should be done for Wilson’s 6 roommates?



Management of Tuberculosis

            Clinical presentation for Wilson reveals that he may have tuberculosis. His symptoms include unintended weight loss, night sweats, and coughs. However, to get a clear diagnosis of tuberculosis, the practitioner needs to perform a Mantoux tuberculin skin test. It involves the injection of a fluid into the skin of a person’s lower arm. Alternatively, the practitioner can take samples of the patient’s sputum to confirm tuberculosis infection (Lange et al., 2018). The practitioner needs to provide airborne isolation precautions. This is because the germs causing tuberculosis are usually spread via air. Since the client is staying with 6 friends, he needs to be given a special room to minimize spread of tuberculosis bacteria (Rangaka et al., 2015).

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The recommended regimen for tuberculosis involves four drugs. For intitial treatment, a patient is given rifampin, pyazinamide, isoniad, and either streptomycin or ethambutol. Ethambutol or streptomycin may be discontinued when the person is viewed to be fully susceptible. The use of combination therapy is considered essential as it helps in killing a high number of TB-causing bacteria in the body. The combination is also determined by whether the person has an active or latent form of the disease and whether the person is infected by human immunodeficiency virus (Lange et al., 2018).


Compliance to tuberculosis treatment is a big concern for patients because the bacteria associated with the disease is very strong. Poor adherence to treatment may make people to be infectious for a longer period. They are also more likely to relapse or die. Moreover, taking drugs according to the prescriptions is viewed to control drug-resistant form of tuberculosis.  In the scenario, Wilson’s roommates also need to undergo diagnosis to verify if they have tuberculosis or not. If they do not have the disease, Wilson needs to be isolated from them in order to minimize chances of being infected (Rangaka et al., 2015).



Lange, C., Chesov, D., Heyckendorf, J., Leung, C. C., Udwadia, Z., & Dheda, K. (2018).

Drug‐resistant tuberculosis: An update on disease burden, diagnosis and treatment. Respirology, 23(7), 656-673.

Rangaka, M. X., Cavalcante, S. C., Marais, B. J., Thim, S., Martinson, N. A., Swaminathan, S.,

& Chaisson, R. E. (2015). Controlling the seedbeds of tuberculosis: diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis infection. The Lancet, 386(10010), 2344-2353.





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Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Proposal-Assessment 1 Detailed Instructions are uploaded along with a detailed example and template. PLEASE follow every single detailed instruction and bullet point accordingly and please make sure that you review the scoring guide/competencies prior to returning to me. Also please make sure that ALL editing is thorough! Thank You!


Economic Decision Making in Health Care


Assessment 1

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity



Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for improved care quality.

Master’s-level health care practitioners are charged with the responsibility of constantly scanning the external environment for shifts in supply of and demand for services. Concurrently, leaders must examine strategic fit with their organization’s directional strategy and determine if adjustments need to be made for current service offerings, updates in equipment, changes in staffing models, and a variety of other decisions. Each decision that is proposed must be evaluated in terms of the health care setting as a system, alignment with the mission and strategy, available internal resources, potential contract and payer source implications, and the short- and long-term economic effects at both the micro and macro levels.


Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
    • Analyze the supply and demand for a proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to a care setting.
  • Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
    • Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for a care setting at both the micro and macro levels, and that will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.
  • Competency 3: Justify the qualitative and quantitative information used to guide economic decision making to stakeholders and colleagues.
    • Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support a proposal and analysis.
  • Competency 5: Apply various communication methods in order to clearly, effectively, and efficiently relate information to stakeholders and colleagues related to economic data, findings, and strategies.
    • Communicate an economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    • Effectively support a proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.


Assessment Instructions:

In this assessment, you will propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for improved care quality.


As an emerging health care leader, the senior management has requested that you independently research and explore one of the economic opportunities that may be available in your care setting. This may be offering a new service line, working to improve a service line already offered, retiring an outdated or unprofitable service line, or any other economic initiative that you believe will be of benefit to your care setting in the short and long term. One example of this is a recently launched partnership with a local bicycle sharing company. Your care setting partners with them to host healthy community events that offer free screenings for early detection of various health issues. This helps fulfill some of your care setting’s preventive and healthy lifestyle initiatives, while also potentially driving referrals to other services provided by your care setting. You have been asked to submit your proposal in the form of a 2–4-page executive summary that includes your proposed economic initiative, supporting economic data, and an analysis of the proposal’s benefits for your department and for the care setting overall.


You have been asked to ensure that your report addresses the following. Note: The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each of the bullets below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity document, linked in the Resources, to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion:

  • Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for your care setting at both the micro (departmental, neighborhood) and macro (organizational, community) levels that you believe will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.
  • Analyze the supply and demand for your proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to your care setting.
  • Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support your proposal and analysis.
  • Communicate your economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Effectively support your proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 2–4 double-spaced, typed pages. Your proposal should be succinct yet substantive.
  • APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
  • Resources: Cite 3–5 authoritative and scholarly resources. Be sure to include specific economic data and support as part of your cited resources.


