
Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

ASSIGNMENT 1 Writing Activity 1: Prewriting & Research Assignment Due Week 3 and worth 100 points Instructions: Follow the three-step process outlined in Webtext chapter 3 to complete and submit Writing Activity 1. For additional help, watch the video tutorial in your course, which will walk you through the process. Step 1 Complete the following prewriting activities in your Webtext.

Week 1: Select Your Topic

Week 2: Develop Your Position and Draft Your Supporting Points

Week 3: Research Organizer

Step 2 Download and Edit Your Work

Download Complete all the activities and templates in your Webtext. Then download your Prewriting & Research Assignment from the Webtext. (*** You will need to finish all writing templates before you are able to download the assignment) Edit Your Work Run your Microsoft Word document through Grammarly to identify and correct any issues with grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and style. NOTE: Refer to the Webtext to learn how to sign up for and use Grammarly. Remember to remove all of the Grammarly comments and underlined words before you submit! Step 3 Submit to Blackboard Go to week 3 in your course and upload your Prewriting & Research Assignment.



Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice


Since time immemorial, criminals have been executed as a punishment for the crimes that they have committed (Rice, 2017). Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty is a justice system where the offenders, when found guilty are killed. The reasons for the penalty varied among different societies and they included sexual crimes, blasphemy, magic as well as a violation of religious obligations among others (McFeely, 2019). In the USA the punishment has been used for treason, murder, and people involved in the use of spies by governments to obtain political and military information. Other parts of the world provide death punishment for different reasons. For instance, in the Middle East, the death penalty is given for people involved in sexual crimes including incest, sodomy, rape, and adultery. In China, it is given to people involved in corruption and human trafficking. In history, capital punishment involved various ways of killing an individual including crucifixion, stripping the skin off an individual, stoning, burning, dismemberment and crushing among other methods. In the modern world, industrialized countries may use lethal injections among other modern forms. However, in the USA, capital punishment is given through the firing squad (McFeely, 2019).


I am opposed to capital punishment being given to an individual irrespective of the crime that they have committed. The most common argument for capital punishment, which results in death, is that it serves as a deterrent to others who would want to engage in similar crimes (Rice, 2017). It means that other people in society will recognize the effect of the crime and consequently avoid getting involved. However, capital punishment is morally wrong and had more disadvantages than advantages.


Morally, it is wrong to give capital punishment because it simply results in the executer following in the steps of the offender. It involves committing a crime as compensation for another crime or simply following the example of the criminal by carrying out an equally bad action (Binder et al. 2016). The process does not allow the offender to take time and change their lives and be better people in the future. This is because an individual may have committed a crime unintentionally, such as crimes of passion, which may be different from the premeditated crimes. The person may be given another chance at life instead of being killed. The capital punishment however denies the offender the opportunity of rehabilitation, which is supposed to be the main goal of the justice system (Haney, Weill, and Lynch, 2015).  Also, the criminal justice system has been filled with errors previously and consequently, an innocent individual may be put to death for a mistake that they did not commit (Brown, & McGee, 2018).

The capital punishment process is also expensive and there are several costs involved including special prison housing and staff costs. The governments spend a significant amount of tax payer’s money to fund such processes. The money would be used to carry out other important activities like educating the poor in society or coming up with programs that would seek to establish corrective behaviors or deter youths from getting into crime (Brown, & McGee, 2018).

Capital Punishment in Criminal Justice

When criminals face capital punishment, it seems as though an individual is being given the decision to decide when another person’s life will end. In various religious beliefs, there is a supreme God that gives and takes life and therefore, when pothers end the lives of others, they seem to be assuming the role of God. Capital punishments infringe on the inviolability, sanctity, and dignity of an individual’s life as only God should be allowed the right to take the lives of people. In conclusion, capital punishment should be abolished from the legal system because it is morally wrong and is very costly in addition to the fact that it gives man the position of God considering everyone has one life.



American Civil Liberties Union. (2019). The debate against capital punishment. Retrieved


The article provides the reason why capital punishment is a process that is not only barbaric but also goes against the expectations of a democratic society.  It highlights the process as being expensive and consequently wastage of taxpayer’s money. It expounds on the fact that the process is inhumane and anachronistic or old fashioned. It also has a negative impact on the people that witness the process.  It shows several reasons why the process should be abolished and hence supports my argument on opposing the idea of capital punishment.

Binder, G., Fissell, B., & Weisberg, R. (2016). Capital punishment of unintentional felony

murder. Notre Dame L. Rev., 92, 1141.

The article delves into the eighth amendment and offers a description of an individual who is eligible for capital punishment. An example of a case is provided shedding more light on background information of the issue of capital punishment.

Brown, L. L., & McGee, S. G. (2018). Social Work and Capital Punishment: a Call to

Action. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work3(4), 229-239.

The authors highlight the stand by social work governing bodies that have called for an end to capital; punishment. The main idea is that it violates the eighth amendment and remains a threat to the mission of the profession and most importantly leads to violence. The article supports the position by arguing that the process is expensive. It suggests that the money that is used in capital trails and the appeals be used on other more appropriate roles such as law enforcement and a better society. It also establishes that the system is filled with errors hence proving the fact that innocent people may be convicted.

Haney, C., Weill, J., & Lynch, M. (2015). The death penalty. In B. L. Cutler & P. A. Zapf

(Eds.), APA handbooks in psychology. APA handbook of forensic psychology, Vol. Criminal investigation, adjudication, and sentencing outcomes (pp. 451-510). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

The article discusses the concept of capital punishment and explains that although few people are involved in the punishment, it remains a controversial topic that has been studied widely. it is established the punishment differs from the other types of punishments in degree as well as in-kind based on the fact that it is irrevocable. This supports my position because it brings out that the process rejects the possibility of rehabilitation and hence does not allow the criminal to change their lives.

McFeely, W, S. (2019). Trial and Error: Capital Punishment in U.S. History. Retrieved


The article provides information about capital punishment and the background of how it was used. It reveals the circumstances under which capital punishment was given including a description of the rimes from different parts of the world. It serves to highlight that some of the reasons were barbaric and did not deserve the sentence.

Rice, S. K. (2017). Darkness to Light: Procedural Injustice as Crisis for Capital

Punishment Legitimacy. Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 15(3), 13.

The article talks about the issue of capital punishment and the loops that exist in process. It serves to show that there are injustices that take place in the criminal justice system and as a result may have an impact on the capital punishment.


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Personal Leadership Development Plan

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Design a personal leadership development plan.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • PU550-4:Create a personal leadership development plan.


In this scenarioyou have recently been hired at a healthcare organization. Your hiring manager has asked you to assess your leadership skills and develop a personal leadership development plan based on areas that need improvement.

  • Complete the Tier 3 Competency Assessment to determine how prepared you are to meet the requirements of a public health leader.
  • After completing the Assessment, copy and paste the “Your Results” section from the Assessment to the Assignment 9 Submission Template.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan for improving in the three areas with the lowest score.



  • Tier 3 Competency Assessment Completed.
  • Results section from Tier 3 Competency Assessment copied and pasted into Unit 9 Assignment Submission Template Section I.
  • Section II Table completed – table includes three strategies or trainings to support development in areas of improvement.
  • 500–800 word summary of personal leadership development plan.



Unit 9 Assignment




Domain Average Total
Analytical/Assessment Skills 3.1
Policy Development/Program Planning Skills 2.9
Communication Skills 3.4
Cultural Competency Skills 3.0
Community Dimensions of Practice Skills 2.8
Public Health Sciences Skills 2.8
Financial Planning and Management Skills 3.4
Leadership and Systems Thinking 2.5





Area for Improvement Strategy/Training 1 Strategy/Training 2 Strategy/Training 3
Leadership and System Thinking Skills Conference

Online training


Public Health Sciences Skills Conference



Community Dimensions Skills Online training







Personal Leadership Development Plan


A personal leadership development plan is viewed to help one to define and direct his or her career goals.  In healthcare, this plan helps one to achieve better satisfaction in practice. It also improves the organization’s operations (Baron, 2016).  Reflection of my leadership skills reveals that m knowledgeable in many areas.  After doing the competence assessment tier, I have realized that I need to improve my skills in three areas. The paper develops a plan that is focused on improving my leadership and system thinking, public health sciences, and community dimensions skills.


Leadership and System Thinking Development

From my assessment, the areas that need much focus in this domain include collaboration with individuals, creating opportunities to organizations, and interacting with systems. To improve my leadership and system thinking skills, I need to attend a workshop. While this training program is short, I view that it is suitable in developing my skills. Moreover, I view that workshops usually involve professionals who can focus on individual needs. Secondly, I would like to engage in online training. This approach needs much dedication as online lessons may occur during inconvenient hours. In addition, I also need to attend a conference. The conference will be held by a business organization. However, the attained leadership skills will be applied in my profession. The training period for this aspect will take two months (Bellack & Thibault, 2016).

Public Health Sciences Improvement

As a healthcare practitioner, some of the most important skills are public health sciences skills. They are essential in improving my professionalism at the workplace.  The assessment has depicted that the areas which need more focus in this domain include explanations of prominent events, applying public health sciences in organization management, and explanations of evidence. I will attend a workshop which aligns with public health issues. Moreover, I would need to engage in conferences because they will take a longer. Lastly, I would like to attend lectures.  Since I have much focus in this domain, I will employ many strategies. For instance, I will engage note taking, active listening, and asking questions to get clarifications in areas of difficulty. The training period for this aspect will take three months.

