
Importance of Nursing Health Assessment

Importance of Nursing Health Assessment

In the realm of healthcare, a nurse’s role extends far beyond administering medications and monitoring vital signs. It encompasses the profound skill of nursing health assessment, a holistic approach that forms the foundation of quality patient care. Imagine a nurse as an investigator, delving into the intricacies of a patient’s health, unravelling clues, and piecing together the puzzle of their well-being. Nursing health assessment serves as the cornerstone of holistic patient care, integrating subjective and objective data to facilitate accurate diagnosis, personalized interventions, and improved patient outcomes. This comprehensive evaluation serves as a crucial foundation for accurate diagnosis, personalized interventions, and improved patient outcomes.

The Importance of Nursing Health Assessment

Nursing health assessment can be defined as the systematic collection of data about a patient’s physical, psychological, and social well-being. It involves the meticulous gathering of subjective information, such as the patient’s symptoms, history, and perceptions, as well as objective data obtained through physical examination, observation, and diagnostic tests. This comprehensive assessment forms the foundation upon which healthcare professionals make informed decisions regarding patient care.

The role or importance of nursing health assessment in healthcare is paramount. It serves as a critical starting point for healthcare providers to understand the patient’s health status, identify potential health issues, and develop appropriate interventions. By assessing both subjective and objective data, nurses can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s condition, enabling them to identify underlying problems, monitor progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions.

However, what sets nursing health assessment apart is its commitment to a holistic approach to patient care. A holistic approach recognizes that patients are not just a collection of symptoms or medical conditions; they are complex individuals with unique needs, beliefs, and experiences. By considering the patient’s physical, psychological, and social dimensions, nursing health assessment embraces a comprehensive perspective that acknowledges the interconnectedness of various aspects of well-being.

The significance of a holistic approach in patient care cannot be overstated. It allows healthcare professionals to identify not only physical ailments but also psychosocial factors that may impact a patient’s health and well-being. By understanding the patient in their entirety, nurses can address underlying causes, provide individualized care plans, and promote overall wellness.

Moreover, a holistic approach encourages patient engagement and empowerment. It fosters a therapeutic relationship between healthcare providers and patients, built on trust, respect, and collaboration. Patients feel heard, valued, and involved in their own care, leading to better treatment adherence, improved outcomes, and enhanced patient satisfaction.


The Different Components of Nursing Health Assessment

  1. The Initial Nursing Assessment: Unveiling the Patient’s Story

When embarking on the journey of nursing health assessment, the initial assessment serves as the gateway to understanding the patient’s unique story. Like an artist preparing to create a masterpiece, nurses engage in active listening, employing their empathetic skills to unravel the patient’s narrative. By delving deep into the patient’s history, current concerns, and aspirations, nurses gain valuable insights that guide subsequent assessments and interventions.

  1. Subjective and Objective Data Collection: The Yin and Yang of Assessment

Imagine nursing health assessment as a harmonious dance between subjective and objective data. Subjective data, the whispered secrets shared by the patient, provide a glimpse into their inner experiences. Through open-ended questioning and compassionate listening, nurses unravel symptoms, perceptions, and fears, which form the tapestry of subjective data. On the other hand, objective data, the tangible evidence acquired through physical examination, observation, and diagnostic tests, completes the picture. Nurses skilfully wield their assessment tools, tapping into their powers of observation to reveal vital signs, body language, and clinical indicators. The combination of these two realms of data empowers nurses to form a holistic understanding of the patient’s health status.

  1. The Nursing Process: Guiding the Assessment Journey

The nursing process acts as the compass that navigates the assessment journey. This systematic approach encompasses five interrelated steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. During the assessment phase, nurses gather data, analyse it, and synthesize the information to form a comprehensive assessment. Armed with this understanding, nurses proceed to diagnose the patient’s health problems, develop individualized care plans, and implement interventions that address the identified needs. Throughout this process, ongoing evaluation ensures the effectiveness of interventions and guides adjustments to optimize patient outcomes.

  1. Holistic Integration: Weaving a Tapestry of Care

In the realm of nursing health assessment, the true artistry lies in weaving a tapestry of care that embraces the patient’s physical, emotional, and social dimensions. Nurses approach each assessment as a holistic opportunity to understand the unique essence of the individual before them. They consider cultural nuances, spiritual beliefs, and psychosocial factors, recognizing that these aspects intricately intertwine with physical health. By treating the whole person and not merely the symptoms, nurses facilitate healing and nurture well-being.

As we journey through the remarkable landscape of nursing health assessment, remember that its true essence lies in the willingness to understand, support, and advocate for the well-being of our patients. May this knowledge empower you, dear reader, to embark on your own quest for excellence in nursing practice and contribute to the holistic care of those in your charge.

The Nursing Process and How it Relates to Nursing Health Assessment

The nursing process serves as an influential scheme that guides nurses in delivering effective and patient-centred care. It encompasses a systematic approach consisting of five interconnected steps: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Let’s explore how the nursing process and nursing health assessment are closely intertwined.

  • Assessment: The Foundation of the Nursing Process

Assessment forms the foundational step of the nursing process, and nursing health assessment plays a momentous role here. By conducting a comprehensive assessment, nurses gather subjective and objective data to obtain a holistic understanding of the patient’s health status. This data serves as the basis for clinical decision-making throughout the nursing process.

  • Diagnosis: Identifying Health Needs

Following the assessment, nurses analyse the collected data and identify nursing diagnoses. Nursing diagnoses are clinical judgments about actual or potential health problems that nurses are qualified to treat. The data gathered during nursing health assessment informs and guides the identification of these diagnoses, allowing nurses to focus on the specific health needs of the patient.

  • Planning: Tailoring Care to Individual Needs

The planning phase involves developing a care plan that is tailored to the individual patient. The data obtained from nursing health assessment helps nurses identify priority areas of care, set achievable goals, and select appropriate interventions. By considering the patient’s unique needs, preferences, and circumstances, nurses can create a personalized care plan that addresses the specific health issues identified during the assessment.

  • Implementation: Putting the Plan into Action

During the implementation phase, nurses put the care plan into action. This includes providing interventions, treatments, and patient education based on the assessment findings. The data collected during nursing health assessment guides the selection of appropriate interventions, ensuring that they are aligned with the patient’s health needs and goals.

  • Evaluation: Assessing the Effectiveness of Care

The final step of the nursing process is evaluation, which involves assessing the patient’s response to the implemented interventions and determining the effectiveness of the care plan. The data obtained during nursing health assessment serves as a baseline for comparison, allowing nurses to evaluate whether the interventions have achieved the desired outcomes and make any necessary adjustments to the care plan.

Best Practices for Conducting a Nursing Health Assessment

To excel in conducting a nursing health assessment, nurses must possess a diverse set of skills and techniques. Let’s delve into some of the essential practices that ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment.

  1. Effective Communication and Active Listening Skills

The cornerstone of a successful nursing health assessment lies in effective communication and active listening. Nurses must establish a rapport with patients, creating a safe and supportive environment that encourages open dialogue. Active listening involves attentively hearing not only the words spoken by the patient but also understanding their emotions, concerns, and nonverbal cues. By actively engaging in the exchange of information, nurses can gain valuable insights and establish a trusting relationship with the patient.

  1. Observation and Physical Examination Techniques

Observation is a fundamental skill that allows nurses to assess a patient’s physical appearance, behaviour, and vital signs. It involves keen observation of skin color, posture, facial expressions, and other visual cues that may provide clues to the patient’s health status. Physical examination techniques, such as palpation, auscultation, percussion, and inspection, further aid in gathering objective data about the patient’s body systems. Through thorough observation and physical examination, nurses can identify abnormalities, assess organ function, and detect potential health concerns.

  1. Use of Assessment Tools and Technologies

In the modern healthcare landscape, assessment tools and technologies play a significant role in enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of nursing health assessments. These tools include specialized devices, such as blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, and thermometers, which aid in obtaining objective data. Additionally, assessment technologies, such as electronic health records (EHRs), computerized documentation systems, and mobile applications, provide convenient ways to record, organize, and analyse assessment data. By utilizing these tools and technologies, nurses can streamline the assessment process, reduce errors, and facilitate data-driven decision-making.

It is important to note that while these skills and techniques are crucial, they should always be employed with cultural sensitivity, respect for patient privacy, and adherence to ethical standards. Every patient encounter presents a unique opportunity for nurses to demonstrate their expertise, compassion, and commitment to delivering high-quality care.