Questions to Consider:

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • What factors determine the price and quantity of health care? What factors determine the demand for health care services?
  • What suggestions do you have for improving the economic situation of your current health care setting? How might strategies or priorities need to shift to keep up with the changing health care economic environment?
  • How do the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations impact documentation, billing, and reimbursement?



Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The reduced concerns about sterilization and disinfection processes in healthcare setting has led to increased nosocomial infections. Usually, the contagions occur after a victim has been admitted to hospital or a few hours after discharge, and about a month in case of an operation.  The increased reported cases of nosocomial infections ascertain the high cases of morbidity and mortality as well as financial strain on both patients and hospitals (Revelas, 2012). Thus, there is an urgent need for system change that will ensure that safety of patients in regards to the expected outcomes while under care of medical practitioners is improved. A regulatory approach to nursing practices within healthcare facilities can help in reducing or eliminating risks that patients are susceptible. Succinctly defined and formulated supervisory measures that can guarantee competent undertakings in intensive and special care units to minimize prevalence of nosocomial diseases (Hartmann, Arefian, Vogel, & Kwetkat, 2009). This article outlines a brief account of supervisory approach as an economic way of system change that can help to improve patient outcome by mitigating the challenges of healthcare-acquired infections.

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The prevalence of nosocomial infections affects one out of ten patients that visit a healthcare facility (Stone, 2011). This signifies a lack of a sustainable culture that guarantees competence and adequate care when handling sensitive aspects such as those touching on life. Nosocomial diseases and infections affect both adults and children. Both genders have an equal chance of being infected.  Pediatric patients are also prone to these infections.  Children are mostly susceptible to bloodstream infections (Reveals, 2012). The reason for vulnerability is that children body system is not highly developed to fight contagions without external boost to immune system. Pneumonia and urinary tract infections are prevalent among adults. Methods and medical procedures used in the treatment of adult urinary complications require special attention and hygiene. Pediatric patients such as infants and youngsters in PICU or NICU are also vulnerable to healthcare-acquired infections. It is estimated that about two million individuals in a year are affected by nosocomial diseases in United States (Scott, 2008). Over 90,000 of those infected ends up dying because of extremity of complications.  The annual increase rate of infection in U.S. is about 33% (Scott, 2008).


The financial implications of diseases on the healthcare sector is worth noting. About $28 billion to $40 billion direct costs are recorded in hospitals every year (Scott, 2008). Most healthcare facilities are affected by nosocomial hospital infections that lower quality of patient outcomes as well as compromising the patient’s safety.  Treatment burdens associated with these diseases are costly. Therefore, there is need for an urgent change that will ensure that shortcomings are mitigated through nursing supervision mechanisms. It is estimated that 70% of bacteria that cause infections have mutated to resistant levels (Hartmann et al., 2009).  The increased expense for managing medical facilities and the high cost of healthcare services require a systematic change that is economical but also effective.

It is essential to note that healthcare-acquired infections emanate from lack or inadequate supportive culture within a hospital setup that is also encouraged by some other factors.  Diseases affect the nature of patients’ outcomes by affecting their quality of care while under medication.  Hospitals usually house many patients whose conditions are already stale (Nursing Times, 2010).  The numbers of patients who occasionally visit health centers seek medical attention because of their diverse ailments.  High number of patients leads to congestion in hospitals that leads to straining the available resources. Each sick person requires individual focus, and there exist chances of negligence from health practitioners because of mounting pressure due to high number of patients.  The nurse to patient ration is a critical problem in healthcare institutions. Currently, the U.S. is facing nurse shortage and the problem seems to be increasing. Burnout experiences among healthcare professionals can hinder their competence and lead to medical errors (Nursing Times, 2010).  Many procedures can be undertaken when conducting diagnosis and treatment tasks. Some processes are beyond standard body protection mechanisms (Schumacher et al., 2013). When doctors move from one individual to another, chances of pathogenic transmission are high if inadequate sterilization and disinfection methods are used during the treatment process. One can argue that nursing specialization could assist in reducing patient to patient transmission. However, it is worth noting that nurses are bound to esteem life and their actions are derived from the need to save as many lives as possible with their acquired skills and competence.

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The prevalence of risky conditions that can lead to infections in hospitals can be controlled by setting up supervisory standards and quality measures that will encourage patients’ safety. Setting up strategies that will ensure that medical processes are supervised will guarantee safety if amalgamated with adequate facilities such as modern equipment and adequate human resources (Schumacher, Allignol, Beyersmann, Binder, & Wolkewitz, 2013).  The notion of supervision has not been fully incorporated into medical practice owing to costs and complexity of the processes. However, the involvement of health administrators and managers in nursing activities processes is associated with improved patient safety. Worth noting is that sectors of economy such as corporate industry have realized how supervision is attached to potential of profit margin increase. In nursing, there are no precise mechanisms for engagement and sharing of challenges practitioners face in working environment. Therefore, high chances of cumulative burnouts and incompetence that could compromise in-hospital quality of patient outcomes and safety exist (Nursing Times, 2010). Such forums can assist in providing space and time to consider avenues for improving quality of service and safety while taking care of patients to reduce rates of nosocomial infections. Supervisory processes meant to eradicate hospital-acquired diseases require a procedural process. Appropriate supervisory system change is, therefore, essential to assist in reducing the risk that patients are exposed to from nursing activities and lower levels of nurse-sensitive consequences among the patients (Stone, 2011).  The quality of healthcare provided in hospitals an important issue not only to the patients but also to the health physicians as demonstrated in their oath of service to protect life. Supplementary strategies stemming from external environment can improve commitment and competence of nurses and eliminate nosocomial contagions.