Community Dimensions

Community dimension skills are important in helping a practitioner work well in a community setting (Dong et al., 2017). My area of focus is in understanding suitable ways of enabling community inputs to be used in improving healthcare policies and programs. In this area, I need to engage in online training.  I find this approach to be suitable because most of the issues about the current society are found online. Workshops will also be suitable in understanding various issues in this domain. However, since workshops take a short period, I will also attend some lectures on community health issues. This dimension needs about a month to improve on my skills (Fernandez et al., 2015).


Leadership training is a common occurrence in healthcare organizations. The plan tries to reveal that competence in healthcare is very important. Moreover, it tries to reveal that improvement in various skills needs multiple strategies or training elements. The training is predicted to take about three months to complete. I believe that my chosen strategies and training will improve my leadership skills.



Baron, L. (2016). Authentic leadership and mindfulness development through action

learning. Journal of Managerial Psychology31(1), 296-311.

Bellack, J. P., & Thibault, G. E. (2016). Creating a continuously learning health system through

technology: A call to action. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(1), 3–5.

Dong, Y., Bartol, K. M., Zhang, Z. X., & Li, C. (2017). Enhancing employee creativity via

individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual‐focused transformational leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior38(3), 439-458.

Fernandez, C. S., Noble, C. C., Jensen, E., & Steffen, D. (2015). Moving the needle: A

retrospective pre-and post-analysis of improving perceived abilities across 20 leadership skills. Maternal and Child Health Journal19(2), 343-352.


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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Family versus Individual Settings

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Family versus Individual Settings

Whether used with individuals or families, the goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to modify client behavior. Although CBT for families is similar to CBT for individuals, there are significant differences in their applications. As you develop treatment plans, it is important that you recognize these differences and how they may impact your therapeutic approach with families. For this Discussion, as you compare the use of CBT for families and individuals, consider challenges of applying this therapeutic approach to your own client families.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Compare the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for families to cognitive behavioral therapy for individuals
  • Analyze challenges of using cognitive behavioral therapy for families
  • Recommend effective cognitive behavioral therapy strategies for families

Nursing Paper Help

To prepare:

  • Review the media, Johnson Family Session 3, in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights provided on CBT in family therapy.
  • Reflect on your practicum experiences with CBT in family and individual settings.

Post an explanation of how the use of CBT in families compares to CBT in individual settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences. Then, explain challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the family setting. Support your position with specific examples from this week’s media (see upload)



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Family Settings versus Individual Settings

During family therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to identify behavioral goals, achieve goals using theoretical techniques, and learn social reinforces to accomplish the goals. CBT for family therapy helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of family. Individuals and groups of the family are in behavioral, emotional, and cognitive aspects of interaction to help plan for care or as an intervention plan (Nichols, 2014).  During family therapy, family members influence each other including the group behaviors. Therefore, during group therapy, paying attention to individual’s cognitions, emotions, and practices is critical.  For example what can be observed is the actions of the group towards an individual and the essential aspects of family relationships as seen in Johnson’s family.


Individual CBT looks into the personal experiences especially how the client behaves, feels, and responds to therapy questions. Besides, the therapy leads to behavioral change and both primary and secondary thinking (Wheeler, 2014). Therefore, the main aim of a therapist is to ensure the care plan intervention is individualized to help respond and react to specific stimuli or challenges — the primary techniques to change the patient’s way of thinking using reattribution as observed in the film.  For example, the lady in the movie shared her story and accounts of how she was raped in a party, and she has since blamed herself and accepted all the blame Laureate Education, 2013). Therefore, individual therapy will aim at changing her feelings, cognitions, and emotions and to help her understand that it was not her fault but the rapist fault.

The major challenge that therapist face during both group and individual therapy are that clients are sometimes not willing to share their stories. For example, the lady mentioned that she often feels hurt whenever she shares the story with anybody and in some instances interrupted the therapist (Laureate Education, 2013). Thus, therapies need to understand that individuals in a family deal with emotions differently and it is essential to use individualized focused treatment during family therapy.



Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Johnson family session 3 [Video file]. Author: Baltimore, MD.

Nichols, M. P. (2014). The essentials of family therapy. Boston: Pearson.

Wheeler, K. (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse a how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.



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Personal Philosophy

Personal Philosophy

Assignment description:  Write a brief essay 1 – 2 pages (250-500 words) that articulates your philosophy of nursing, informs your practice, and describes your beliefs about your role as a nurse.

Use the following guide for writing a personal philosophy of nursing (adapted from Box 3-2 found on page 116 of your text) to describe how you operationalize your vision when working as a nurse.  Use the first person “I” instead of “the writer”, reflect on personal views and include an introduction and conclusion.

Be sure to review the Personal Philosophy Grading rubric to guide your Essay.


  1. Introduction
  2. Who are you?
  3. In what setting do you practice nursing?


  1. Define nursing
  2. What is nursing?
  3. Why does nursing exist?
  4. Why do you practice nursing?


  1. What are your assumptions and/or underlying beliefs about?
  2. Nurses?
  3. Patients?
  4. Other health care providers?
  5. Communities?


  1. Define your ideas about the major domains of nursing and provide examples about
  2. Person
  3. Health
  4. Environment


  1. Summary
  2. How are the domains connected?
  3. What is your vision of nursing for the future?
  4. What are the challenges you face as a nurse?
  5. What are your goals for professional development?


Paper will follow APA format with title page, headings and appropriate in text citations.  Reference page properly documented as per APA format (Total 3-4 pages including the title page, 1-2 pages of the body, and reference page).




Personal Philosophy


I am a nursing student who graduated from Queensborough Community College’s School of Nursing.  I migrated from Nigeria where I worked as a teacher. I love working with the geriatric population because of the many challenges that the aging population face without assistance.  Home aid nursing inspired me to pursue a nursing profession because my first job here in the United States involved assisting the elderly perform ADL (Activities of daily living) to ensure they live a quality and healthy life. Therefore, I am now pursing my BSN that hopefully will enable me to ensure I advance my career and gain more knowledge on quality improvement and evidence-based research in a complex health care environment.

Definition of Nursing

Nursing is a critical part of the health care system, and it is defined as the art and science in assessing patients to ensure patients receive best quality care including health promotion, prevention of illness, and care of ill patients (Wilson et al. 2016).  Nursing exists to ensure better population health in society. Nurses care for patients through assessing their responses and help them conduct activities, which can lead to health care recovery and positive health outcomes. Thus, nursing exists to ensure planning, implementation, and evaluation of health care to prevent illnesses and promote health.

I practice nursing because I wanted to do a course that is more challenging, interesting and promotes people’s lives. Through a nursing profession, I will be able to deal with critical aspects patients care. Patients require support of nurses to help them receive favorable outcomes. As a nurse I will also help patients battle diseases, regain strengths, and regain a source of happiness in their lives.  Therefore, taking care of people makes me happy because it benefits society.


Assumptions and Beliefs associated with Nursing

Nursing has a humanistic approach, and it is influenced by both perception and personality, which influence nurse’s feelings and thinking when providing care. Nursing comes with anxieties and fear that nurse’s experience and how nurses are supposed to give words of encouragement and a comforting smile even if patients are in critical conditions.

Being a patient means their mind is encapsulated, and they face various emotions that impact their health. Patient’s beliefs often influence their adherence and care, which negatively impacts their health outcomes. Besides, having a good relationship among nurses help to achieve higher quality outcomes (Wilson et al. 2016). As a form of partnership, it increases health care delivery and quality of health care. Working with a community as a nurse provides a valuable experience. Nurses must provide holistic and patient-centered care to ensure positive health outcome in society.

The Major Domains of Nursing

The main domains in nursing include person, environment, health, and nursing (McCormack & McCance, 2016).  The person involves the people who receive care from health care practitioners. This involves patients who need care or family of the patients. Health is considered a state of wellbeing which improves people’s value and quality of life. Therefore, it means the quality of health instead of life to ensure maximum satisfaction level. The environment requires a favorable and healthy place, which affects the mental and physical health of an individual.  Besides, it involves the relationship with the nurses or the family during the provision of care. Nursing defines how nurses can apply their skills and knowledge during patients care. It includes nurse’s attributes during health care delivery.

Nursing Paper Help


The main nursing objective is to care for patients in integrative profession professional way domain functions including the person, the environment, and health, and nursing. These domains influence the delivery of health care services such as the application of nursing skills and knowledge, delivery of quality health, and achievement of positive health outcomes (McCormack & McCance, 2016).  My vision in nursing is to promote population health by providing more holistic and comprehensive care to patients. Besides I aim to become a leader in nursing to ensure health care practitioners impact patients health and quality of life. The significant challenges I face as a nurse includes cultural competence because it is challenging to understand patient’s cultures since it influences treatment plans, nurse-patient relationship, and adherence to medications. Learning skill set to increase cultural competency help patients to understand the pan of care (Wilson et al. 2016).  Finally, my primary goal is to focus on professional development to achieve academic excellence before becoming a registered nurse. Besides, I hope to fulfill all ethical codes in nursing to ensure I deliver more quality and holistic care to patients.


Wilson, L., Mendes, I. A. C., Klopper, H., Catrambone, C., Al‐Maaitah, R., Norton, M. E., & Hill, M. (2016). ‘Global health and ‘global nursing’: Proposed definitions from The Global Advisory Panel on the Future of Nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing72(7), 1529-1540. Doi:10.1192/bjp.6.34.481

McCormack, B., & McCance, T. (Eds.). (2016). Person-centered practice in nursing and health care: theory and practice. John Wiley & Sons.