By mastering effective communication, active listening, observation, physical examination techniques, and utilizing assessment tools and technologies, nurses can conduct thorough and accurate nursing health assessments. These best practices empower nurses to gather comprehensive data, establish a strong foundation for clinical decision-making, and ultimately provide patient-centred care that promotes optimal health outcomes.

Remember, dear reader, that the art of nursing health assessment is not just about gathering information—it is about building meaningful connections with patients, understanding their stories, and advocating for their well-being. Embrace these best practices, and let them guide you on your journey to becoming a skilled and compassionate nurse who leaves a lasting impact on the lives of those you serve.

Role of Nursing Health Assessment in Patient Outcomes

Nursing health assessment plays a vital role in influencing patient outcomes across various dimensions of care. Let’s explore how the thorough and accurate assessment of patients positively impacts their overall well-being.

  • Early Identification of Health Issues

Nursing health assessment allows for the early identification of health issues, enabling timely interventions and treatment. By carefully collecting subjective and objective data, nurses can detect subtle changes in a patient’s health status and promptly address emerging problems. This early identification contributes to the prevention of complications, promotes timely interventions, and improves patient outcomes.

  • Tailored Care Planning

Through nursing health assessment, nurses gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s unique needs, preferences, and circumstances. This information serves as the foundation for developing personalized care plans that address individual health concerns. By tailoring interventions to the specific needs of each patient, nurses can enhance treatment effectiveness and improve patient outcomes.

  • Continuity of Care

Nursing health assessment facilitates the continuity of care by providing a baseline of data that can be utilized throughout a patient’s healthcare journey. As patients transition between different healthcare settings or encounter different healthcare providers, accurate and consistent assessment data ensures that their care remains cohesive. This continuity helps to prevent gaps in care, supports effective care transitions, and ultimately improves patient outcomes.

  • Patient Engagement and Empowerment

A thorough nursing health assessment involves active communication and engagement with the patient. By actively involving patients in their care, nurses empower them to participate in decision-making and take ownership of their health. This engagement fosters a sense of empowerment, enhances treatment adherence, and promotes positive patient outcomes.

  • Holistic Approach to Care

Importance of nursing health assessment embraces a holistic approach that considers the physical, emotional, social, and cultural aspects of patient well-being. By understanding the interconnectedness of these dimensions, nurses can develop comprehensive care plans that address the whole person. This holistic approach promotes improved patient outcomes by addressing the diverse factors that influence health and well-being

Importance of nursing health assessment directly influences patient outcomes by enabling early identification of health issues, facilitating tailored care planning, ensuring continuity of care, promoting patient engagement and empowerment, and embracing a holistic approach to patient care. By recognizing the critical role of nursing health assessment in patient outcomes, nurses can effectively contribute to improving the health and well-being of those under their care.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations in Nursing Health Assessment

Here are some potential challenges and obstacles in conducting assessments and ethical considerations such as privacy, confidentiality, and cultural sensitivity.

Challenges and Obstacles:

  • Time constraints: Nurses may face time constraints when conducting assessments, which can limit the amount of information they can gather from patients.
  • Patient cooperation: Some patients may be uncooperative or unwilling to provide information during assessments, which can make it difficult for nurses to gather accurate data.
  • Language barriers: Language barriers can make it difficult for nurses to communicate with patients and gather accurate information during assessments.
  • Cultural differences: Cultural differences can impact the way patients perceive and respond to health assessments, which can affect the accuracy of the data gathered.
  • Physical limitations: Patients with physical limitations may not be able to participate fully in health assessments, which can limit the amount of information nurses can gather.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Privacy and confidentiality: Nurses must ensure that patient information is kept confidential and that patient privacy is respected during health assessments.
  • Informed consent: Nurses must obtain informed consent from patients before conducting health assessments.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Nurses must be culturally sensitive and aware of the potential impact of cultural differences on health assessments.
  • Respect for patient autonomy: Nurses must respect the autonomy of patients and ensure that they are fully informed and involved in the health assessment process.
  • Avoiding bias: Nurses must avoid bias and ensure that health assessments are conducted in an objective and unbiased manner.

By being aware of these challenges and ethical considerations, nurses can conduct more effective and respectful health assessments that lead to better patient outcomes.


Throughout this blog, we have explored the definition and Importance of nursing health assessment, the role of a holistic approach in patient care, the nursing process, best practices for conducting assessments, and the impact of nursing health assessment on patient outcomes. We have also discussed the challenges and ethical considerations that nurses face in this essential aspect of their practice.

As healthcare professionals, it is crucial for us to recognize the immense value of nursing health assessment in providing optimal care. By conducting thorough assessments, we can identify health issues early, tailor care plans to individual needs, ensure continuity of care, promote patient engagement, and embrace a holistic approach that considers all aspects of well-being.

We encourage you, dear readers, to continue exploring the importance of nursing health assessment in patient care. Visit our blog,, for more insightful content, resources, and articles that delve deeper into this crucial aspect of nursing practice. Together, let us strive for excellence in nursing health assessment and empower ourselves to provide the highest quality of care to those we serve.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of understanding the overview of the mportance of nursing health assessment. We look forward to engaging with you further and continuing to share valuable knowledge and information in the world of nursing.

Remember, your commitment to nursing health assessment contributes to better patient outcomes and makes a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Keep exploring, learning, and evolving in your practice.

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Components of a Well-Written Dissertation

Components of a Well-Written Dissertation and Why You Should Seek Help from Professional Writing Services

Components of a Well-Written Dissertation


Writing a dissertation or thesis is a significant milestone in one’s academic journey. It requires meticulous research, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate ideas coherently. In this blog post, we will explore the essential components of a well-written dissertation and discuss why seeking assistance from professional writing services can enhance the quality and effectiveness of your research. We are pleased to introduce, a trusted and reliable writing company specializing in nursing academic assistance. With our expertise, we aim to support nursing students in achieving excellence in their studies by providing high-quality dissertation writing services.

What is a Well-Written Dissertation?

A well-written dissertation in the field of nursing is a comprehensive and scholarly piece of work that showcases the student’s ability to investigate, analyse, and contribute to the nursing discipline. It encompasses in-depth research, critical evaluation of literature, rigorous data collection and analysis, and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions. A well-written dissertation in nursing demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter, a mastery of research methodologies, and an ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations.

Excellence in Nursing Studies

A well-written dissertation plays a vital role in achieving excellence in nursing studies. Firstly, it allows students to explore specific areas of interest within the nursing field, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Through extensive research and critical analysis, students can contribute new knowledge, challenge existing practices, or propose innovative approaches to nursing care.

Furthermore, a well-crafted dissertation helps students develop essential skills that are highly valued in the nursing profession. The research process enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are crucial in evidence-based nursing practice. Writing a dissertation also cultivates effective communication skills, as students must clearly articulate their ideas, findings, and recommendations in a scholarly manner.

In addition, a well-written dissertation demonstrates a student’s commitment to academic excellence and professional growth. It showcases their ability to independently plan, execute, and manage a research project, which is a valuable skill for nurses who may be involved in research or evidence-based practice initiatives in their careers.

How Enhances Dissertation Excellence

At, we understand the unique challenges faced by nursing students when it comes to writing a dissertation. Our team of experienced writers, who possess advanced degrees in nursing and related fields, are well-equipped to provide comprehensive support throughout the dissertation writing process.

When you choose, you gain access to expert guidance and assistance from professionals who have a deep understanding of nursing research and academic writing conventions. Our writers can help you with various aspects of your dissertation, including formulating research questions, conducting literature reviews, designing rigorous methodologies, analysing data, and structuring your findings and discussions.

Moreover, our writing services ensure that your dissertation adheres to the highest standards of academic integrity, ensuring originality and plagiarism-free content. We are committed to delivering well-researched, well-structured, and well-written dissertations that meet your specific requirements and academic standards.

A well-written dissertation should have the following Components of a Well-Written Dissertation:

  • Title page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abstract
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures and Tables
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Glossary
  • Introduction
  • Literature review/ Theoretical framework
  • Methodology
  • Results and analysis
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • Bibliography or references
  • Appendices

Title Page

The title page is the first impression of your dissertation. It should capture the essence of your research in a concise and engaging manner, while also providing necessary information such as your name, degree program, and submission date. A well-crafted title page not only grabs the attention of readers but also reflects the professionalism and significance of your study.