In summary, it is indispensable to recognize how healthcare-acquired infections originate from ordinary culture within a healthcare facility setup that is fortified by many factors.  Infections affect nature of patients’ outcomes by distressing eminence of care they are permitted to receive within the hospital premises. The method is a necessary progressive tool that is engrossed on conveyance of quality nursing care to alleviate pervasiveness of nosocomial contagions. For hospital management to control effects originating from homeopathic activities carried out by nurses and clinicians, it is essential for administrators to deliberate on supervision models that will assist in mitigating any shortcoming. Thus, there is an urgent need for system change that will ensure that safety of patients with regards to the expected outcomes while under care of medical practitioners is improved.



Hartmann, M., Arefian, H., Vogel, M., & Kwetkat, A. (2009). An economic evaluation of

interventions for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections: A systematic review. PLoS One, 11(1): e0146381. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146381.

Nursing Times. (2009). An integrated approach to introducing and maintaining supervision:

4S model. Retrieved from–4s-model/5000899.article

Nursing Times. (2010). Clinical supervision using 4S model 1: Considering the structure and

setting it up. Retrieved from http://www.nusingtimes,net/clinical-supervision-using–4s-model-1-condiering–structure-and-setting-it-up/5013987.fullarticle

Reveals, A. (2012). Healthcare-associated infections: a public health problem. Niger Med J.

53(2):59-64. doi: 10.4103/0300-1652.103543.

Schumacher, M., Allignol, A., Beyersmann, J., Binder, N., &Wolkewitz, M. (2013). Hospital-

acquired infections: Appropriate statistical treatment is urgently needed.  International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(5), 1502 – 1508. doi: 10/1093/ije/dyt111

Scott, R. D. (2008). Direct medical costs of healthcare-associated infections in US hospitals

and the benefits of prevention. CDC. Retrieved from

Stone, P. W. (2011). Economic Burden of healthcare-associated infections: An American

Perspective. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 9(5): 417–422.

doi: 10.1586/erp.09.53







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Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Please research medical technological advances that may be unique to the care of women and children. Discuss how this technology will improve care Electronic Fetal Monitoringto women and children. (ideas may be: genetic screening, public health initiatives, mammography, cervical screening, Fetal monitoring, Electronic medical records, telemedicine).

Which technological advances have been utilized in your local hospital? How has it impacted the care of women and children?Will need at least 2 in text citation and 2 references.



Fetal Monitoring

Various technological advances have been introduced in improving the quality of health that women and children receive. One such significant technology is the use of Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM), which has proven to be a useful tool in health provision. Fetal monitoring technology is used to asses if a child is able to receive oxygen during labor. The goal of EFM is the prevention of metabolic academia, which develops due to oxygen deprivation. According to Stout and Cahill (2011), inadequacy in oxygen supply may result due to various factors such as a decrease in placental perfusion during urine contraction, and umbilical cord compressions.


One way of determining a baby’s condition before birth is through their heartbeat. Through EFM, the health provider is able to trace the baby’s heart rate as well as the pregnancy contractions and how they might affect the fetus (Chen et al., 2011). In high-risk pregnancies, the technology is used in reducing incidents of neonatal seizures. According to the research conducted by Stout and Cahill (2011) on the effectiveness of EFM, one neonatal seizure is prevented for every 660 women who receive monitoring during labor. It also assists in identifying possible complications that may need further examination or referral. Further through EFM, it is possible to identify abnormal fetal heart rate pattern earlier and take necessary steps in improving any condition discovered.

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In my local hospital, one technology that has been introduced to improve care for women and children is the use of E-clinic telemedicine service. Through this, patients are able to be access diagnosis and treatment through the internet hence reducing regular hospital visits for conditions that can be treated form home. Diagnosis is also made faster thus reducing the time period and processes used in securing hospital appointments.




Chen, H. Y., Chauhan, S. P., Ananth, C. V., Vintzileos, A. M., & Abuhamad, A. Z. (2011).

Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring and its relationship to neonatal and infant mortality in the United States. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 204(6), 491-e1.

Stout, M. J., & Cahill, A. G. (2011). Electronic fetal monitoring: past, present, and future. Clinics

in perinatology, 38(1), 127-142.

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Strengths and Barriers to Health Behavior Change

Strengths and Barriers to Health Behavior Change

1. A three-page (750-word) paper that summarizes the identified assessment data and the positive strengths and identified barriers for that data


a. Select a volunteer.


Select a volunteer from your friends. Identify the client by initials and age.


b. Identify the client’s desired behavior change.


Assess and describe the characteristics of the life span stage, including physical and psychosocial attributes identified in the selected client that support the desired behavior change.


c. Write a paper that analyzes the client’s data.


In your paper, respond to the following prompts:

· Identify the strengths of the client that will contribute to a successful health behavior change. Describe these characteristics of the client and the social support system.