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Reflection Paper – Counseling

Reflection Paper – Counseling

Self-Reflection: You have been practicing counseling skills either on a volunteer or on yourself throughout this course. This paper is an opportunity to reflect on everything you learned. It is also an opportunity to examine yourself as a potential counselor. You may write in the first-person perspective in this assignment. Write a 500-750-word paper addressing the following: 1. What is the most significant information you learned about the skills required to be an effective counselor? Were there any skills that surprised you as you worked through the course? 2. What are your strengths as a potential counselor? These could be attending or communication skills, attitudes or behaviors that will be an asset in the counseling role. 3. What skills do you think will be most difficult for you? What might be your handicaps as a counselor? 4. What are some specific actions you will take to prepare yourself for your future practicum experience? 5. Explain the role of consultant-counselor. Do you see yourself acting in this role? Why or why not? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.



Reflection Paper – Counseling

            As a professional counselor, my main role is to provide assessment, diagnosis and counseling services to people struggling with stress and other psychological problems. In line with this objective, there are several skills that I require to perform my job effectively. As an effective counselor, I need to have excellent communication skills to listen better and clearly explain interventions to patients and other professional counselors. The ability to show empathy when helping people who are going through difficult times is crucial in the counseling profession. Problem solving skills help counselors identify necessary changes to negative thought patterns in their clients. The fact that I have to display multicultural competency and acquire a multicultural worldview surprised me during the course. All these skills have taught me one significant lesson; counseling is not rigid; it is highly anchored on the ability to form relationships with clients and enjoying the process of helping others.

Nursing Paper Help

As a potential counselor, I have identified several key strengths that I possess that I believe will help me in my future practice. I am very flexible. I am able to adapt and change several aspects of my life to respond well to challenges. I believe that this strength will help me respond well to my client’s needs. I am also very resilient and patient in intense and demanding environments. Being able to have emotional robustness and self-reflexivity will help me better take care of my patient’s needs.

The ability to develop a non-judgmental approach is a skill that I struggle with as an individual and might affect my duties as a counselor. My major role as a therapist is to help clients analyze their situations clearly and from an optimistic viewpoint. As such, I need to manage my reactions to situations in a professional manner to help my clients feel free to talk about their feelings without the fear of criticism and rejection.

Reflection Paper – Counseling

To prepare for my future practicum experience, I will work on my micro skills. The influential skills that I will focus more on include; my negotiation skills, paraphrasing skills, questioning, self-disclosure and client observation skills. In addition to working on my micro skills, I will get a supervisor to help increase my professional effectiveness. To better understand the many theories and approaches in counseling, I will consistently study these approaches and techniques. Networking is a great way to acquire new industry contacts. I will affiliate myself with industry associations to access my industry-standard codes of ethics and my professional development.


A consulting therapist applies therapeutic principles to an organizational setting. A consulting counselor specializes in one specific are of psychology such as clinical psychology or industrial psychology. Additionally, a consulting counselor offers consultative services in an advisory capacity only. They purpose to rectify problems that affect organizations to facilitate their smooth running and ensure employee satisfaction. Consulting therapists also work closely with managers to help them improve their managerial skills. I do see myself working as a consulting therapist in future. This is because I enjoy working with both small and large groups of people. As a consulting therapist, I will be called to analyze problems in organizations and suggest potential solutions. Some of the tasks might include conducting interviews with employees and managers to help improve relations in the facility. I also enjoy conducting research and designing interventions. These are also part of the duties of a consulting counselor.



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Nursing Regulations

Nursing Regulations

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the mission of state/regional boards of nursing as the protection of the public through the regulation of nursing practice.
  • Consider how key regulations may impact nursing practice.
  • Review key regulations for nursing practice of your state’s/region’s board of nursing and those of at least one other state/region and select at least two APRN regulations to focus on for this Discussion..

Post a comparison of at least two APRN board of nursing regulations in your state/region with those of at least one other state/region. Describe how they may differ. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how the regulations you selected may apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience. Provide at least one example of how APRNs may adhere to the two regulations you selected.



A Comparison of two APRN Boards of Nursing Regulations in Illinois with those of California

The nursing profession is highly regulated and there are very regulations that are implemented by the boards of nursing and the nursing associations. The role of these bodies is to regulate inform as well as promote the nursing practice.  Although Boards of nursing (BONs) and associations have differences, they are both essential to the nursing profession. The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) practice has its definition and scope provided by the Nurse Practice Act and implemented by the board of nursing alongside other boards. Different states may have different regulations being regulated by various boards.

For advanced practice in Illinois, the nurse must be licensed. The license to practice is provided by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDPR). According to the association ANA, APRNs that are acknowledged include the Certified Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), and Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs). In Illinois, the above-mentioned nurse categories are also recognized by the state and it is required that the nurse holds RN as well as APN licensing. According to the National Council for State Boards of Nursing, Illinois has been listed as a state that has pending nurse compact legislature.  It is however required that the nurse holds the primary RN licensure.


The APRNs in Illinois need to have collaborative agreements as long as they are working in the state unless in some cases where there is an exemption that is provided. In the state, there is a collaborative agreement that is provided by the Illinois Prescriptive authority. It is a licensing agency that establishes a distinction between the drugs that have been established to be legal and the other drug substances that are under control. However, in Illinois, there are no separate applications for the different categories of drugs. The collaborative agreement is expected to be signed by the physician. In the year 2017, the governor of the Illinois state signed into law a change in APRN licensure regarding collaboration. Therefore, in this state, APRNs who work outside the hospital and the affiliated settings will provide advanced practice nursing care without the career-long written collaborative agreement. Also, concerning the medication, drugs such as Benzodiazepines and some other scheduled agents will be used under an existing relationship between the nurse practitioner and the physician as a condition of prescribing authority.

A similarity exists between the regulation and that of California and in both states, it is required that a license and collaboration be provided. California’s advanced practice nurses are overseen by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). Also, it is required that the nurse be licensed and registered. However, differences exist in the requirements for collaboration. A nurse practitioner in California must be able to practice under standardized procedures that are established through collaboration. The law of the state, however, does not have any specifications regarding the required level of supervision among its nurses with regards to the provision of drugs and devices

In both states, the Health Care Quality Improvement Act applies and this is an act that encourages hospitals, state licensing boards, and professional societies to identify and take corrective action for health care workers who may be found by peer review to be engaged in negligent or unprofessional encourages the peers to work in accordance with the specified rules of conduct and provide quality care.


How the regulations apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have the legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience

The action by the Illinois government to have the APRNs have a pathway to provide advanced practice nursing care without the career-long written collaborative agreement goes a long way in removing the barriers of practice for these APRNs. Consequently, nurses can practice efficiently and under Full practice authority. This means that they can utilize the knowledge that they have as well as skills and judgment that is useful to practice to a full extent. This is in line with the national call to remove barriers to full practice authority from various organizations, something that has been in progress with the ANA as well as the State Nurses Associations.

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Example of how APRNs may adhere to the Regulations

To adhere to the regulations provided, nurses will have to ensure that they are licensed before they engage in practice in Illinois. One action that they can get involved in is to ensure that they engage in professional conduct and ensure that they are not negligent in their activities. This means that they will adhere to the nursing scope of practice as stipulated by the nursing associations at different levels and specifically in the state. This is because, according to the health Care Quality Improvement Act, the hospital, or the licensing broads as well as the professional societies to take corrective or disciplinary actions on the APRN nurses that may be found to engage in negligent or unprofessional conduct. Therefore, they should try at all times to abide by the rules and regulations provide. For licensing, they should ensure that they are licensed and that the license is updated whenever it is required. In conclusion, the Nursing profession is a very highly regulated profession as evidenced by the existence of numerous boards of nursing and nursing associations across the United States of America. Regulations are carried out by the BONs and the nursing Associations. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice and there are different regulations in different states.


American Nurses Association. (2019). Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for

all. Retrieved from:

Arifkhanova, A. (2017). The Impact of Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Regulations in

Primary Care. The Pardee RAND Graduate School

O’Herrin, J. K., Fost, N., & Kudsk, K. A. (2004). Health Insurance Portability Accountability

Act (HIPAA) regulations: effect on medical record research. Annals of surgery, 239(6), 772.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).  (2019). Illinois Illinois Board of

Nursing. Retrieved from:



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Vargas Family Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Vargas Family Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Read Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Review of the Outcome Research located in the topical materials. Identify a specific presenting concern that one of the Vargas family members has identified this week. Create a “transcript” of a session as a solution-focused counselor, using solution-oriented terms and concepts, to work with the client in identifying a solution to the problem. The transcript should be 500-750 words in length.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.



Vargas Family Case Study: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

(Throughout the interview, the responses provided by the therapy will be assigned the initial “T” while the responses provided by the client will be assigned the initial “C”)

T:        (Therapist stands up as Elizabeth Vargas enters the room) Good morning and welcome to today’s session (they shake hands and both of them sit down). Won’t you have a chair?

C:        Thank you very much; it is nice to see you again. I like the new painting on the wall, it very relaxing.

T:        I am glad you like it. I got it from a local artist. You have a very good eye I see! (both C and T laugh) Now then, we have forty five minutes together and I don’t know how much we will accomplish but I hope we can make something of it. What brings you here today Mrs. Vargas? (T sitting forward and C sitting back with her legs crossed)

C:        well, like I mentioned over the phone, our family is in a crisis! And I don’t know what to do about it. My nephew Geoff had a near overdose a few weeks ago. We suspect that he turned to drugs to try and cope with the grief of losing his father. Not only was this traumatizing for his mother Katie, but it shattered our hearts as an entire family.