The acknowledgements section is usually optional, and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your dissertation. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you.


The abstract is a concise summary of your dissertation, typically ranging from 150 to 300 words in length. It is generally written at the end of the entire dissertation, once all other sections have been completed. Within the abstract, you should aim to:

  • Clearly state the main topic and objectives of your research.
  • Provide a brief description of the methodology employed in your study.
  • Summarize the key findings and results obtained from your research.
  • Present the main conclusions or implications derived from your study.

Although the abstract is a brief section, it holds significant importance as it serves as the initial and sometimes sole piece of your dissertation that readers will peruse. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. If you find it challenging to craft a compelling abstract, we recommend consulting our guide on how to write an abstract, which can provide you with valuable insights and assistance.

The abstract serves as a snapshot of your entire dissertation, summarizing the key points and conclusions in a succinct manner. It acts as a hook to pique the interest of readers and provide them with a quick overview of what to expect. A well-written abstract conveys the main objectives, methodology, key findings, and implications of your research, enticing readers to delve further into your dissertation.

Table of Contents

The table of contents in a dissertation serves as a comprehensive roadmap, providing readers with an organized overview of the structure and content of the document. It lists all the chapters, sections, and subheadings, along with their corresponding page numbers. By including the table of contents, readers can easily navigate through the dissertation and locate specific information of interest.

Every Components of a Well-Written Dissertation should be included in the table of contents, ensuring that all chapters, sections, and even appendices are accounted for. This allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of the overall structure and flow of your research.

One convenient aspect is that you can generate a table of contents automatically using word processing software such as Microsoft Word. This feature saves time and ensures the accuracy of the table of contents, as it updates automatically if any changes are made to the document’s structure.

List of Figures and Tables

If you have used a lot of tables and figures in your dissertation, you should itemise them in a numbered list. You can automatically generate this list using the Insert Caption feature in Word.

Components of a well-written dissertation

List of Abbreviations

If you have used a lot of abbreviations in your dissertation, you can include them in an alphabetised list of abbreviations so that the reader can easily look up their meanings.


If you have used a lot of highly specialised terms that will not be familiar to your reader, it might be a good idea to include a glossary. List the terms alphabetically and explain each term with a brief description or definition.


The introduction serves as a critical section that sets the foundation for your dissertation. It provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and content of your research, allowing readers to navigate through the document seamlessly. The introduction encompasses all chapters and subheadings, including appendices, and presents them in a clear and organized manner within the table of contents.

The introduction is the gateway to your research and sets the stage for the entire dissertation. It should provide a clear and concise overview of the topic, highlighting its importance and relevance to the field of study. Engage your readers by presenting an intriguing opening statement or sharing a compelling anecdote that sparks curiosity and establishes the context for your research.

In the introduction, you set up your dissertation’s topic, purpose, and relevance, and tell the reader what to expect in the rest of the dissertation. The introduction should:

  • Establish your research topic, giving necessary background information to contextualise your work
  • Narrow down the focus and define the scope of the research
  • Discuss the state of existing research on the topic, showing your work’s relevance to a broader problem or debate
  • Clearly state your objectives and research questions, and indicate how you will answer them
  • Give an overview of your dissertation’s structure

Everything in the introduction should be clear, engaging, and relevant to your research. By the end, the reader should understand the whatwhy and how of your research. Not sure how? Read our guide on how to write a dissertation introduction.

Literature Review

The literature review is like a treasure hunt, where you explore the existing body of knowledge on your topic. It involves analysing and synthesizing relevant sources to identify the gaps or limitations in previous research. This section showcases your ability to critically evaluate scholarly work, and by doing so, you lay the foundation for your own research by identifying the research questions that will contribute to the field. The literature review is a critical components of a well-written dissertation that involves an in-depth exploration of existing academic work relevant to your research topic. Before embarking on your own study, it is essential to collect and evaluate various sources, including books, journal articles, and other scholarly publications. Through a meticulous analysis and critical assessment of these sources, you can identify key themes, patterns, conflicts, and gaps in the existing literature.

The purpose of the literature review goes beyond summarizing previous studies. It requires you to develop a well-structured and cohesive argument that establishes the basis and justification for your own research. This can be achieved by demonstrating how your study addresses a gap in the literature, adopts a novel theoretical or methodological approach, proposes solutions to unresolved problems, advances theoretical debates, or contributes new data to enhance existing knowledge.

Moreover, the literature review serves as the foundation for constructing a theoretical framework. Within this framework, you define and analyse the key theories, concepts, and models that frame your research. This section allows you to answer descriptive research questions by exploring the relationships between different concepts or variables.

By conducting a comprehensive literature review and developing a robust theoretical framework, you situate your research within the broader scholarly context, highlighting your understanding of the existing knowledge in your field. This not only establishes the significance and relevance of your study but also provides a solid platform for your own research objectives, methodology, and analysis.


The methodology section is the roadmap of your research journey. Now that you’ve investigated the current state of knowledge in your literature review chapter and are familiar with the existing key theories, models and frameworks, its time to design your own research.

Components of a well-written dissertation

In this section, you need to address two critical questions:

Exactly HOW will you carry out your research (i.e. what is your intended research design)?

Exactly WHY have you chosen to do things this way (i.e. how do you justify your design)?

Remember, the dissertation part of your degree is first and foremost about developing and demonstrating research skills. Therefore, the markers want to see that you know which methods to use, can clearly articulate why you’ve chosen then, and know how to deploy them effectively.

Importantly, this chapter requires detail – don’t hold back on the specifics. State exactly what you’ll be doing, with who, when, for how long, etc. Moreover, for every design choice you make, make sure you justify it.

In practice, you will likely end up coming back to this chapter once you’ve undertaken all your data collection and analysis, and revise it based on changes you made during the analysis phase. This is perfectly fine. It’s natural for you to add an additional analysis technique, scrap an old one, etc based on where your data lead you. Of course, I’m talking about small changes here – not a fundamental switch from qualitative to quantitative, which will likely send your supervisor in a spin!

Results and Analysis

Following the completion of your research, the next section of your dissertation is dedicated to reporting the results. The structure of this section can be organized based on sub-questions, hypotheses, or specific topics related to your research. It is important to include only the results that are directly relevant to your research objectives and questions. The presentation of results can vary depending on the disciplinary conventions of your field.

In qualitative research, such as in-depth interviews, it is common to integrate the presentation of data with the subsequent discussion and analysis. On the other hand, in quantitative and experimental research, it is advisable to present the results separately before delving into their interpretation and meaning. To determine the appropriate structure for your research, it is beneficial to consult with your supervisor and refer to sample dissertations within your field.

While presenting the results, consider the most effective ways to visually represent your data. Incorporating tables, graphs, and charts can enhance the clarity and impact of your findings. However, it is essential to ensure that these visual aids add value to your text and provide additional information beyond what is already described. Avoid including tables or figures that merely duplicate the information already presented in writing.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to include full versions of your data, such as interview transcripts, as an appendix. This allows readers to access the complete dataset and offers transparency and credibility to your research.

By thoughtfully presenting your results, using appropriate visual aids, and considering the best structure for your research, you can effectively communicate your findings and contribute to the overall understanding of your topic. The results and analysis section is where your research findings take centre stage. Present your data in a clear and organized manner, using tables, graphs, or visual aids to enhance comprehension. Analyse and interpret the data, identifying patterns, correlations, or significant findings, and relate them back to your research questions or hypotheses. This section not only showcases your analytical skills but also highlights the impact of your research on the existing knowledge in your field.


In the discussion section, you have the opportunity to unpack the meaning and implications of your research findings. Analyze the results in light of the existing literature, pointing out similarities, discrepancies, or new insights that your study brings. Address any limitations or challenges encountered during the research process and propose potential avenues for future research. Engage readers by highlighting the practical applications or theoretical contributions of your study, emphasizing its significance in advancing the field.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In the conclusion, summarize the main findings of your research and reiterate their significance. Emphasize the contributions your study has made to the existing body of knowledge and highlight any practical recommendations that emerge from your research. Encourage readers to consider the implications of your findings and explore further research possibilities. A well-crafted conclusion leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the value and impact of your dissertation.

Bibliography or References

The bibliography or references section provides credibility and allows readers to explore the sources you have consulted. Ensure that you follow the appropriate citation style recommended by your institution. A comprehensive and accurate list of references demonstrates your thoroughness in acknowledging and citing the works of other scholars, reinforcing the scholarly nature of your dissertation.