· Identify and explore the barriers of the client that will impact successful achievement of the desired behavior change. Describe the underlying cause of the barriers.

· Describe methods to overcome the barriers in achieving the desired outcome.



Strengths and Barriers to Health Behavior Change


Behavior refers to the way individuals conduct themselves or towards something. In healthcare, behavior is considered a major factor that determines one’s health. Research shows that individuals who engage in positive health behaviors tend to be healthy. Therefore, it is essential for a person to engage in positive health behavior change (Samdal et al., 2017). The paper analyzes the strengths and barriers associated with a volunteer. It also describes ways of overcoming barrier to achieve positive health outcomes. The volunteer’s name is, BN, and he is 20 years old. He needs to develop a positive change of behavior in order to control diabetes type 2.

BN’s Strengths

BN has a strong willpower. This feature makes him to be more determined in anything he engages in. Therefore, he can initiate behavioral change and practice his new ways for a long time. In addition, BN has a positive perception towards life. This character is prone to make him aware of his positive needs. It is also suitable in helping him understand positive behaviors that other people engage in and be able to emulate them without a problem (Samdal et al., 2017).

BN is also observed to have suitable abilities for positive change. For instance, he has suitable strength and coordination for enhancing physical activities. Therefore, he is able to improve on his exercises to improve his health. Moreover, he has a high intellectual ability. This feature is prone to make him to analyze his current behavior and make appropriate changes that can enhance a healthy lifestyle. It also can help him to evaluate different educational methods to enhance behavior change (Vandelanotte et al., 2016).


Moreover, BN has positive emotions towards behavior change. He feels proud of developing a healthy lifestyle as it can help him pursue sports to a higher level. This factor can enable him to participate in behavior change without fear, thereby leading to positive outcomes.  The issue may also elevate his consistency in behavior change. From another perspective, gender favors him. It is depicted that males have a stronger will to change than females. Therefore, BN has a higher chance of making positive decisions that suit his health needs (De Leeuw et al., 2015).

BN’s Barriers

One of the barriers to BN’s behavioral change is his family. He reveals that his family members do not focus on a healthy lifestyle. His efforts to change his dietary habits are usually affected by his family members who view that it is a waste of time. Moreover, BN has some anxiety issues. He fears that if he does not achieve his goals, his preparations would be a waste of time. This feature makes it difficult for him to start making behavioral change plans (Vandelanotte et al., 2016).

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Environmental constraints are also seen to affect the individual. For instance, there are no suitable fields where he can engage in exercises. Also coming from a poor background, it is difficult for BN to engage in a suitable dietary change. In addition, the nature of the disease may make it difficult for BN to achieve a desired outcome. Diabetes type 2 is viewed to be chronic to patients. While change of behavior is desirable, it may not be effective in eliminating the insulin resistance that is experienced by the body. Therefore, behavioral change needs to be accompanied by other measures (Vandelanotte et al., 2016).


Overcoming the Barriers

Motivating BN is a suitable way in which he can overcome his barriers. This approach would make it easier for him to see the benefits of changing his health behaviors. BN can be motivated by showing him cases of people who have overcome similar behavioral barriers to health change. Moreover, the individual may be taught to develop and focus on his values rather than those of people around him. This method will make it easier for him to overcome challenges emanating from his family’s values towards health. To achieve this, a suitable theoretical framework such as Self-efficacy theory may be applied (De Leeuw et al., 2015).

Strengths and Barriers to Health Behavior Change

Provision of resources may enable BN to overcome his financial constraints. Therefore, he will be able to have a stronger control over his behaviors as long as he aligns his change with the resources. In addition, relapse prevention is considered a suitable measure to control high-risk scenarios. This technique is important in enabling BN to cope up with insulin resistance during chronic conditions. Lastly, exposure to people with similar condition will enable BN to reduce his anxiety towards achieving his target. Instead, he will be in a better position to develop rational behavior plans to facilitate his health behavior change (De Leeuw et al., 2015).



De Leeuw, A., Valois, P., Ajzen, I., & Schmidt, P. (2015). Using the theory of planned behavior

to identify key beliefs underlying pro-environmental behavior in high-school students: Implications for educational interventions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 128-138.

Samdal, G. B., Eide, G. E., Barth, T., Williams, G., & Meland, E. (2017). Effective behaviour

change techniques for physical activity and healthy eating in overweight and obese adults; systematic review and meta-regression analyses. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), 42.

Vandelanotte, C., Müller, A. M., Short, C. E., Hingle, M., Nathan, N., Williams, S. L., … &

Maher, C. A. (2016). Past, present, and future of eHealth and mHealth research to improve physical activity and dietary behaviors. Journal of Nutrition e

Education and Behavior, 48(3), 219-228.








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Healthcare Information Technology Trends-Data

Healthcare Information Technology Trends-Data

  • Reflect on the Resources related to digital information tools and technologies.
  • Consider your healthcare organization’s use of healthcare technologies to manage and distribute information.
  • Reflect on current and potential future trends, such as use of social media and mobile applications/telehealth, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled asset tracking, or expert systems/artificial intelligence, and how they may impact nursing practice and healthcare delivery.

Post: Please follow This instructions.