T:        In your opinion, how did this near overdose affect your family? (T takes a pen and notepad)

C:        Uh, where do I even begin! (C places right hand on forehead) Linda, my mother- in law, took it upon herself to talk to Geoff’s school therapist and try to get his medical records and history (T mhm mhm). That didn’t work out well as the therapist refused to provide information about Geoff citing matters of confidentiality. If you ask me, Linda should not have done that seeing that she is not Geoff’s mother. Her interference is making matters worse! (C stands up and heads to the window) the family is now divided

T:        I see, I see (T pauses to allow C to return to her seat) according to you, what is the best foreseeable outcome in relation to Geoff’s drug problem?

C:        I want to see Geoff getting grief counseling to better handle his loss. I would also love to see him probably going to rehab for his drug use problem.


T:        If Geoff seeks grief counseling and goes to rehab, how will this reduce conflict in your family?

C:        (C leans back T is taking notes on his writing pad) well, there will finally be a plan of action guiding the family towards better results instead of everybody offering their opinions about the best course of action.

T:        (in a low and soothing voice) imagine you woke up tomorrow morning and by some miracle, Geoff was happier, had better grades and stopped using drugs completely. What’s the first thing you would notice that would be different in your family?

C:        (sits up and places hands on her lap) Linda and I would stop arguing, Katie would stop being depressed and we would have better interactions during family meetings.

T:        on a scale of 1-10, how confident are you that Geoff will seek grief counseling and go to rehab?

C:        at the moment I think 6

T:        well, I am glad you have made the first step towards achieving better results for yourself and your family. I am hopeful that Geoff will seek the best care possible and I am looking forward seeing you and your family in the next session (T stands up and shakes C’s hand)

C:        I feel so much better after our session! I am looking forward to the next session with the entire family



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Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

The strategic planning process is essential for all organizations. Strategic plans help organizations’ Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Planleaders and stakeholders keep sight of their missions and visions, achieve their goals and objectives, and address their challenges and issues. As a health care leader, you must be able to develop a strategic plan and use it to drive your organizational decision making. For the Final Project, you develop a comprehensive strategic plan to address challenges that have adversely impacted a health care organization.

To prepare:

Review the Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc. (HCHHA) case study in this week’s Learning Resources.

Note: Your Final Project should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.

The Assignment

HCHHA’s board of directors and executive leadership team have asked for your assistance with addressing some of the major issues that have adversely impacted the organization’s financial and operational performances. They have requested that you advise them on the following:

  • Strategies to help the organization address the absence of a Medicare-certified hospice, which has inconvenienced patients and their family members and has led to negative publicity for the organization
  • Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s overall financial performance
  • Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s operational performance
  • Strategies that might assist HCHHA with effectively addressing the various external factors that may potentially threaten its market share

In a 20-page strategic plan, include the following components:

  • Mission statement (provided in the case study)
  • Vision statement
  • Core values
  • SWOT analysis
  • Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities
  • Operational and tactical plan
  • Key performance and evaluation indicators
  • Change management plan, including the following:
    • The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization
    • The organization’s readiness for change
    • Change management strategy
    • Team structure and responsibilities
    • Sponsor roles and responsibilities
    • Planning and implementation
    • Communications plan
    • Change management resistance plan
    • Training plan
    • Incentives and celebration of successes
    • Timeline/schedule of activities
    • Budget for change management

The 20-page narrative plan should be written as if it were to be presented to the board of directors. The plan should also include the following pages that will not count toward the 20-page limit:

  • One-page Executive Summary
  • Tables, graphs, and/or charts

The plan should include at least 15 current (no older than 4 years) quality resources, with 10 of those resources being from peer-reviewed sources.

In addition to the paper, you must produce a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key elements of the paper. The presentation should not be more than 15 slides, excluding the cover slide and the appendices. Be sure to include 100- to 150-word speaker notes to explain the content on each slide.

This Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 10.  



Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration.

  • Chapter 13, “Strategic Change Management” (pp. 305-322)

Al-Adwani, A. B. (2014). The extent to which human resources managers in KNPC believe in human resource investment. International Business Research, 7(4), 132–141. Retrieved from

Cocks, G. (2014). Optimising pathways for an organisational change management programme. TQM Journal, 26(1), 88–97.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Gopal, S., & Kumar, D. M. (2015). Strategic interventions in tackling poor performance of service departments: Study on Muhibbah engineering. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 7(4), 6–13. Retrieved from

Henderson, S., Kendall, E., Forday, P., & Cowan, D. (2013). Partnership functioning: A case in point between government, nongovernment, and a university in Australia. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 7(4), 385–393.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Kash, B. A., Spaulding, A., Johnson, C. E., Gamm, L., & Hulefeld, M. F. (2014). Success factors for strategic change initiatives: A qualitative study of healthcare administrators’ perspectives. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(1), 65–81.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Martínez-Jerez, F. A. (2014). Rewriting the playbook for corporate partnerships. MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(2), 63–70.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Mutale, W., Stringer, J., Chintu, N., Chilengi, R., Mwanamwenge, M. T., Kasese, N., … Ayles, H. (2014). Application of balanced scorecard in the evaluation of a complex health system intervention: 12 months post intervention findings from the BHOMA intervention: A cluster randomised trial in Zambia. PLoS One, 9(4).

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Ovseiko, P. V., Melham, K., Fowler, J., & Buchan, A. M. (2015). Organisational culture and post-merger integration in an academic health centre: A mixed-methods study. BMC Health Services Research, 15, 417–443.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Rajaram, S. S., Grimm, B., Giroux, J., Peck, M., & Ramos, A. (2014). Partnering with American Indian communities in health using methods of strategic collaboration. Progress in Community Health Partnerships, 8(3), 387–395.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Reid, M. F., Brown, L., McNerney, D., & Perri, D. J. (2014). Time to raise the bar on nonprofit strategic planning and implementation. Strategy & Leadership, 42(3), 31–39.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Shea, C. M., Jacobs, S. R., Esserman, D. A., Bruce, K., & Weiner, B. J. (2014). Organizational readiness for implementing change: A psychometric assessment of a new measure. Implementation Science, 9(7), 1–15.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Steinbauer, R., Renn, R. W., Taylor, R. R., & Njoroge, P. K. (2014). Ethical leadership and followers’ moral judgment: The role of followers’ perceived accountability and self-leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 120(3), 381–392.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Traberg, A., Jacobsen, P., & Duthiers, N. M. (2014). Advancing the use of performance evaluation in health care. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(3), 422–436.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Resources for the Final Project

Iedunote (n.d.). Strategic planning process: 9 steps of setting proper strategic plan. Retrieved from

Invest-Tech Limited. (2016). Business planning papers: Developing a strategic plan. Retrieved from

Queensland Government Chief Information Office. (n.d.). Change management plan workbook and template. Retrieved from


Executive Summary

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency is among the best healthcare providers in the region. In addition to offering quality services to its patients, the agency has massive successes in its main divisions; Home Care Division, Private Duty Division and Community Health Division. However, the facility has been facing challenges that have adversely affected its operations. As such, the board of directors has requested that a strategic plan be designed to address major issues and to improve HCHHA’s financial and operational performance. Additionally, the board of directors has requested that strategies be designed to address the absence of a Medicare –Certified Hospice in the region and what can be done to close the gap. In line with these requests, a strategic plan has been designed. A SWOT analysis has been conducted and grand strategies listed down. Under product development strategies, the plan recommends that HCHHA collaborates with doctors and hospice nurses and other key shareholders to develop a Medicare –certified hospice. To improve market penetration HCHHA should invest in advertisement, expanding its operations to neighboring regions and diversification of products and services. To address the financial problems in the agency, the retrenchment strategy recommends the adoption of the diagnosis related group program system (DRG) to track payments from Medicaid. A tactical plan has been provided that highlights specific goals with fixed deadlines to help the agency develop a Medicare-Certified Hospice facility. Budgets, resources and a marketing plan have also been highlighted. An operational plan is presented where single use plans have been designed to address the high employee turnover rate in the facility. Key performance indicators have been provided that focus on financial metrics, customer metrics, process metrics and people metrics. Lastly, a change management plan has been discussed with key areas highlighted.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan


The strategic planning process is made up of several steps that effectively use human resources and materials to achieve organizational objectives. The strategy collectively states the purpose of the organization, its mission statement and long-term objectives. Additionally, the strategy develops an appropriate course of action and allocates resources towards the achievement of set strategies (Iedunote). The strategic planning process has nine key steps including; planning awareness, goal formulation, analysis of both the internal the external environments,  identification of threats and strategic opportunities, carrying out a gap analysis, designing alternative strategies, implementing set strategies and measuring progress (Iedunote).  Following these steps, this strategic plan will carry out an initial examination of HCHHA’s state of affairs and develop a plan that will affect daily performance of the organization.

The Hillsboro County Home Health Agency (HCHHA) is among the best health care providers in the country. Founded in 1946 as a nonprofit home health agency, HCHHA has successfully provided quality healthcare services to the people of Hillsboro. However, in recent times, the healthcare facility has struggled with several issues that have negatively affected its financial status and operational performance. As such, the board of directors and the executive leadership team has requested assistance in the development of strategies that;

  • Address the absence of a Medicare-certified hospice resulting in negative publicity for the facility
  • Improve overall financial performance
  • Improve operational performance
  • Address external factors that might negatively affect the facility’s competitive advantage

In line with the aforementioned key areas, this report will provide strategies to help the facility manage the challenges while also maintaining profitability.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Mission Statement

“The mission of HCHHA is to serve individuals in their usual environments and is concerned with well people as well as people with illness or disabilities. We strive to prevent disease or to retard its progress and to reduce the ill effects of unavoidable disease. We provide quality nursing and therapeutic care to the noninstitutionalized sick and disabled. We also provide information and encouragement to individuals and families, special groups and the community as a whole for the promotion of health”.