Your dissertation itself should contain only essential information that directly contributes to answering your research question. Documents you have used that do not fit into the main body of your dissertation (such as interview transcripts, survey questions or tables with full figures) can be added as appendices.


  • The title page should include the title of the dissertation, the author’s name, the degree program, and the date of submission.
  • The abstract should be a brief summary of the dissertation, highlighting the main points and conclusions.
  • The introduction should provide background information on the topic and state the research questions or hypotheses.
  • The literature review should summarize the existing research on the topic and identify gaps in the literature.
  • The methodology should describe the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • The results and analysis should present the findings of the research and analyze them in relation to the research questions or hypotheses.
  • The discussion should interpret the results and relate them to the existing literature.
  • The conclusion should summarize the main findings and provide recommendations for future research.

Finally, the bibliography or references should list all the sources cited in the dissertation.

It is important to note that the exact structure and formatting of a dissertation may vary depending on the institution and the field of study. However, the key components of a well-written dissertation listed above should be included in any dissertation. It is also important to proofread and edit the dissertation for grammar and clarity, and to follow the formatting and referencing guidelines provided by the institution.

Why seek help?

  1. Expertise and Experience

Professional writing services employ a team of highly skilled writers who possess expertise in various academic disciplines. They have extensive experience in writing dissertations and are well-versed in the specific requirements and standards of academic institutions. By availing their services, you can benefit from their knowledge and proficiency in producing high-quality dissertations.

  1. Customized and Original Content

Professional writing services understand the importance of producing unique and original work. They ensure that each dissertation is meticulously crafted from scratch, tailored to your specific research topic and requirements. These services employ writers who conduct thorough research and employ critical thinking to generate well-structured and original content for your dissertation.

  1. Time and Efficiency

Writing a dissertation is a time-consuming task that requires dedicated effort and extensive research. By seeking help from a professional writing service, you can save valuable time and focus on other important aspects of your academic journey. These services are equipped to handle deadlines and deliver your completed dissertation within the specified timeframe, ensuring efficient progress in your studies.

  1. Language and Grammar Excellence

Professional writing services have stringent quality control measures in place to ensure that the language, grammar, and writing style of your dissertation are impeccable. They employ skilled editors and proofreaders who meticulously review and refine your work, eliminating any grammatical errors or inconsistencies. This attention to detail enhances the overall clarity and professionalism of your dissertation.

  1. Confidentiality and Privacy

Reputable writing services prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of their clients. They have strict policies in place to protect your personal information and ensure that your engagement with their services remains confidential. This provides you with peace of mind and reassurance that your work is in safe hands.

  1. Ongoing Support and Revisions

Professional writing services often offer ongoing support and revisions to accommodate any feedback or changes required in your dissertation. They work closely with you to ensure that the final product meets your expectations and satisfies the academic standards set by your institution.


A well-written dissertation is an essential component of nursing studies, contributing to academic excellence and professional growth. By seeking assistance from, you can avail yourself of expert guidance and support throughout the dissertation writing process. Our team of experienced writers will work closely with you to ensure that your dissertation showcases your research skills, critical thinking abilities, and deep understanding of the nursing discipline. Trust us to help you achieve excellence in your nursing studies and make a significant contribution to the field through your well-crafted dissertation.

We hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into the components of a well-written dissertation and emphasized the importance of seeking professional assistance from Good luck with your research endeavour and your pursuit of excellence.



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Top 100 Nursing Research Topics

Top 100 Nursing Research Topics for Your Paper

Research topics in nursing play a crucial role in advancing the field of nursing through evidence-based practice and innovative solutions. However, it is not uncommon for students in healthcare and medical colleges to feel disconnected from their creative side when tasked with writing nursing essays or research papers. The misconception that nursing research topics should be devoid of creativity is far from the truth. In fact, nursing research topics should inspire and ignite the creativity within students, allowing them to explore new perspectives and contribute to the growth of nursing knowledge.

Embracing creativity in nursing research topics is vital as it encourages students to think outside the box and develop innovative approaches to address healthcare challenges. By infusing creativity into their research, students can bring fresh insights and perspectives to complex nursing issues, paving the way for novel solutions and advancements in patient care.

When crafting successful quantitative nursing research topics, it is essential to strike a balance between innovation and measurable outcomes. Nursing research should not only explore new ideas and concepts but also provide tangible results that can be measured, analysed, and applied to improve patient outcomes. This combination of creativity and measurability ensures that nursing research remains both inspiring and impactful.

Even though we provide you with innovative ideas for your nursing research topics, you can only apply them if you already know the template for writing an acceptable nursing essay or nursing research paper. Therefore, this article also covers the right template for such essays briefly. Scouting for hot topics in nursing is not the easiest thing in the world. Nonetheless, we are here to help with nursing homework.

Choosing Nursing Research Paper Topics

The foundation for writing a good nursing paper is having high-quality nursing topics good enough for a nursing term paper. You shouldn’t be bothered about that if you are reading this article! We have provided you with 100 nursing paper topics for solid research.

Select topics that you are highly interested in, or that will be easier for you to complete. When other writers have done related works, the research is usually considerably easier. Addressing the challenges faced by other writers is a great place to start.

Best Research Topics in Nursing

Without further ado, let’s get to the researchable topics in nursing. For ease of sifting through these, the nursing research paper topics are subdivided into groups. Sit back and choose which of them interests you most!


Top 100 Nursing Research Topics

Research Topics for Nursing Students

  1. Causes and treatment of ADHD
  2. Vaccination and autism
  3. Antibiotic resistance in preschool children
  4. Eating disorders and their effects on social media
  5. Causes of seizures in infants
  6. Medical practices for teenagers
  7. Child obesity and healthy eating
  8. Psychological aspects of baby care
  9. Treatment of the acute coronary syndrome
  10. Obesity and weight management

Midwifery Topics for Nursing Research

  1. Various practices of pregnant mothers and child delivery in rural areas
  2. Prenatal designation: first analysis
  3. Causes of mental illness during the postpartum period
  4. Shifting midwives and study length: A review
  5. Self-taught equipment and training injuries
  6. The importance of midwives continuing treatment
  7. Pregnancy challenges to gain weight
  8. Analysis of labor efficiency
  9. Positive experiences with childbirth
  10. The best safety rules for pregnant women

Ethical Topics in Nursing

Here are some ethic topics in nursing for you!

  1. Examination of joint disease in the elderly
  2. Home treatment for patient support during chemotherapy
  3. Examination of atrial fibrillation
  4. Therapy for bladder cancer
  5. Cardiovascular risk reduction
  6. Intensive care requirements
  7. Geriatric ethics
  8. Stroke and cerebrovascular disease
  9. Restless legs syndrome
  10. Precautions for Parkinson’s Disease

Research Topics for Nurses for Women

  1. Treatment and prognosis for breast cancer
  2. Ethical rules for infertility
  3. Menopause Challenge
  4. Modern infant practices
  5. Analysis of ovarian disorders
  6. Preventive measures for women during menopause
  7. Reproductive endocrinology
  8. Sleep disorders in women
  9. Women’s sexual health disorders
  10. Causes of vaginal atrophy

Research Topics on Mental Health

  1. Causes of depression
  2. Alcohol addiction disorder
  3. Diagnosis of schizophrenia
  4. Bipolar disorder
  5. PTSD for U.S. Army veterans
  6. Police stress
  7. Teen aggression and video games
  8. Use of prohibited substances
  9. Psychiatric patient ethics
  10. Methods of recovery and damage to the body

Topics for Primary Health Care Research

  1. Recommendations based on primary care knowledge
  2. Ethics for data collection in primary health care
  3. An economic evaluation of primary health care
  4. Modern vaccination program in rural and remote areas
  5. The private sector in the mental health system
  6. Integration of childcare into basic medical care
  7. ER symptoms that cannot be explained medically
  8. The involvement of local pharmacists in the work of doctors
  9. Methods of assessing the quality of medical care
  10. Health financing strategy

Nursing Evidence Based Practice Topics

Evidence based practice is an important aspect of nursing science. Evidence Based Nursing Topics are very crucial for evidence-based research. Here are some evidence based practice nursing topics for you!