  •       This is a discussion
  •       No tittle pages.
  •       No running heads.
  •       This is a Masters level class
  •       APA Format with intext citation
  •       Required to use the reading resources AT LEAST TWO. Outside resources should be peer review Articles.

Tittle : ( Healthcare Information Technology Trends )

Short Introduction with purpose statement



Ø  Description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice.

Ø  Describe any potential challenges or risks that may be inherent in the technologies associated with these trends you described.

Ø  Describe at least one potential benefit and one potential risk associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care for the technologies you described.

Ø  Explain which healthcare technology trends you believe are most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice and explain why.

Ø  Describe whether this promise will contribute to improvements in patient care outcomes, efficiencies, or data management.

Ø  Be specific and provide examples.

Conclusion/ Summary

Reference list in (APA FORMAT)



Healthcare Information Technology Trends

            Information and data are becoming increasingly important in the medical field. Collection, storage, and data analysis is becoming an integral part in the healthcare sector with the objective of enhancing the quality of healthcare services (Madon & Krishna, 2018). This discussion will explore some of the emerging trends in healthcare information technology, describe the potential benefits and risks, and explain the healthcare technology that is most promising, particularly in nursing practice.

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A general healthcare trend related to information technology is interoperability. This technology is changing how the organization that I work for works. With the technology, data is shareable and transferable between different stakeholders (Madon & Krishna, 2018). For instance, the healthcare facility is able to share data with patients since they have computer systems or programs that are interoperable. However, various challenges and risks exist in relation to this technology, one of the most notable being cyber security (McGonigle, & Mastrian, 2017). As interconnectivity increases, the risk of cyber security has become a major risk since healthcare facilities have become targets of high-profile attacks (Madon & Krishna, 2018). Interoperability can result in a single attack originating from one device spreading to the other devices connected to a system.


A potential benefit associated with data safety, legislation, and patient care is increased access to information, which in return enhances quality of care and patient outcomes. Information is critical in the healthcare field, thus enhancing the speed at ease at which the right people can access it enhances quality of care (Carvalho et al., 2019). However, one of the risks is data breaches, which can comprise confidential patient information (Madon & Krishna, 2018). Furthermore, the healthcare information trends that I believe are the most promising for impacting healthcare technology include internet of things and augmented and virtual reality. These technologies will improve patient outcomes, data management, and efficiencies. They can be employed in different areas including consultation, physician training, and pre-surgical planning.

Healthcare Information Technology Trends-Data

Therefore, information technology has had a major impact in the healthcare sector. In my healthcare organization, interoperability is the most impactful technology. However, cyber security poses a major threat to the use of this technology. Potential benefits associated with use of healthcare information technology include ease of access to information and data, while challenges include data breaches (Rao-Gupta et al., 2018). Besides, the most promising technologies include Internet of Things, which is the interconnectivity of computing devices via the internet, and augmented reality, which enables a user to have an interactive experience of a real-world environment through computer generated display (McGonigle, & Mastrian, 2017).



Carvalho, J. V., Rocha, Á., van de Wetering, R., & Abreu, A. (2019). A Maturity model for hospital information systems. Journal of Business Research94, 388-399.

Madon, S., & Krishna, S. (2018). The Digital Challenge: Information Technology in the Development Context: Information Technology in the Development Context. Routledge.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Rao-Gupta, S., Kruger, D. Leak, L. D., Tieman, L. A., & Manworren, R. C. B. (2018). Leveraging interactive patient care technology to Improve pain management engagement. Pain Management Nursing, 19(3), 212–221. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2017.11.002


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Electronic Medical Record Fall Assessment

Electronic Medical Record Fall Assessment


Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.


In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
  • Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
  • Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.



Electronic Medical Record Fall Assessment

Fall among patients is a critical health problem, which can be reduced through eMR fall risk assessment tools to reduce patient harm and guarantee safety. The eMR fall risk assessment tools can be used as an intervention strategy for particular risk levels to help ensure quality care.

McCarty et al. 2018 conducted a study to identify and implement evidence-based fall risk tool in emergency rooms and integrated into the health care delivery system by engaging nurses who would use the tool to promote quality care.  The study was not human subject research, and it employed the quantitative research approach, which involved the use of the Lowa Model of EBP to promote quality care. The Memorial Emergency Department Fall-Risk Assessment Tool (MEDFRAT) was used in the eMR and interventions developed for the fall risk levels. Data then collected through education sessions, which involved interviews, observations and focus group discussions on the impact of MEDFRAT implementation. The study results showed that the use of MEDFRAT led t a decrease in falls in the emergency department, and nurses appreciated to be part of the process and felt empowered with the EBT tool to improve patient care, which translates to decreasing falls in the emergency rooms. The main advantage of the project is that the Lowa Model helped to implement the EB quality care changes nurses to reduce patient falls. The major disadvantage of the study was that the study was carried out in only one healthcare setting and it did not consider the enjoyments of other health care systems to reach a more conclusive outcome.