Vision Statement

To provide quality healthcare services to every individual in need.

Core Values

  1. To provide patient-centered care
  2. To be a resource center for patients, their families and the community in general
  3. To build good leadership skills
  4. To build and enhance collaboration
  5. To nature professionalism
  6. To offer quality care
  7. To ensure prudent administration of funds

SWOT Analysis


  • Good governance
  • Effective community health division at the facility
  • Only Medicare-certified home care service in the county
  • Contracts with managed care organizations
  • Home care division
  • Can-do attitude


  • Increased dependence on Medicare and other government programs
  • Staff turnover
  • Physician recertification for Medicare patients
  • Lack of employee credentialing and background checks
  • Outdated work rules
  • Lack of Medicare-certified hospice


  • Modernized building
  • Technological advancements
  • Year-round fundraising activities
  • Collaboration with other home health agencies to offer hospice services to the residents of Hillsboro County
  • Increasing market share


  • Increased competition from other agencies in the home care field
  • Reimbursement changes
  • Increased interest from managed care organizations and insurance companies in the use of home care services
  • Referral of patients living in Jasper to the Capital City Visiting Nurse Association instead of HCHHA
  • Lack of funds
  • Lack of support from United Appeal

Long-term Strategic Priorities

Long-term strategies are corporate level strategies used to identify the organization’s choice with regards to the direction it will follow to achieve set objectives. Setting grand strategies requires the organization to choose a long-term plan from a set of available resources (Silove, 2017). The grand strategies guide the organization’s decision on the allocation of resources from one area of the business to the other and in managing their portfolio efficiently (Silove, 2017). In doing so, the organization chooses the best alternative available. A strategic plan with long term objectives acts as a framework to guide the decision-making process and provide a basis for planning. By analyzing information in a long-term strategic plan, managers are able to make required changes and create a platform for further planning to be done. Thus, a long-term plan is a road map through which a strategic plan will be accomplished.

HCHHA long term plan has the following; product development plan, market growth plan, retrenchment strategies, stability strategies, combination strategies and retrenchment strategies.

Product Development

            A product development strategy is based on the creation of new products or the transformation of already existing products to become new and introducing these products to the market (Kim, Park & Sawng, 2016). Product development strategies are introduced when there is little growth in the company’s current market. In such a state, a company could upgrade an already existing product, evolve a new product or completely abandon the product all together. For many companies, abandoning a product is not economically viable. Therefore, strategies are designed to either upgrade or evolve a product and introduce it into an existing market or into a new market altogether.

After the Middleboro Sentinel news article and the news feature on TV Channel 32, HCHHA has realized the need for a Medicare-certified hospice. The lack of a hospice in Middleboro has prompted HCHHA to develop strategies to address this need. In line with this objective, HCHHA has engaged the services of a consultant to estimate the need for a Medicare-certified hospice in Hillsboro County. This hospice facility is a new product that HCHHA is intending to introduce into the market. According to Kim, Park and Sawng (2016), a new product can be defined as a product in which a company introduces to a new market and in which changes are conveyed. New product development process involves the formalization of planning and thoughts from the initial stage of generating ideas to the last stage of market launching. This product development strategy for a new Medicare-certified Hospice will highlight seven key phases of; idea discovery, idea screening, concept development, business analysis, developing a mix between marketing and the product, market testing and product launch.

New product development projects often fail during the early stages of development or in the last stage of product launch phase. The underlying causes of failure often occur in the initial stage of product development (Floren, Frishammar, Parida & Wincent, 2018). Managing the front end of the new product development process has significant implications on product success. Based on the consultant’s report, over 55% of individuals who have cancer seek the services of a hospice. Additionally, most hospice care is offered to individuals at their home. With 85% of individuals who seek Medicare-certified hospice care being fully covered by Medicare, the need for a HCHHA hospice care is long overdue. Due to lack of physical space, HCHHA can opt to offer these services at the patient’s home. Hospice care is designed to offer care for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Meier, 2015). By coordinating with doctors, hospital social workers, case managers and discharge planners, a HCHHA Medicare-funded hospice is a possible new product.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Market Growth

Most organizations have plans to grow their business and increase sales. As such, market growth strategies are necessary to facilitate this growth. There are several growth strategies that organizations can employ. They include; market development, market penetration, product expansion and diversification (Boag & Dastmalchian, 2015). Growth under market penetration attempts to increase an organization’s market share using current products and services. HCHHA has several programs that it offers to residents of Hillsboro County and beyond. The private duty division and the community health division have several programs that offer a wide range of services including high blood pressure screening programs, senior health clinics, personal care services, head lice program and senior health clinics. Recently, there have been increased referrals to Capital City Visiting Nurse Association instead of HCHHA. To improve market penetration, HCHHA can increase its marketing efforts by placing adverts in the local dailies and TV stations.

Achieving growth requires several strategies that increase profitability and success. Market development involves introducing products and services to new markets. HCHHA is a reputable facility known to offer quality care to residents of Hillsboro County. With this in mind, the facility should invest in expanding its business to neighboring counties. Diversification on the other hand, involves creating a completely new product for a new market (Liabotis, 2017). This strategy is the most uncertain making it the riskiest strategy yet. By venturing into the hospice business, HCHHA risks failing and the same time, the possibility of reaping high benefits is also present. Overall, for HCHHA to increase its value, it must invest in the aforementioned growth strategies.

To achieve growth, HCHHA should strengthen their infrastructure to ensure that it is up to standards to support successful execution (Liabotis, 2017). HCHHA has already invested resources to renovate Middleboro office in the Hartsdale House by installing new sprinkler systems and fire warning systems. It is recommended that the facility utilizes performance drivers that align with the growth strategy. Additionally, the facility could grow more leaders at both managerial and non-managerial levels of the organization.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Retrenchment Strategy

            Retrenchment strategies seek to divest, restructure or sell a business unit with the purpose of reducing costs, streamlining operations and stabilizing cash flow. There are three primary retrenchment strategies; turnaround strategy, divestment and liquidation strategies 9Casillas, Moreno-Menendez, Barbero & Clinton, 2018). The turnaround strategy requires the realignment of operations to be more profitable. Often, turnaround strategies are designed as a response to ineffective strategies causing harm to the organization. HCHHA has financial issues both in the private duty division and the community health division. The home care division is fully funded by Medicare and Medicaid. However, the facility is receiving less money per patient that what Medicare allocates to other facilities. It is recommended that HCHHA adopts the diagnosis-related group (DRG) payment system to track payments from Medicare and other private health insurance companies. When the facility treats a patient, they should assign a DRG when the patient is discharged. The facility is paid a fixed amount for the DRG regardless of the amount of money it spent in the patient. If the facility effectively treats a patient for less money than what Medicare pays for the DRG, the facility is able to make money on that hospitalization (Davis, 2019).

Divestment strategies involve reducing operations or getting rid of a business unit. These strategies are often implemented when a business unit is losing money or when it does not fit with the company’s core objectives. Divestment strategies require the facility to allocate resources to other profitable business units (Casillas et al. 2018). Recently, HCHHA staff nurses have expressed their concern on the extra time it takes to do paperwork from home after work. This in turn reduces productivity and increases costs. It is recommended that HCHHA employs data clerks to help staff members file paperwork.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Liquidation strategies are similar to divestment strategies. Liquidation focuses on shutting down units and selling specific assets (Casillas et al. 2018). With the unstable Medicare reimbursement system, HCHHA should consider selling some of its divisions to other local hospitals to mitigate losses.

Stability Strategy

Stability strategies seek to maintain operations in a business. These strategies are characteristic of organizations that are comfortable with their current positions. Some of the strategies include; no change strategies, profit strategies and caution strategies (Alshawabkeh et al. 2019). No change strategies are used when an organization makes no changes to its operations. The organization examines factors affecting its market environment and decides to maintain its strategic objectives. HCHHA at the moment has a positive rapport with its customers. Therefore, it should continue to stay unaffiliated with other hospitals in the region. Profit strategies are used to improve profitability. Profit strategies may include; increasing output, raising prices or offsetting losses. It is recommended that HCHHA should boost its home visits to boost productivity. According to board member David Ruseski, staff productivity should be increased. Thus, the Home Health Visit Staff Productivity Profiles for RN, LPN, HC aide, Physical therapists, occupational therapists and social workers should be implemented at the facility. Caution strategies on the hand, require organizations to wait and assess the market before employing new strategies. These strategies are considered to be reconnaissance and are conducted before any strategic action is taken (Alshawabkeh et al. 2019). In line with this objective, HCHHA should first assess the market for Medicaid-funded hospice services before embarking into this venture. Stability strategies are used to maintain an organization’s position in the market.