  1. Oxygen Use in Patients with COPD
  2. Measuring Blood Pressure Noninvasively in Children
  3. Intravenous Catheter Size and Blood Administration
  4. The historical perspectives on evidence-based nursing
  5. The ethical side of abortion care
  6. Adolescent education in gynaecology
  7. Preparations for caesarean section
  8. Rules for infant resuscitation
  9. Checklist for delivery list behaviour
  10. Recommendations for prenatal care

Nursing Capstone Project Topics

  1. Treatment of Arthritis
  2.  Bedside shift report implantation
  3.  Preventing and managing measures of diabetes
  4.  HPV awareness and vaccination
  5.  Visitation model review
  6.  Planning emergency measures
  7.  Optimizing of a phone app for patients who inflict self-harm
  8.  How ER patients are affected by colour
  9.  Emergency salary for nurses
  10.  Can emergency calls be easier?

Nursing Quality Improvement Topics

  1. The maximizing of patient outcome and cutting costs of improved management of fungal infection
  2.  Managing risk of the mortality rate of infant
  3.  Enhancing experiences of cancer patients with easy access to radiotherapy and multidisciplinary assessment
  4.  Employing electronic data in identifying problems of secondary care during weekends
  5.  Online guide or self-help for cancer and depressed teens

Controversial topics in nursing

Here are some controversial nursing topics for you!

  1. The clinical role of a nurse
  2.  Specialist in social work and the role of health promotion
  3.  Between career and professional service
  4.  Diversity of health services
  5.  Uniform code for nurses
  6.  Gender bias in the nursing profession
  7.  Shortage of men in health care
  8.  Legal apologies and medical decisions
  9.  Home medical services
  10.  Health contract restrictions

Paediatric Nursing Research Topics

Here are some paediatric nursing research topics for your research!

  1. Assessment of child behaviour in paediatric primary care
  2.  Ethics in paediatric care
  3.  Reasons why mother’s health may be under threat during childbirth
  4.  Child’s health insurance: right or privilege?
  5.  Evaluation of childbirth efficacy

So, there you have it! Top 100 Nursing Research Topics in nursing! These topics are just enough for any given niche in nursing you want to write about. Remember that there are accepted templates for writing acceptable research topics. Contact our to learn more. Off you go to writing for an A+ grade!

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Nursing shortage in the US

Nursing shortage in the US

Introduction: Impact of Nursing Shortage in the US

The nursing shortage in the United States is a significant problem that has far-reaching consequences for patient care. According to recent data, the nursing shortage crisis in the USA is expected to last through 2030. The American Nurses Association estimates that more than a million new nurses will be needed by 2022 to meet the rising demand for healthcare. As the baby boomer generation ages and the need for healthcare grows, the shortage of registered nurses (RNs) is expected to intensify. This shortage is compounded by the fact that nursing schools across the country are struggling to expand capacity to meet the rising demand for nurse. The shortage of nurses has frightening implications for patient safety, as it leads to long wait times and lower care quality. Nurses play a crucial role in healthcare, and the nursing shortage affects every aspect of the healthcare system. In this comprehensive guide, we will examine the causes and consequences of the nursing shortage crisis and discuss strategies to address the problem.

Overview of the Nursing Shortage in the US

The nursing shortage in the US is a critical issue that affects patient care, healthcare facilities, and the nursing profession. The shortage is projected to intensify as Baby Boomers age and the need for healthcare grows.

Here are some factors contributing to the nursing shortage:

  • Aging population: As the population ages, the demand for healthcare services increases, which leads to a higher demand for nurses.
  • Increased demand for healthcare services: The demand for healthcare services is expected to grow at a faster rate (9%) than all other occupations from 2016 through 2026, leading to a higher demand for nurses
  • Challenges in recruiting and retaining nurses: There is a lack of potential educators, high turnover, and inequitable workforce distribution in the nursing profession. Nursing faculty are experiencing a shortage, which leads to enrolment limitations, limiting the number of nurses that a nursing school can generate. Decreased and limited faculty can cause fewer students, and the overall quality of the education offered to suffer. Nursing shortages lead to errors, higher morbidity, and mortality rates. In hospitals with high patient-to-nurse ratios, nurses experience burnout, dissatisfaction, and the patients experienced higher mortality.
  • Struggling nursing schools: Nursing schools across the country are struggling to expand capacity to meet the rising demand for nurses, which compounds the nursing shortage problem.

The nursing shortage is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. The shortage of nurses has frightening implications for patient safety, as it leads to long wait times and lower care quality. Efforts to address the nursing shortage must focus on recruiting and retaining nurses, bolstering educational programs, offering monetary incentives, and changing scope of practice laws

Causes and Challenges of the Nursing Shortage in the United States

The nursing shortage in the US is a complex issue that has various causes, including:

  • Aging nursing workforce: Many senior nurses are approaching retirement age, which contributes to the nursing shortage problem.
  • Inadequate staffing ratios: Hospitals with high patient-to-nurse ratios put a strain on nurses, leading to burnout, dissatisfaction, and higher mortality rates for patients.
  • Burnout and job dissatisfaction: Nurses are experiencing burnout and job dissatisfaction, leading to high turnover rates.
  • Limited resources for nursing education: Nursing schools are struggling to expand capacity to meet the rising demand for nurses. The nursing faculty is experiencing a shortage, which leads to enrolment limitations, limiting the number of nurses that a nursing school can generate.

Addressing the nursing shortage in the United States presents various challenges for healthcare organizations, policymakers, and nursing professionals. Some of these challenges include:

  1. Limited resources: Healthcare organizations and nursing professionals are struggling with limited resources, making it difficult to address the nursing shortage problem effectively.
  2. Lack of potential educators: There is a shortage of potential nursing educators, which makes it difficult to expand the capacity of nursing schools to meet the rising demand for nurses.
  3. High turnover rates: High turnover rates among nurses make it challenging for healthcare organizations to maintain adequate staffing levels.
  4. Inequitable workforce distribution: The nursing shortage problem is compounded by inequitable workforce distribution, which makes it difficult to ensure access to safe patient care in some regions.
  5. Need for multiple solutions: The nursing shortage problem is complex, and addressing it requires multiple solutions

Addressing the problem requires a collaborative effort between healthcare organizations, policymakers, and nursing professionals. This effort should focus on improving working conditions, increasing resources for nursing education, and implementing strategies to recruit and retain nurses.

Impact of the Nursing Shortage on the United States Healthcare System

The nursing shortage in the United States has a significant impact on the overall healthcare system. Here are some consequences of the nursing shortage:

  • Increased patient wait times: With a shortage of nurses, patients may experience longer wait times for medical attention, which can lead to delays in care and worsen health outcomes.
  • Compromised patient care quality: The shortage of nurses can lead to lower care quality, as nurses may be overworked and unable to provide adequate care to patients. Studies have shown a direct correlation between patient mortality and the shortage of nurses.
  • Heightened healthcare costs: The nursing shortage can lead to increased healthcare costs, as healthcare facilities may need to hire temporary or agency nurses to fill staffing gaps, which can be more expensive than retaining permanent staff.
  • Increased nurse burnout and dissatisfaction: Nurses are experiencing burnout and dissatisfaction, which can lead to high turnover rates and exacerbate the nursing shortage problem

Real-life examples or case studies can illustrate the consequences of the nursing shortage:

  • In 2018, the University of Missouri Health Care reported that the nursing shortage was causing delays in patient care and a decline in patient satisfaction.
  • In 2019, Florida Hospital reported that the nursing shortage was affecting patient care, education, and nurse burnout. The facility was experiencing staffing shortages, which led to longer wait times, increased patient transfers, and longer lengths of stay for patients.
  • In 2021, the American Nurses Association reported that the nursing shortage was leading to increased healthcare costs and lower care quality. The association estimated that the nursing shortage cost the US healthcare system $17 billion per year

Addressing the nursing shortage requires a collaborative effort between healthcare organizations, policymakers, and nursing professionals to improve working conditions, increase resources for nursing education, and implement strategies to recruit and retain nurses

Strategies to Address the Nursing Shortage in the US

The nursing shortage in the United States is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. Here are some strategies and initiatives that are being implemented to alleviate the nursing shortage:

  • Increasing nursing education capacity: Nursing schools are expanding their capacity to meet the rising demand for nurses. Some nursing schools are offering online programs, accelerated programs, and other options that make it easier for aspiring nurses to get the education they need.
  • Enhancing recruitment and retention programs: Healthcare organizations are implementing recruitment and retention programs to attract and retain nurses. Some programs include loan repayment, sign-on bonuses, and other incentives.
  • Improving working conditions for nurses: Healthcare organizations are working to improve working conditions for nurses to reduce burnout and dissatisfaction. Some measures include creating a healthy work environment, providing work schedule flexibility, and offering stress injury continuum programs.
  • Increasing wages: Increasing wages for nurses is essential to retain and attract nurses. Many hospitals have increased pay for nurses, and some are offering incentives such as loan repayment and sign-on bonuses.
  • Prioritizing workplace culture: Prioritizing workplace culture increases retention and attracts more nurses. Nurses want to work in a supportive environment that values their contributions and provides opportunities for professional growth.
  • Increasing diversity in the nursing workforce: Increasing diversity and representation in nursing can help address workforce shortages and improve patient care quality

Successful programs, policies, or interventions that have shown promising results include:

  • The Partners for Nurse Staffing initiative was created to address the nursing shortage crisis. The initiative identified six priority areas that could provide immediate relief to nursing workforce challenges, including enhancing workplace culture, increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion, and providing work schedule flexibility.
  • The Nurse-Family Partnership program is a successful program that pairs new mothers with registered nurses for home visits. The program has shown to improve health outcomes for mothers and children and can help address nursing shortages by creating job opportunities for registered nurses.
  • The Nurse Residency Program is a successful program that provides new nurses with additional support and training during their first year of practice. The program has shown to increase nurse retention and improve patient care quality

In conclusion, addressing the nursing shortage in the US requires a multifaceted approach that includes increasing nursing education capacity, enhancing recruitment and retention programs, improving working conditions for nurses, increasing wages, prioritizing workplace culture, and increasing diversity in the nursing workforce. Successful programs and policies that have shown promising results include the Partners for Nurse Staffing initiative, the Nurse-Family Partnership program, and the Nurse Residency Program.


Nursing Career and Advancement

Nursing is a rewarding career that offers numerous benefits, including job stability, competitive salaries, and opportunities for professional growth. Here are some benefits of pursuing a nursing career:

  • Good compensation: Nurses enjoy competitive salaries and benefits, making it a financially rewarding career.
  • Exciting and rewarding work: Nursing is a fulfilling career that provides opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives.
  • Flexible scheduling: Nurses can choose from various work schedules that suit their personal and family-oriented lifestyles.
  • Varied career options: Nursing offers a wide range of career paths, including specialized areas, advanced practice roles, and leadership positions.
  • Upward career mobility: Nurses can advance their careers through continuing education, professional development, and certification programs

Different career paths within nursing include:

  • Specialized areas: Nurses can specialize in various areas, such as pediatrics, oncology, critical care, and emergency nursing, among others.
  • Advanced practice roles: Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can work as nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives, and clinical nurse specialists, among others.
  • Leadership positions: Nurses can advance to leadership positions, such as nurse manager, chief nursing officer, and nurse executive, among others.

Successful strategies to advance a nursing career include:

  • Pursuing higher education: Continuing education, earning a higher degree, or obtaining certification can increase job security, salary, and opportunities for professional growth.
  • Exploring different career paths: Nurses can explore different career paths within nursing to find the one that best suits their interests and career goals.
  • Networking: Building professional relationships with colleagues, mentors, and other healthcare professionals can open doors to new opportunities and help advance a nursing career

In conclusion, nursing is a great career that offers many benefits, including good compensation, flexible scheduling, and opportunities for professional growth. Different career paths within nursing include specialized areas, advanced practice roles, and leadership positions. Pursuing higher education, exploring different career paths, and networking are successful strategies to advance a nursing career.

Policy and Advocacy in Addressing the Nursing Shortage

The nursing shortage in the US is a complex issue that requires policy and advocacy efforts to address. Here are some ways policymakers, professional organizations, and advocacy groups can play a role in addressing the nursing shortage:

  • Advocating for policies that support nursing education: Policymakers can advocate for policies that increase funding for nursing education, provide loan forgiveness programs for nursing students, and offer incentives for nursing faculty.
  • Improving working conditions: Policymakers and healthcare organizations can work together to improve working conditions for nurses, such as reducing workload, increasing staffing levels, and providing better benefits.
  • Enhancing the nursing workforce: Professional organizations and advocacy groups can work to enhance the nursing workforce by promoting nursing as a career, providing mentorship and career development programs, and advocating for policies that support the nursing profession.

Successful policy and advocacy efforts to address the nursing shortage include:

  • The Nursing Community Coalition is an advocacy group that represents nursing organizations and advocates for policies that support the nursing profession. The coalition works to increase funding for nursing education, enhance the nursing workforce, and promote nursing as a career.
  • The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a professional organization that advocates for policies that support the nursing profession. The ANA works to improve working conditions for nurses, increase funding for nursing education, and promote nursing as a career.
  • The Nurse Reinvestment Act is a federal law that provides funding for nursing education, loan forgiveness programs, and other initiatives to address the nursing shortage

In conclusion, addressing the nursing shortage in the US requires policy and advocacy efforts from policymakers, professional organizations, and advocacy groups. Advocating for policies that support nursing education, improve working conditions, and enhance the nursing workforce can help address the nursing shortage crisis. Successful policy and advocacy efforts include the Nursing Community Coalition, the American Nurses Association, and the Nurse Reinvestment Act.


Importance of Nursing Education in Addressing the Nursing Shortage Crisis

Nursing education plays a vital role in addressing the nursing shortage crisis in the US. Here are some ways nursing education can help alleviate the nursing shortage:

  • Expanding nursing education capacity: Nursing schools can expand their capacity to meet the rising demand for nurses. Some nursing schools are offering online programs, accelerated programs, and other options that make it easier for aspiring nurses to get the education they need.
  • Preparing more baccalaureate-prepared nurses: Preparing more baccalaureate-prepared nurses can help ensure access to safe patient care. Research has shown that baccalaureate-prepared nurses have better patient outcomes, reduce patient mortality rates, and are more prepared to meet the complex healthcare needs of patients.
  • Addressing the shortage of nursing instructors: There is a shortage of nursing instructors, clinical sites, and preceptors, which contributes to the nursing shortage crisis. Nursing schools can address this shortage by offering incentives to attract and retain nursing faculty, creating more clinical sites, and providing more support to preceptors.
  • Promoting nursing as a career: Nursing schools can promote nursing as a career to attract more students to the profession. Promoting nursing as a career can help address the nursing shortage by increasing the number of students who enter nursing programs.

Successful initiatives to address the nursing shortage through nursing education include:

  • The Nurse Reinvestment Act provides funding for nursing education, loan forgiveness programs, and other initiatives to address the nursing shortage.
  • Nursing schools are expanding their capacity to meet the rising demand for nurses by offering online programs, accelerated programs, and other options that make it easier for aspiring nurses to get the education they need.
  • Promoting nursing as a career through outreach programs and mentorship can attract more students to the nursing profession.

The nursing shortage in the US is a critical issue that demands immediate attention. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the causes, challenges, and impacts of the shortage on the healthcare system. It is evident that action must be taken to address this crisis.

The shortage of nurses affects the quality and accessibility of healthcare services, putting patient care at risk. It also places a heavy burden on existing nurses, leading to burnout and job dissatisfaction. The consequences of the nursing shortage are far-reaching and affect us all.

To combat this problem, it is crucial for individuals, organizations, and policymakers to come together and support initiatives aimed at resolving the nursing shortage. This can include advocating for policies that improve working conditions, increase funding for nursing education, and enhance recruitment and retention programs.

Additionally, if you are considering a career in nursing or know someone who is, now is the time to act. Pursuing a nursing career not only offers stability and competitive salaries but also provides an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Spread awareness about the nursing shortage and encourage others to consider this rewarding profession.

By supporting initiatives, pursuing nursing careers, and spreading awareness about the nursing shortage, we can collectively address this crisis and ensure that our healthcare system remains strong and capable of meeting the needs of the population.

Remember, the nursing shortage affects us all, and it requires a collaborative effort to overcome. Together, we can make a positive impact and secure a healthier future for everyone.

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The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence and its Relevance for Advanced Practice Nurse

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence

A Brief Introduction to the Purnell Model: Definition, Assumptions, and Organizing Framework.

In today’s diverse and interconnected world, healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, play a pivotal role in providing patient-centred care that respects and addresses the unique cultural backgrounds of individuals.