Electronic Medical Record Fall Assessment

A study by Marier, Olsho, Rhodes, and Spector, (2015) examines how to improve the fall risk among patients using EMRs. The main purpose of the study is to determine how EMRs may improve ability to identify patients at highest risk for falls. A quantitative and a qualitative research approach was used in the study to evaluate the extend of preventing fall risk among inpatients.  The researchers collected data though observation of 13 control group nursing homes and medical records and reports from a large for-profit California nursing home chain were analyzed. Te study results showed that data from an EMR system helps to identify patients with high risk of fall. This improvement is based on the frequency that EMR data are updated. The main advantage of the study was that it provided critical evidence on EMR application for quality improvement, which in turn leads to large cost savings. The major disadvantage of the study was that the sample was significantly generalized by being restricted to nursing homes alone and it may unduly represent higher quality nursing homes with more quality use of EMR systems.


Lytle, Short, Richesson, and Horvath, (2015) conducted a study on clinical decisions that can support and prevent fall risk among patients.  The purpose of the study was to improve documentation of fall risk assessments particularly for patients with high risk of fall and improve clinical outcome by reducing patent’s falls. The study employed a pre/ post-quasi-experimental study design and a qualitative and quantitative research approach to conduct clinical decisions that can support and prevent fall risk among patients. Data was collected through focus group discussions among nursing staffs and documents and reports on fall safety falls and falls with injury rates at Duke University Hospital. The results of the study showed that documentation of fall risk assessments and fall prevention plans of care increased significantly. Nurses also accepted and the fall risk program or the HER tool and reported that they were favorable as fall risk assessment reminders, which led to improvement in clinical outcomes. The primary advantage of the study was that the plan of care alert within the HER facilitated the admission of fall risk assessment at Duke University Hospital. The major disadvantage of the study was that the retrospective chart review did not have a fall prevention plan of care known which may have led to inconclusive results.

Electronic Medical Record Fall Assessment

Hong, Kim, Jin, Piao, and Lee, (2015) in their study aimed to determine the the risk factors that caused falls among patients using EMRs and to find out how falling influenced health outcomes of inpatients. The study employed a quantitative research approach as it used a retrospective case-control study design ton statistically test this formulated hypothesis. The researchers collected data using documents and reports on EMR that were implemented between 2008 and 2011.  The researcher also used observation to collect data by employing a fall group and a non-fall group in to the study. The study results indicated that fall have a number of risk factors and they influence patient’s outcome negatively according to the EMR data. Therefore, introducing a fall prevention tool will help to reduce fall risk. The main advantage of the study is that it guides pediatric nurses in delivering care to prevent falls among inpatients. The major disadvantage of the study was that focus groups are limited to generalization since the study respondents knew very little and the study outcome was not based on the actual use but reactions from focus groups.

Research Paper Help

Dahl (2017) carried out a study on the effectiveness of newborn Safety information to prevent newborn falls. The purpose of the study was a guide outcome of the clinical issue by evaluating the efficacy of newborn safety acknowledgment and information tool in influencing falls among newborn inpatients. The study used qualitative and quantitative study designs to collect evidence and evaluate the effectiveness of the Newborn Safety Information tool on the impact of falls in newborns. The researcher collected data using newborn case events, and additional quantitative and qualitative data were collected from incident reports and nurse’s narrative case records. The study found out that the newborn acknowledgment and information tool was used by nurses and mothers as intended and helped in communication between nurses and parents of newborns to improve safety and prevent falls of a newborn in an inpatient setting. The advantage of the study was that the Newborn Safety Information and Acknowledgement tool helped in communication between the nurses and parents of newborn babies. This helped to measure safety outcomes and interventions.  The limitation of the study was the short time frame of post-intervention evaluation as it only happened for three months. Besides, the newborn safety information and acknowledgement too had not been validated.



Dahl, C. L. (2017). The Effectiveness of Newborn Safety Information and Acknowledgement in

Preventing Inpatient Newborn Falls. PP. 1-79.

Hong, H. J., Kim, N. C., Jin, Y., Piao, J., & Lee, S. M. (2015). Trigger factors and outcomes of

falls among Korean hospitalized patients: analysis of electronic medical records. Clinical nursing research24(1), 51-72.

Lytle, K. S., Short, N. M., Richesson, R. L., & Horvath, M. M. (2015). Clinical Decision Support

for Nurses: A Fall Risk and Prevention Example. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing33(12), 530-537.

Marier, A., Olsho, L. E., Rhodes, W., & Spector, W. D. (2015). Improving prediction of fall risk

among nursing home residents using electronic medical records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association23(2), 276-282.

McCarty, C. A., Woehrle, T. A., Waring, S. C., Taran, A. M., & Kitch, L. A. (2018).

Implementation of the MEDFRAT to Promote Quality Care and Decrease Falls in Community Hospital Emergency Rooms. Journal of Emergency Nursing44(3), 280-284.




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Writing Activity 2-Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

Writing Activity 2-Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice


Writing Activity 2 has four sections to complete. You will use the writing templates in your Webtext to complete them. Once you complete all templates, you will be able to download your work and submit it to Blackboard. The Webtext will guide you through the process.

Section 1 Outline

Create an outline. The outline is the plan for what to include in your essay. See chapter 4 of your Webtext for information on how to create a great outline.

Section 2 Working Thesis Statement

This is a one-sentence statement summarizing the main idea of your essay. It should tell your reader what your topic is, what your position is on the topic, and how you will support it. Use the template in chapter 4 of your Webtext to write your working thesis statement.