Combination Strategy

            Combination strategies are used to combine several master strategies. Combination strategies may include the use of different strategies in each business unit. Additionally, the strategies may include the use of multiple strategies in individual business units at the same time or during different occasions (Parnell, 2014). Thus, combination strategies are designed to mix growth strategies, retrenchment strategies and stability strategies. It is recommended that HCHHA continues to consolidate its position in the existing business of home care while also entering new areas like the hospice home care services.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

            When businesses experience deteriorating performance due to market erosion, they respond by selecting strategies that redirect attempts to turnaround its operations and improve its competitive position (Casillas et al. 2018). One form of retrenchment strategies is a turnaround strategy that focuses on operational improvement. When organizations adopt retrenchment strategies, they reduce one or more business operations with the aim of cutting expenses to reach a stable financial position. In addition to turnaround strategies, businesses can either adopt divestment strategies or liquidation strategies (Casillas et al. 2018). HCHHA may consider charging customers who seek their Telehealth program instead of offering the service for free. If this venture proves difficult, HCHHA should shut it down.

Operational and Tactical Plan

Tactical Plan

A tactical plan describes tactics that an organization plans to implement to achieve what is outlined in the strategic plan. Tactical plans are short range, with a scope of one year or less. Tactical plans are flexible and are designed to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives (“Strategic Planning”, 2014). The following are important components of a tactical plan

Specific Goals with Fixed Deadlines

  • Open a Medicare-funded hospice division within ten months
  • Adopt a Diagnosis-related group payment system (DRG) within three months
  • Hire data clerks to help home care nurses with paper work in a month
  • Increase staff profitability by reducing travel time to and fro patient’s houses within two months
  • Conduct benchmarking activities on other hospice facilities to determine viability and opportunity for growth within the next six months
  • Adopt performance drivers to grow more leaders in the facility and to reduce employee turnover rates within the next year
  • Modernize the Middleboro office by adding fire alarm systems and sprinkler system within four months

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan


A majority of the funding or revenue inflow for the strategic plan will come from fundraising activities and grants. Additionally, funds will be obtained from the 960,000 USD bequest given to the facility by a former patient. A budget will be allocated for hiring new data clerks. Additionally, a budget will be allocated for marketing campaigns in the local newspapers and TV stations.


The resources that are required to achieve the organization’s aims include; human resources and cash resources. HCHHA will continue contracting the services of a private duty nurse, Amy Edwards, RN and her associates who conduct in-home IV therapy. This is in line with the facility’s mission of providing quality care to patients. With word going around that Rock Creek, a private long-term care facility in Mifflenville is developing plans to start a private home care agency, HCHHA risks losing some of its clients to Rock Creek. As such, a majority of the cash resources should be directed towards advertisements to reassure customers of HCHHA quality services.


HCHHA will create an affiliate program to improve its marketing strategy. Additionally, due to the financial constraints, HCHHA will use growth hacking to combine creativity, social metrics and analytical thinking to sell the facility’s services. Referrals programs will form a large portion of the marketing for the facility. Clients will be incentivized to tell others about the services offered at HCHHA. In addition to using traditional methods of advertising, HCHHA will use earned media or free media to facilitate inbound marketing and to increase awareness of the services offered at the facility. Lastly, HCHHA will use content marketing which emphasizes on education rather than selling to influence the buying behavior.

Operational Plan

            An operational plan describes daily activities in the running of a business. It provides a roadmap for achieving tactical goals within realistic frameworks. An operational plan is highly specific with emphasis placed on the achievement of short-term objectives (“Strategic Planning”, 2014). Operational plans are divided into single use plans and ongoing.

            Single Use Plans

Single use plans are created for single occurrences and are highly specific (“Strategic Planning”, 2014). According to Catherine Newfields, the home care division manager, there has been high employee turnover and a reluctance of staff to provide all round IV therapy to cancer patients. A recruitment drive to hire new employees is an effective single use plan that the facility can adopt.

            Ongoing Plans

Ongoing plans focus on policies, rules and procedures and are created on an ongoing basis. Policies are used to dictate how managers approach situations. Policies also decision-making processes in the organization. Rules on the other hand are regulations designed to help organizations function. Rules are hard coded and are enforced stringently while procedures are step-by-step processes that accomplish specific objectives (“Strategic Planning”, 2014). HCHHA should therefore develop ongoing plans that include termination of contracts, hiring new employees and sourcing for medical equipment among other tasks.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Key Performance and Evaluation Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPI) are performance measurements that institutions use to gauge how they are performing. KPIs act as compasses helping organizations understand whether they are taking the right path towards their strategic goals (Jahangirian, Taylor, Young & Robinson, 2017). To be effective, KPIs must be quantifiable, well-defined, must be communicated throughout the organization and its departments, must be crucial to achieving strategic goals and must be applicable to the organization’s line of business (Jahangirian et al. 2017). For HCHHA, the key performance indicators that will be used include; financial metrics, customer metrics, process metrics and people metrics.

Financial Metrics

  1. Profit: gross and net profit margins will be analyzed to understand how successful the organization is at generating high returns.
  2. Cost: cost effectiveness of the proposed interventions will be analyzed to determine ideal ways of reducing and managing costs
  3. Line of business revenue Vs. Target: HCHHA’s actual revenue will be compared with its projected revenue. Discrepancies will be charted and analyzed to help management identify departments that are performing better than others.
  4. Cost of services offered: the production costs of the services offered by the home care division, private duty division and community health division at HCHHA will be tallied. This will help the facility get a better idea of its profit margin. This information will be used to determine how to outsell its competition.
  5. Line of Business (LOB) Expenses Vs Budget: The actual overhead with the forecasted budget will be compared. This will help the facility understand where it deviated from the plan to help the facility created effective departmental budgets in the future.

Customer Metrics

  1. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CVL will help the facility understand the long-term value of maintaining customer relationships. This indicator will be used to identify the best channel to use to gain customers for the best price.
  2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): this indicator will help HCHHA evaluate the cost effectiveness of its marketing campaigns
  3. Customer satisfaction and retention: the facility can use customer satisfaction scores and percentage of return customers to gauge customer satisfaction levels.
  4. Net Promoter Score (NPS): the facility can determine its NPS by sending quarterly to customers to gauge the likelihood of them referring the facility to other patients. By establishing a baseline, strategies can be put in place to help the numbers grow.
  5. Number of customers: the organization can determine the number of customers it has gained or lost to determine whether the consumer’s needs are met.

Process Metrics

  1. LOB Efficiency Measure: efficiency can be measured by analyzing the number of patients that HCHHA meets in a day and the percentage of time the facility was operational.

People Metrics

  1. Employee Turnover Rate (ETR): HCHHA will calculate its ETR and if it is high, the facility should examine its workplace culture, work environment and employment packages to determine areas of change.
  2. Employee Satisfaction: the facility will use surveys to measure employee satisfaction. The information obtained will be used to gauge organizational health.

Change Management Plan

The change management process follows a sequence of steps that a change management team will apply to a change to drive individual transition and ensure that the organization meets its intended outcomes (Malek & Yazdanifard, 2014). There are several key elements that guarantee a successful change management process. Change management plans on the other hand, are designed to support a project until it delivers change. HCHHA like other organizations is consistently going through change. The development of a new Medicare-funded hospice division is one example of change. In line with this, a change management plan is essential as it minimizes the impact of change on the organization and staff.

Size of the Change

            In the recent past, there has been concern over the lack of a Medicare-Certified hospice facility in Middleboro. HCHHA as a home health agency is tasked with the responsibility of providing hospice care to the terminally ill in the town. This need has prompted HCHHA to engage consultants to estimate the need for a Medicare-Certified hospice in Hillsboro. A hospice will provide much needed home care to the terminally ill in the community. HCHHA will need to hire new staff members who are well trained in hospice care. Financial resources must be directed towards providing infrastructure to facilitate the creation of a hospice facility. The change management team will be assessed before the plan is designed. Additionally, every team member will be allocated specific tasks and areas of the project. Rules will also be created to control the change management process. The rules will provide a guideline on how teams are chosen, how team members are assigned tasks and how everyone will be held accountable for their actions. Project completion objectives will also be set.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Readiness for Change Assessment

Readiness assessments are used by the change management team to assess the organization’s readiness to change. The assessment provides the project team with insights into opportunities and challenges that the project might face during the change process (Weiner, 2014). The readiness for change assessment will provide; the scope of the change in terms of the department that will be affected, number of employees impacted by the change, type of change and amount of change that has currently been done.

The first step in the readiness assessment is the data collection step. Data will be collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative data will be collected by conducting interviews with key stakeholders (Weiner, 2014). This will involve individuals in the leadership position and other staff members directly involved in the hospice project. Additionally, internal organizational influencers will be included. During the interviews, several outcomes will be analyzed; the level of understanding of the project, the level of understanding of the benefits and barriers that the project will face, understanding of the project’s vision and mission, an appreciation of the organization’s need for change. Quantitative data will be collected via the distribution of a readiness survey (Weiner, 2014). The survey will be distributed to the leadership team, the project team and the end users. The survey will ask questions around project sponsorship, resources, support and understanding the change. The data collected is analyzed to gauge readiness for change and to tailor communications that target specific departments. Lastly, recommendations are made to improve project understanding and competency.

Change Management Strategy

Change management strategies are used to highlight specific ways in which organizations address change. The first step in the change management strategy involves urgency creation. Change will only be successful if the entire staff at HCHHA wants it. By creating awareness around the program, staff members at the facility will receive the idea well (Jalagat, 2016). Awareness will be created through the use of statistics and visual presentations to convey the benefits of offering hospice services. In addition to creating awareness for the project, a team will be selected to carry out the change. The team will be organized and responsibilities assigned to each member. Creating a vision for the change process is essential as it makes everything clear to all parties involved. Additionally, a clear vision will help the project implementation team better perform their duties. The vision derived must then be communicated to the rest of the staff members (Jalagat, 2016). The project’s vision should be communicated frequently. Obstacles to change are expected. Therefore, strategies to remove obstacles should be created to increase the team’s morale. To avoid failure, the project team should refrain from declaring victory early. Instead, the team should let the change mature. Lastly, mechanisms should be created to integrate the change into the organization’s culture.