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, developed by Larry Purnell, is a comprehensive framework that guides healthcare professionals, including nurses, in delivering culturally sensitive care. With its emphasis on understanding cultural diversity, promoting effective communication, and addressing healthcare disparities, the Purnell Model has become an invaluable tool in the field of nursing. This blog post aims to provide a detailed overview of the Purnell Model, exploring its history, description, and key domains.

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence emerged as a result of Larry Purnell’s extensive experience in healthcare, research, and teaching. Purnell, a registered nurse and scholar, recognized the need for a systematic approach to cultural competence in nursing practice. In the late 1990s, he introduced the initial version of the model, which has since evolved and gained recognition within the nursing profession.

The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence offers a comprehensive and systematic framework that promotes cultural understanding and sensitivity among healthcare professionals. It consists of twelve interrelated domains, each representing a specific aspect of an individual’s culture. These domains encompass various cultural factors, including communication, family roles and organization, healthcare practices, nutrition, workforce issues, and more.

The Purnell Model is founded on various assumptions. Firstly, it assumes that medical officers require analogous information regarding cultural variations. Secondly, as Doğu, Coşkun, Üzen, and Ulay (2015) reveal, the Model disregards the issue of viewing a particular culture as superior to another. Instead, despite having some fundamental similarities, Purnell’s framework recognizes all cultures as disparate.

Another assumption is that cultures evolve with time. In addition, the Model supposes that culture significantly determines medical practitioners and patients’ understanding of healthcare (Debiasi & Selleck, 2017). It acknowledges people’s privilege of being handled with respect, regardless of their cultural settings. Another hypothesis made is that Purnell’s framework can eliminate any form of favouritism or biases if medical practitioners are culturally competent.

This blog post aims to provide a detailed overview of the Purnell Model, exploring its history, description, and key domains. It focuses on Purnell’s model for cultural competence and the way it is used in nursing and healthcare. It provides the theory’s definition and gives examples. As this study reveals, the Purnell Model for cultural competence provides an organized system for nurses and physicians to effectively deploy when managing patients from diverse settings.

The 12 Domains of the Purnell Model: A Comprehensive Overview of Cultural Influences


The heritage domain focuses on understanding an individual’s cultural background and how it influences their health beliefs and practices. It encompasses factors such as cultural history, values, customs, and traditions that shape an individual’s worldview and impact their approach to healthcare


Effective communication is essential for providing culturally competent care. This domain emphasizes the significance of understanding and adapting communication styles to different cultural contexts. It includes considerations such as language barriers, nonverbal communication, and cultural nuances that influence how messages are conveyed and interpreted.

3.Family Roles & Organisation      

This domain recognizes the influential role of the family in healthcare decision-making and care provision. It explores the structure, dynamics, and hierarchy within families across different cultures. Understanding family roles, responsibilities, and relationships is crucial for engaging families in healthcare decisions and planning appropriate care strategies.

4.Workforce Issues:

Workforce diversity and cultural competence among healthcare professionals are vital aspects of providing equitable care. This domain focuses on promoting cultural diversity within the healthcare workforce and addressing issues related to recruitment, training, and retention of a culturally diverse staff. It recognizes the importance of having healthcare professionals who can relate to and understand the cultural backgrounds of the patients they serve.

  1. Biocultural Ecology:

The biocultural ecology domain emphasizes the interaction between culture, biology, and the environment in shaping health outcomes. It explores how cultural factors, such as dietary practices, physical activity, and environmental influences, impact an individual’s health and well-being. Understanding these interactions helps healthcare professionals develop culturally appropriate interventions and health promotion strategies.

  1. High-Risk Behaviors:

This domain addresses cultural influences on high-risk behaviors such as substance abuse, violence, and risky sexual practices. It highlights the impact of cultural norms, beliefs, and social contexts on engaging in these behaviors. By understanding the cultural factors that contribute to high-risk behaviors, healthcare professionals can develop targeted interventions and prevention strategies.

  1. Nutrition:

The nutrition domain focuses on cultural influences on dietary practices and beliefs. It examines the cultural significance of food, traditional dietary patterns, food preferences, restrictions, and rituals. Understanding these cultural factors helps healthcare professionals provide culturally sensitive nutritional guidance and support.

  1. Pregnancy and Childbearing Practices:

Culture plays a significant role in pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing practices. This domain explores cultural beliefs, rituals, and healthcare-seeking behaviors related to pregnancy and childbirth. It addresses factors such as prenatal care, birthing practices, postpartum care, and cultural customs surrounding newborn care. Understanding and respecting cultural practices in this domain enables healthcare professionals to provide culturally competent care throughout the perinatal period.

  1. Death Rituals:

Death rituals and mourning practices vary across cultures. This domain examines cultural beliefs, practices, and rituals surrounding death, dying, and bereavement. It acknowledges the importance of respecting and supporting cultural expressions of grief and providing culturally sensitive end-of-life care.

  1. Spirituality:

Spirituality is a core aspect of many individuals’ cultural identities and can significantly influence their health and healing processes. This domain explores the cultural dimensions of spirituality, including religious beliefs, practices, rituals, and the integration of spirituality into healthcare..


  1. Healthcare Practices:

The healthcare practices domain focuses on the cultural beliefs, practices, and preferences related to healthcare-seeking behaviors and the perception of illness and healing. It recognizes that different cultures may have unique approaches to healthcare, including traditional healing methods, folk remedies, and cultural interpretations of illness.

  1. Medical Practitioners

Medical practitioners, including physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, play a crucial role in providing medical care and promoting health and well-being. They are trained and licensed professionals who diagnose and treat medical conditions, offer preventive care, and provide guidance and support to patients.

The Purnell Model’s key strength lies in its holistic and comprehensive approach to cultural competence. By considering each of the twelve domains, healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, can gain a nuanced understanding of patients’ cultural backgrounds and tailor care accordingly. This model moves beyond stereotypes and generalizations, recognizing that cultural diversity is multifaceted and dynamic. The Purnell Model has been used by nurses, physicians, and physical and occupational therapists in practice, education, administration, and research in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Central America, Great Britain, Korea, South America, and Sweden. The model has also been translated into Flemish, French, Korean, and Spanish. Although the model is only 4 years old, it shows promise for becoming a major contribution to transcultural nursing and health care.

Primary and Secondary Characteristics of Culture

Culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of primary and secondary characteristics. The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence includes primary and secondary characteristics of culture that determine variations in values, beliefs, and practices of an individual’s cultural heritage. The primary characteristics of culture include:

  • Communication: This includes verbal and nonverbal communication, language, and dialects.
  • Space: This refers to the physical space between individuals and how it is used.
  • Time: This includes the perception of time and how it is used in different cultures.
  • Social organization: This includes family structure, gender roles, and social hierarchies.
  • Environmental control: This refers to the degree to which individuals believe they can control their environment.
  • Biological variations: This includes physical characteristics such as skin color, body type, and hair texture.

The secondary characteristics of culture include:

  • Values: This includes beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad, and important and unimportant.
  • Beliefs: This includes religious, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs.
  • Practices: This includes customs, traditions, and rituals.
  • Customs: This includes behaviors that are considered normal or expected in a particular culture.
  • Traditions: This includes practices that have been passed down from generation to generation.
  • Rituals: This includes symbolic actions that have a specific meaning in a particular culture.

The Purnell Model’s primary and secondary characteristics of culture are relevant for advanced practice nurses because they provide a framework for understanding patients’ cultural backgrounds and promoting cultural competence in healthcare settings. By understanding patients’ cultural attributes, advanced practice nurses can provide care that is respectful of their beliefs and values, communicate effectively with patients from different cultures, and reduce health disparities.