ENG215 Writing Activity 2 (rev. 2018-12) 2

Section 3 Starting Draft

Use the Webtext writing templates to set up your essay and write the first two paragraphs. Chapter 5 of the Webtext will provide you with guidance.

Section 4 Feedback Reflection

Use the writing templates in chapter 5 of the Webtext to: 1. List the feedback you received on writing activity one 2. Explain how you used feedback from writing activity one to write activity two 3. Discuss how the feedback on writing activity one will help you with future writing.



Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

Part 1: Outline

  • Introduction
  • History of Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice
  • Crimes that required capital punishment
  • Capital punishment today across different parts of the world
  • Capital punishment in America today and methods used
  • Justification for capital punishment
  • Position against capital punishment
    • Capital punishment is morally wrong
    • Capital punishment however denies the offender the opportunity of rehabilitation
    • capital punishment process is also expensive
    • errors in capital punishments present irreversible consequences on innocent people
  • Conclusion

Chapter 2: Working Thesis Statement

The argument for capital punishment is that it serves as a deterrent to others who would want to engage in similar crimes, that argument is often tempered by some more critical factors.

Starting Draft

Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty is a justice system where the offenders, when found guilty are killed. Several justifications have been made for the penalty and against it and the debates have advanced with time. In most cases, there have been more debates about the justifications and they seem to have taken center stage over the capital punishment issue itself. The main argument that surrounds the topic is the ability of the capital punishment penalty to effectively serve as a deterrent to crime. The idea behind capital punishment is that when criminals are punished by being put to death, potential criminals will be discouraged from crime. Although the pro-death crusaders argue that it serves as a deterrent to others who would want to engage in similar crimes, the argument is often tempered by some more critical factors.


Since time immemorial, criminals have been executed as a punishment for the crimes that they have committed (Rice, 2017). The death penalty dates back to Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for different crimes. The reasons for the penalty varied among different societies and they included sexual crimes, blasphemy, magic as well as a violation of religious obligations among others (McFeely, 2019). In the Tenth Century A.D., hanging became the usual method of execution in Britain. In the following century, William the Conqueror would not allow persons to be hanged or otherwise executed for any crime, except in times of war. In the Sixteenth Century, under the reign of Henry VIII, the punishment was offered for capital offenses as marrying a Jew, not confessing to a crime and treason (Paternoster, 1991). In the USA the punishment has been used for treason, murder, and people involved in the use of spies by governments to obtain political and military information Vila and Morris, 1997)

Part 4: Feedback Reflection

The feedback received in the writing activity 1

  • Provides more citations for some of the information provided.
  • Provide appropriate Punctuation in compound intense
  • Work on the incomplete sentences
  • Provide more information on statistics or constitutional laws that support your argument.

The feedback will be useful in writing activity 2 because I will be keener on how I structure the sentences so that they can pass the message more coherently and effectively. The feedback is also useful in my research as I will delve into more research so that I can expand my knowledge to help me gain a better position on the topic and support my position more.

Writing Activity 2-Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

The feedback is also beneficial for the future as I will incorporate the lessons into other different writings including those that are academic and those that are not. In doing so, I will be a more credible writer.



Binder, G., Fissell, B., & Weisberg, R. (2016). Capital punishment of unintentional felony

murder. Notre Dame L. Rev., 92, 1141.

McFeely, W, S. (2019). Trial and Error: Capital Punishment in U.S. History. Retrieved


Rice, S. K. (2017). Darkness to Light: Procedural Injustice as Crisis for Capital

Punishment Legitimacy. Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 15(3), 13.

Paternoster, R. (1991). Capital punishment in America (p. 20). New York: Lexington Books.

Vila, B., & Morris, C. (Eds.). (1997). Capital Punishment in the United States: A documentary

history. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.






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Issues Affecting Intervention Studies

Issues Affecting Intervention Studies

Discuss some of the possible problems or issues that could affect intervention studies.

Use the main book of the class to make the paper, include it in the references, please.



Issues Affecting Intervention Studies

The validity of interventional research is based on the theoretical framework, underlying hypothesis, and support for the conception level. The validity of the intervention studies is made during the intervention study design, which is made up of the construct validity, internal validity, external validity, and statistical conclusion validity (Burns & Groves, 1997).  Any factor that reduces the validity of the study is a threat is the main limitation of the study.

The construct validity is often due to the flaws in the study design linked to the intra-study social considerations, selected measurements, and imprecise operational definitions (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2012).  However, the significant threats to construct validity include: inadequate preoperational clarification of constructs, confounding constructs and level of constructs, mono-operational bias, interaction of different treatment, interaction of testing and treatment, hypothesis guessing within the experimental conditions, evaluation apprehension, novelty effect, and compensatory rivalry (Burns & Groves, 1997).


Internal validity is based on changes in the dependent variable caused by the actions of independent variables. The major threats include history threat that affects the value of independent variable, maturation that happen due to the changes that occur as a function of time, testing that happens due to pretest on subsequent posttest scores, and the statistical regression towards the mean that arise due to the display of the extreme scores.