Team Structure and Responsibilities

The main purpose of change teams is to effect change. Thus, a change management team is vital to the health of this change program (By, Kuipers & Procter, 2018). Before selecting a change team, their roles and responsibilities must be determined. Responsibilities revolve around the problem being solved by the change project, the task being executed and the change model already in place. The change model implemented will be used to determine; the change model, the organization structure and budgetary constraints. The HCHHA change will comprise of; change leaders, change managers and change agents. The role of the change leader is to create the vision for change and to drive the change itself (By, Kuipers & Procter, 2018). Therefore, the change leader acts as the impetus that propels the change forward. The change manager will oversee and administer change initiatives. Change agents are tasked with the responsibility of enacting the change. Prosci’s change team structure will be used to provide a step-by-step guide for mapping out and enhancing change. The framework has five key roles for the change management team, executives and senior managers, supervisors and managers, the project team and project support functions. Overall, the team makeup is crucial in ensuring the success of the change management initiative.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Sponsor Roles and Responsibilities

            Involving leaders to effect change is not enough, change initiatives need sponsorships. Sponsors help the project allocate resources, acquire critical stakeholders, resolve conflicts, provide leadership and needed support to effect change. In line with this, sponsorship is essential to guaranteeing success in organizations’ change management strategies (Helm & Remington, 2015). Sponsors introduce leadership and new information to projects so that project teams can work efficiently. Additionally, sponsors provide resources and eliminate potential roadblocks to change. Leaders have the responsibility for providing budgets and resources to help the project move forward. Good sponsors provide the team with what they need currently and what they might need in the future. Sponsors create alignment, improve communication channels and use their influence to shape and reinforce behavior. Good sponsors unite people and helps them work through roadblocks and move towards productive agreements (Helm & Remington, 2015). Sponsors also demonstrate a sense of commitment to their roles and to their project success. Lastly, sponsors work towards achieving sustainable change during the course of the project and beyond it.


The HCHHA hospice project will be sponsored by grant holders. The finance committee will oversee budget implementation and will examine budget variances. Additionally, resources will be obtained from the 960,000 USD restricted bequest that HCHHA received from a former patient.

Planning and Implementation

Management support is essential in improving employee comfort levels during change implementation. A case for change should be created from different sources. Data should be collected from customer satisfaction surveys, employee satisfaction surveys, business goals and strategic planning (Cocks, 2014). The data should then be used o identify the best ways to identify and justify areas that need improvement. Change efforts should incorporate employees at all levels. Any change should be effectively communicated and explained to all employees. Communication should be structured and systematic to minimize resistance and improve inclusion. Once a change has been planned, effective communication is necessary to facilitate the implementation stage (Cocks, 2014). A timeline should be made to allow for appropriate resources and training to take place before the change is fully implemented. Without a logical order, the implementation process can create frustration for the shareholders. Whenever a change is introduced, a follow-up must be done after the implementation process to assess if the change delivered the results intended. If the desired results are not achieved, adjustments should be made until the desired results are achieved. Change implementation often encounters barriers. Barriers may come from other employees, organizational departments, lack of training or lack of equipment. Management should ensure that these barriers are dealt with (Cocks, 2014). Lastly, management should celebrate the success of small changes as they happen to build momentum for bigger changes.

Communications Plan

A communication plan is a crucial part of every organization’s management toolkit. With a communication plan in place, the management will be better placed to announce changes in the organization. An effective communication plan should have an audience analysis. An audience analysis requires management to separate the management group and the employee group to ensure that a more tailored communication is delivered (Newman, 2016). Once the audience has been identified, tailored questions will be created to better understand the audience. In addition to conducting an audience analysis, communication objectives should be set to address each audience. The objectives might be broad, for HCHHA, the broad objective will be to develop a Medicare-certified hospice in Hillsboro. The objectives should then be narrowed down to become more specific. Afterwards, communication channels should be selected based on the best ways to reach the audiences (Newman, 2016). Using a variety of communication channels including written and oral communication increases the odds of success. Responsibilities should also be assigned to every member of the communication team to determine who writes and who delivers the messages. Message timing is also important to a well-constructed communication plan. Lastly, during a change process, messages should be appropriately sequenced and closely tied to guarantee maximum output (Newman, 2016). Therefore, timing and frequency of messages should be determined.

Hillsboro County Home Health Agency Strategic Plan

Change Management Resistance Plan

One of the most recalcitrant problems that many changes management team face is employee resistance to change. Resistance takes a number of forms including chronic quarrels, strikes, requests for transfers or other pseudological reasons why the change might not work (Marrewijk, 2018). To avoid forcing change on employees, strategies should be put in place. Getting employees involved in the change will help management avoid resistance. Additionally, by understanding the true nature of resistance will reduce friction. Resistance is usually as a result of blind spots and attitudes that many employees have as a result of their preoccupation with technical factors associated with new ideas (Marrewijk, 2018). Knowing this, the change management team can take concrete steps to address staff attitudes. This includes emphasizing appropriate standards of performance and encouraging staff to think differently and accept change. Top executives should also make their efforts effective during meetings with other employees and in change management groups where change is being discussed. This will increase receptiveness to change. Additionally, creating win-win situations will make it easy for resistant employees to participate in the change (Marrewijk, 2018). A majority of resistance to change can be avoided if efficient change management is applied at the beginning of each change project. This can be achieved by utilizing a structured change management approach at the beginning of the project. Senior leaders should also be engaged as sponsors. Likewise, every employee at all levels of management should be engaged as advocates of change (Marrewijk, 2018). Lastly, resistance can be avoided by communicating the need for change, the impact the change will have on the employees and the benefits the change will bring to the organization as a whole.


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Boag, DA. & Dastmalchian, A. (2015). The Relationship Between Growth Strategy and Market Performance in Technology-Based Manufacturing Companies. Proceedings of the 1987 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference, 382-386. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-1

By, R.T., Kuipers, B. & Procter, S. (2018). Understanding Teams in Order to Understand Organizational Change: The OTIC Model of Organizational Change. Journal of Change Management, 18(1), 1-9. Doi: 10.1080/14697017.2018.1433742

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Cocks, G. (2014). Optimizing Pathways for an Organizational Change Management Programme. The TQM Journal, 26(1), 88-97. Doi: 10.1108/TQM-02-2013-0015

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The Creation of Hope

The Creation of Hope

Chapter 11 in the textbook emphasizes the importance of hope and possibility in the counseling process. Clients come into counseling having tried many different solutions that have failed. In many cases, they are discouraged and hopeless about resolving their problems in a way that creates a better life.

The Creation of Hope

In some cases, clients face significant barriers of physical disability or illness, histories of trauma, occupational disadvantages, or addictions. Throughout the counseling process the counselor attempts to create hope.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing the following:

1.      How can the counselor create a sense of hope and possibility for the client?

2.      How does establishing goals help clients to develop hope?

3.      What steps can the counselor take to help clients identify goals for change?

4.      What strategies can a counselor utilize to help clients commit to change?

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.

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Illness, and especially the type that requires psychotherapy brings with it a need for hope.  The term hope refers to an emotion that involves positive feelings about the future whether in short-term or long term basis. It is characterized by high motivation and optimism. Patients undergoing therapy need messages that give them a reason to find hope and alleviate the hopelessness that they may be experiencing. This is because; by the time patients go for counseling, many of them have tried several options that may have been futile.  Therefore, during counseling, hope serves the purpose of envisioning a future that they would like to take part in and consequently, it forms a central feature in counseling practice (Larsen et al. 2018).

The Creation of Hope

How can the counselor create a sense of hope and possibility for the client?

According to Edey and Jevne, (2003), people seek various solutions including internet searches, confiding in religious people, and friends, reading books among others, a situation that makes hopelessness and pessimism to set in. Therefore, mental health practitioners come in to help them find solutions and achieve inner peace, and this requires them to hold a sense of hope (Bartholomew et al. 2019). There are several ways that mental health practitioners can infuse hope to their patients. One way would be to examine the circumstances under which the client was symptom-free and invite them to process some of the ways that they have been able to overcome the challenges that they have experienced in the past. The main aim of this action is to enhance resilience and identify sources both internally and externally that would be beneficial In encouraging them to get a fighting spirit by focusing on their strengths.

The Creation of Hope

It is also necessary for the clinician to recognize and consequently validate the efforts that are being put in by the client. This action is ideal as it serves to re-instate a feeling of hope. If the clients are made to write down the baby steps, they will be able to recognize that they are making progress and consequently gain hope. Also, clients can be encouraged to realize that they possess choices, power as well as wisdom and therefore they are capable of helping themselves. In doing so, they take out the past feelings and replace them with hope. Therefore hope forms the basis of the therapeutic relationship and is integral to the very aims and motivation of counseling

How does establishing goals help clients to develop hope?

Hope is an emotion-driven by a specific desired outcome, which is unlikely to occur. One thing that is very unique about hope is that it tends to direct people and encourage them to remain committed to their goals and take actions toward achieving them despite setbacks and obstacles. Setting goals can be used to help clients develop hope mainly because goal setting increases positivity and hope is involved with positive emotions regarding the future (Larsen et al.2018). When people have goals, they desire to achieve them and therefore they develop the strategies that are useful in helping them meet the goals. One effective thing about setting goals is that people tend to visualize their goals coming into fruition and this makes hope and positivity to set in. making realistic goals and sub-goal, therefore, goes a long way in helping the clients develop hope (O’Hara, 2013).