External validity is based on the study results that may have been generalized back to the population. The major threats of external validity include design-dependent decisions in sampling strategy, which reduces the generalization of results, subject attrition, Subject refusal to participate, selection-treatment interaction, testing-intervention interaction, high differential attrition and reactive arrangements (Burns & Groves, 1997).

The statistical conclusion validity is the researcher’s correct decision on the statistical tests used in the study. Its significant threats include false data analysis conclusion that leads to low statistical power, type II error, and fishing or error rate problem (Burns & Groves, 1997).

Nursing Paper Help

In summary, the validity of interventional research is the truthfulness of the study. It helps to address the study designs used during the study. However, the threats of interventional studies often decrease the validity of the study. The limitations of the intervention study always lead to threat validity (Munhall, 2012).  Thus, researchers need to scrutinize the threats that may arise during interventional researched.



Burns, N., & Groves, K. (1997). The practice of nursing research. Philadelphia, PA: WB

Saunders company.

Grove, S. K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2012). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal,

synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Munhall, P. (2012). Nursing research. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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Reducing Readmission Rate

Reducing Readmission Rate

  • Review the Resources and reflect on your thinking regarding the role of the nurse in the design and implementation of new healthcare programs.
  • Select a healthcare program within your practice and consider the design and implementation of this program.
  • Reflect on advocacy efforts and the role of the nurse in relation to healthcare program design and implementation.

The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

In a 2- to 3-page paper, create an interview transcript of your responses to the following interview questions:

  • Tell us about a healthcare program, within your practice. What are the costs and projected outcomes of this program?
  • Who is your target population?
  • What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?
  • What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?
  • What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?
  • Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?



Healthcare Program: Reducing Readmission Rate

The healthcare institution needs changes in its medical practice and policy based on measures aimed to reduce the current rate of readmission to normal rates. Within the health care sector, organizations with increased readmission rates risk having fined on reimbursement, which Medicare receives as a result (Jiang and colleagues, 2016).  Improving the performance of the hospital would be important in reducing the rate of patient readmission. The targeted population involves the patients with cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial Infarction. The increased rate of readmission is because of the outcome of poor health among the patients.

Evidence-based strategies can help in addressing performance issues in healthcare institutions. To achieve the success of the program would focus on improving the communication skills within the health care facility. During patient care, communication between nurses and physicians, and nurses and the patients is imperative to help in the treatment process. Effective communication among the healthcare practitioners and the patient facilitates collaboration to health care delivery leading to the provision of holistic and quality care (Jiang and colleagues, 2016). In addition, collaborative communication often motivates nurses and physicians to provide quality care.   Nurses have to develop a good rapport with their patients by engaging them and collaborating to ensure quick recovery.

As an advocate of the program to with cardiovascular diseases, patient education on adherence and living a healthy lifestyle will be important before discharge. Patients need to understand the care plans after discharging them so that they can be able to take care of themselves in a more effective way. Having the knowledge to care for ourselves after being discharged improves patient’s outcome and improves quality of life (Peter and colleagues, 2015).   After discharging patients, it is important to follow up on patient adherence and self care. Self management and medication adherence is important in improving patient outcome and quality of life. Brooke et al., (2014) consider that patients need to work in a more collaborative way with their physicians and nurses to improve their health outcomes. This can only be achieved if they are educated on the importance of collaborating, adhering to their medications and self care.


The role of a nurse in the implementation of the program will involve educating patients on the importance of collaboration with the pharmacists, physicians and nurses. The nurses through the leadership of the organization will train patients on the effective communication and the implicating it has in improving the patient’s outcome (Gopee & Galloway, 2017). The follow up services to ensure patients adhere to their medication will be done by nurses and physicians who will be assigned the patients to ensure they are recovering and commit to their medications. All health care practitioners who will be involved in follow up care will undergo training on cultural competence so they can be able to attend to culturally diverse patients.  Cultural competence is important as it help nurses to understand the patient’s background and cultural beliefs before commencing care (Brooke et al., 2014).

The major stakeholders will be caregivers, pharmacists, physicians, and nurses. The stakeholders will be involved to help with the process implementation including assigning financial resources and policy execution. Proper communication and engagement of stakeholders will help them to understand the proposed policy change (Gopee & Galloway, 2017). Thus, the recommended strategies will improve performance of health care institutions to help prevent increased rate of readmission among patients with cardiovascular diseases.



Brooke, B. S., Stone, D. H., Cronenwett, J. L., Nolan, B., DeMartino, R. R., MacKenzie, T.

A., … & Goodney, P. P. (2014). Early primary care provider follow-up and readmission after high-risk surgery. JAMA surgery149(8), 821-828. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2014.157.

Gopee, N., & Galloway, J. (2017). Leadership and management in healthcare. SAGE

Publications Ltd.

Jiang, H. J., Boutwell, A. E., Maxwell, J., Bourgoin, A., Regenstein, M., & Andres, E.

(2016). Understanding patient, provider, and system factors related to Medicaid readmissions. Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety42(3), 115-121.

Peter, D., Robinson, P., Jordan, M., Lawrence, S., Casey, K., & Salas-Lopez, D. (2015).

Reducing readmissions using teach-back: enhancing patient and family education. Journal of Nursing Administration45(1), 35-42. DOI:





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