What steps can the counselor take to help clients identify goals for change?

The process of psychotherapy has many goals and includes facilitating behavior change, promoting decision-making process, enhancing the ability of the client to cope with the issue as well as enhancing the ability to build and maintain relationships. These goals become a guideline for the therapist when helping the patient in making efforts towards a positive change. One step that the therapist needs to undertake is to analyze the goal and establish the impact of the therapy, the available barriers, the expectations and motivations for making the changes (Brewer, 2016). The first step is to identify the goal and choose the starting point while establishing the steps that are essential in achieving the goal. Once the starting point is established, then the process begins. It is necessary to ensure that the goals are specific and challenging but they should not be impossible to achieve. The goals may then be divided into sub-goals and alternatives to achieving the goals identified.

The Creation of Hope

What strategies can a counselor utilize to help clients commit to change?

One of the strategies that can be employed to help the clients maintain their commitment to change is to employ hope focused strategies.  Hope-focused counseling requires a conscious decision on the part of the therapist to incorporate hope into the counseling session. Interventions that foster hope include establishing a therapeutic relationship, reframing the situation or helping the client envision a new perspective, empowering the patients and helping the patients utilize the available resources (Brewer, 2016).  Also, the therapist should ensure that the main goal is broken down into manageable chunks that would be easier to achieve, for example, one may strive to re-join the gym and do regular exercise, or socialize more. In line with this, the therapist should ensure that they remain compassionate and also identify and recognize the efforts that are made by the clients hence motivating them to do more. Tracking the progress is also a significant strategy and this may be accompanied by encouraging the client to write down the reason why they should stick to the goal as this may positively boost the motivation.

The Creation of Hope


Psychotherapy is necessary and mainly the clients that undergo it have lost hope or suffer from conditions such as depression that are characterized by the feeling of hopelessness. Therefore, hope is necessary for the counseling process mainly because it is instrumental in ensuring positivity as people look forward to their goals coming to fruition. Hope is necessary for both the clients and the therapists hence efforts should be made to ensure that the therapists also remain hopeful. One way to instill hope is to set goals and come up with strategies that will ensure that the clients stick to their commitment to change.



Bartholomew, T. T., Gundel, B. E., Li, H., Joy, E. E., Kang, E., & Scheel, M. J. (2019). The meaning of therapists’ hope for their clients: A phenomenological study. Journal of counseling psychology66(4), 496.

Brewer, A. B. (2016). A Qualitative Study on Clients’ and Therapists’ Perceptions of Therapeutic Interventions that Foster Hope.

Larsen, D. J., Stege, R., King, R., & Egeli, N. (2018). The hope collage activity: an arts-based group intervention for people with chronic pain. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 46(6), 722-737.

O’Hara, D. (2013). Hope in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Sage. Doi: 10.4135/9781446269992.




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Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

  1. Imagine that you are going to make a visit to your representative in Congress. Develop a one-page document that supports your position on the AHCA that you would leave with your representative or his or her aide when you make your visit. This one-pager, also called a “leave behind,” should state your position clearly in bullet points and give your reasons why your position is preferred. This “leave behind” should have 1 inch margins and utilize 14-point font throughout. If you were making this visit in person, you would present your “leave behind” to the person with whom you speak during your visit. Include a second page that describes your rationale for the position in your “leave behind” page supported by at least two journal articles.
  2. Write a two-page brief to describe the scenario surrounding your legislative visit. Understanding the political affiliation of your representative, include answers to the following:
    • Was your member in support or in opposition to the AHCA?
    • State three points that you would cover in support or opposition to your representative’s position.
    • How does your nursing experience influence the advocacy position that you take on the AHCA?



Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

Part 1

The AHCA may introduce many changes and enhance the American healthcare system. The country has changed drastically during the last decade. As such, the health care policies that may have worked during the past may not be the most effective during the current period. The American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA), therefore, may be the solution that is needed to address some of the key challenges associated with the current healthcare system in the country.

Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

Enacting the bill would result in better healthcare services since it will be addressing some of the challenges related to healthcare that the American people face. AHCA would be better relative to AHA for some reasons, which include:

  • Increased flexibility since not having health insurance would not attract a federal penalty, thus making AHCA more flexible.
  • Tax credits to aid in the payment of tax premiums, which tends to be particularly important for low-income earners. Furthermore, these credits phase out as incomes rise, which in turn increases equality.
  • The introduction of a maximum subsidy or tax credit the government can pay. Such ensures that public resources are utilized in the best way possible.
  • People can buy plans that do not cover benefits that they may not want. Such increases the flexibility, which in turn may lead to increased insurance coverage in the country (Fielder et al., 2017).

For the above reasons, therefore, it is my believe that enacting AHCA and repealing ACA would be more beneficial to the American people considering the former addresses new healthcare challenges, increases flexibility, and results in a better use of public resources relative to the latter.

Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

The rationale for the position that I take in the letter is that AHCA offers a better opportunity to improve healthcare in the United States compared to using the current Obama Care are system. One of the reasons for supporting AHCA is that it will lead to a repeal of AHA, which is associated with multiple problems and it does not fulfill on the promises that it made.


One of the reasons why I support AHCA is that it will increase flexibility in taking insurance cover in the country since not having an insurance cover would not attract penalties. With AHA, failing to take an insurance cover attracts some penalties. By removing such penalties and introducing incentives, more people would take insurance cover. Furthermore, citizens would have the option to select the benefits that they would like to be covered for, unlike the AHA, which has mandatory areas that need to be covered. Such may lead to lower insurance premium, thus attracting more people to take insurance cover (Rice et al., 2018).

Moreover, enacting AHCA would lead to better use of resources, which includes having a cap on the amount of tax credits and subsidies that the government can pay. Such would result in better uses of resources for other critical elements, such as making healthcare affordable for all people, and not only those who have insurance cover. Moreover, the cost of healthcare in the country may decrease because of introducing maximum credits, and paying them based on the income of families, which would contribute to equality (Thompson et al., 2018). For instance, when family or individual incomes exceed certain amounts, they do not qualify for the tax credits or subsidies.

Part 2

The member was in opposition of AHCA in congress. He was strongly opposed to the bill and strongly campaigned against it. However, such may have been caused by his party affiliation, but not an analysis of the bill fully to understand how it would affect healthcare in the United States. As such, it would have been prudent for the representative to support the bill since it would have been more beneficial to the American people compared to AHA.

Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

One of the reasons for the need for supporting is increased cost of health insurance. While AHA promised to save around $2,500 per family each year, it has not. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services notes that since 2013, insurance premiums have more than doubled. However, the family incomes have only risen by around 19%, which shows that the rise in premiums is not because of an improving economy (Fielder et al., 2017). Therefore, introducing AHCA may control the increasing cost of insurance premiums, while at the same time offering individuals with more flexibility since they can choose whether to be covered or not, or the benefits that they would like to be covered for.

Furthermore, there is an urgent need to repeal AHA because entitlement spending has increased drastically during the last few years. AHA has caused entitlement spending to increase more than it had been expected. For instance, the projected costs of Medicaid and AHA subsidies are expected to be $4.8 trillion, with both being responsible for an estimated 44% of the anticipated increase in entitlement spending in the future (Williamson & Singe, 2017). Therefore, enacting AHCA would ensure that such costs spending are controlled, which will be beneficial to the economy.

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Furthermore, AHCA presents a new opportunity for lowering the costs of healthcare in the United States. With the enactment of AHA, it was hoped that healthcare in the country would become more affordable. However, with the enactment, healthcare costs have continued rising. Before the implementation of AHA, healthcare costs amounted to an estimated 17.2% of the GDP. However, in the year that followed, it rose to 18.3%, which represented an increased or around $200 billion on healthcare spending (Fielder et al., 2017). Forecasts indicate that medical by 2025; medical expenses will make around 20% of the country’s GDP (Rice et al., 2018). Therefore, there is a need to enact a bill that would lower and control the increasing costs of health care in the country since AHA has not been addressing the issue. Enacting AHCA may be the ideal solution for addressing the problem in the country.

Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist

My nursing experience has considerably influenced the advocacy position that I have taken with regard to AHCA. The experience has introduced me to some of the critical elements that need to be considered in the healthcare sector. For instance, medical expenses and healthcare costs are some of the key considerations that influence the quality of healthcare in a country. At the same time, nursing experience has enabled me to gain the relevant research skills, which means that I can be able to search for the right resources to support or opposes elements related to the healthcare sector. The research findings, coupled with my experience, inform the decisions that I make regarding whether to support a healthcare issue or not.



 Fiedler, M., Aaron, H. J., Adler, L., & Ginsburg, P. B. (2017). Moving in the wrong direction—health care under the AHCA. New England Journal of Medicine376(25), 2405-2407.

Rice, T., Unruh, L. Y., van Ginneken, E., Rosenau, P., & Barnes, A. J. (2018). Universal coverage reforms in the USA: From Obamacare through Trump. Health Policy122(7), 698-702.

Thompson, F. J., Gusmano, M. K., & Shinohara, S. (2018). Trump and the Affordable Care Act: Congressional repeal efforts, executive federalism, and program durability. Publius: The Journal of Federalism48(3), 396-424.

Willison, C. E., & Singer, P. M. (2017). Repealing the affordable care act essential health benefits: Threats and obstacles. American journal of public health107(8), 1225.





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