How Nurses Can Use the Purnell Model to Develop Cultural Competence Skills that Enable them to Provide Quality Care to Diverse Patient Populations

Nurses can use the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence to develop cultural competence skills that enable them to provide quality care to diverse patient populations in the following ways:

  • Understanding the primary and secondary characteristics of culture: Nurses can use the model to understand the primary and secondary characteristics of culture that determine variations in values, beliefs, and practices of an individual’s cultural heritage. This understanding can help nurses provide care that is respectful of patients’ beliefs and values.
  • Assessing patients’ cultural backgrounds: Nurses can use the model to assess patients’ cultural backgrounds by using the 12 domains of the model as a guide. This assessment can help nurses identify patients’ cultural attributes and provide care that is tailored to their needs.
  • Communicating effectively with patients from different cultures: Nurses can use the model to develop communication skills that enable them to communicate effectively with patients from different cultures. This includes understanding patients’ language, dialects, and nonverbal communication.
  • Providing culturally competent care: Nurses can use the model to provide culturally competent care by incorporating patients’ cultural beliefs and practices into their care plans. This includes respecting patients’ preferences for food, clothing, and other cultural practices.
  • Reducing health disparities: Nurses can use the model to reduce health disparities by providing care that is respectful of patients’ cultural beliefs and practices. This can help improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs

Why Cultural Competence is Important for Healthcare Providers and How it Can Help Reduce Health Disparities

Cultural competence, particularly in healthcare, entails the ability of professionals in this sector to exhibit the awareness of clients’ multicultural diversity and ethnic variations following their different beliefs, feelings, and principles. As such, healthcare providers emphasize the need for considering the individual patient’s cultural and social needs when administering various medical services to them. Cultural competency in healthcare seeks to moderate health discrepancies.

Cultural competence is important for healthcare providers because it helps them provide quality care to patients from diverse backgrounds. Here are some reasons why cultural competence is important in healthcare:

  1. Reducing health disparities: Cultural competence can help reduce health disparities by providing care that is respectful of patients’ cultural beliefs and practices. This can help improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
  2. Improving patient satisfaction: Cultural competence can improve patient satisfaction by providing care that is tailored to their needs and preferences. This can help build trust between patients and healthcare providers.
  3. Enhancing communication: Cultural competence can enhance communication between patients and healthcare providers by understanding patients’ language, dialects, and nonverbal communication. This can help ensure that patients understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and medication instructions.
  4. Increasing access to care: Cultural competence can increase access to care by providing care that is respectful of patients’ cultural beliefs and practices. This can help reduce barriers to care, such as language barriers or lack of trust in the healthcare system.
  5. Promoting health equity: Cultural competence can promote health equity by providing care that is respectful of patients’ cultural beliefs and practices. This can help ensure that all patients receive the same quality of care, regardless of their cultural background or economic status.

Cultural competence is important for healthcare providers because it helps them provide quality care to patients from diverse backgrounds. By reducing health disparities, improving patient satisfaction, enhancing communication, increasing access to care, and promoting health equity, cultural competence can help improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.



In conclusion, exploring the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence and its various domains has provided valuable insights into the significance of cultural diversity in healthcare, particularly for advanced practice nurses. By understanding the primary and secondary characteristics of culture within this framework, nurses can enhance their cultural competence, strengthen patient-provider relationships, and deliver patient-centred care.

The primary characteristics of culture, such as race, ethnicity, and religious affiliation, help nurses appreciate the uniqueness of individuals and communities they serve. The secondary characteristics, including language, healthcare practices, and communication styles, allow nurses to adapt their care approaches and effectively address the cultural needs and preferences of patients.

By integrating the principles of the Purnell Model into their practice, nurses can develop cultural awareness, assess cultural influences, adapt care approaches, improve communication, and address healthcare disparities. These actions contribute to better patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and a more inclusive healthcare environment.

I hope this blog has provided you with a deeper understanding of the Purnell Model and its relevance to advanced practice nursing. By embracing cultural competence and applying this knowledge in your practice, you are taking a crucial step towards providing high-quality and culturally sensitive care to your patients.

Remember, cultural competence is a continuous journey, and ongoing self-reflection and learning are essential. By staying open-minded, seeking cultural knowledge, and engaging in meaningful cross-cultural interactions, you can further enhance your ability to provide patient-centred care to individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope it has been helpful in expanding your knowledge and understanding of cultural competence in healthcare. May your continued dedication to cultural competence lead to positive impacts on the lives of your patients and the advancement of healthcare as a whole.

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Reliable Writing Paper Service

Reliable Writing Paper Service

Reliable writing paper service

Are you passionate about pursuing a career in nursing, but feeling overwhelmed by the amount of coursework, assignments, and essays required to complete your qualifications? Welcome to, where we offer top-notch writing services to nursing students worldwide. The path to becoming a nurse is undoubtedly challenging, but there is a solution that can make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Our writing service is dedicated to helping you achieve academic success by providing expert assistance with all your nursing paper assignments. With a team of professional and experienced writers, we guarantee high-quality work, timely delivery, and affordable prices that won’t break the bank. What sets us apart from other writing services is our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. We understand the unique needs of nursing students and tailor our services to meet those needs. So why settle for mediocre writing services when you can get exceptional results with Let us help you excel in your nursing studies and achieve your academic goals today!

For students who need their assignments completed quickly, is a reliable writing paper service option. We offer fast delivery times and have a team of writers who can handle urgent assignments. Our goal is to relieve you of the stress and anxiety that comes with completing challenging essays, so that you can focus on other aspects of your nursing studies. At, we offer professional nursing essay help that will meet and exceed your expectations. Whether you need assistance with a difficult essay or just want to elevate your academic performance, our reliable writing paper service is here to help. Keep reading to discover how you can benefit from our exceptional writing service today!

The Benefits of Using a Reliable Nursing Paper Writing Service for Academic Success

As a nursing student, you have a lot on your plate. From attending lectures to completing clinical rotations, your schedule is packed. At, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional writing services to nursing students worldwide. We understand that academic writing can be challenging, especially for nursing students who are juggling multiple responsibilities. That’s why we’ve handpicked the best nursing specialist writers who are experts in their field and dedicated to delivering high-quality papers. Our writing service is designed to help you ease the burden of academic writing, so you can focus on your studies and future career. Here are some reasons why you should choose our writing service:

  • We have a team of expert nursing specialist writers who are dedicated to delivering high-quality papers that meet your requirements and expectations.
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In conclusion, is a reliable writing paper service offering exceptional writing services to nursing students worldwide. With a team of expert nursing specialist writers, user-friendly website, on-time delivery, secure payment methods, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, is the perfect solution for nursing students who are struggling with their academic writing. Whether you need help with a nursing essay, research paper, or any other type of academic writing, is here to help you achieve your academic goals and succeed in your nursing studies. Don’t hesitate to reach out and experience our exceptional services today

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Application of Nursing Theories in Clinical Practice

Application of Nursing Theories in Clinical Practice

Application of Nursing Theories – Brief Introduction to Nursing Theories

Nursing theories are conceptual frameworks that provide a foundation for nursing practice. They have evolved over time, influenced by societal changes and advances in healthcare. Nursing theories guide evidence-based practice, inform research, and enhance patient care by helping nurses understand and apply principles of nursing science, human behaviour, and patient care.  Nursing theories provide a framework for understanding and addressing complex nursing issues and concepts, and can be used to guide nursing practice, education, and research.

Types of Nursing Theories

Nursing theories can be categorized into several types, including grand theories, middle-range theories, and practice theories., An example of a grand nursing theory is Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier’s Deliberative Nursing Process Theory. This theory examines the definition of the function of nursing and the interaction between the nurse and the patient. It explains how to use the nursing process to improve patient outcomes. Middle-range nursing theories tend to be more specific in focus and offer more concrete connections between grand nursing theories and nursing practice. Story theory is an example of a middle-range nursing theory that describes story as a narrative happening of connecting with self-in-relation through caring and nursing practices

Practice theories are grounded in practical experience and provide guidance for specific nursing interventions. An example of a practice theory in nursing is the theory of human caring, which was developed by Jean Watson. This theory emphasizes the importance of the nurse-patient relationship and the role of caring in promoting healing and well-being. It provides a framework for nurses to practice caring behaviours and to create healing environments that support the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Additionally, nursing theories can be categorized based on their focus, such as on the patient, the nurse, or the environment, and their level of abstraction

Application of Nursing Theories in Clinical Practice, Education, Research, and Administration.

Nursing theories have been applied in nursing in various ways. For example, nursing theories have been used to guide evidence-based research, which then leads to best practices and policies. These policies and procedures keep patients safe while providing the best care possible. Nursing theories have also been used to develop nursing curricula and guide the education and training of nurses. They have been used to establish nursing as a profession, enhancing the professional status of nurses and promoting the recognition of nursing as a distinct discipline. Nursing theories have also been used to improve patient care and outcomes by providing a scientific and rational basis for nursing interventions. Overall, nursing theories have been essential in guiding nursing practice, education, and research, and improving patient outcomes.

Critique of Nursing Theories

Nursing theories are significant in nursing practice because they provide a framework for understanding and addressing complex nursing issues and concepts. They help nurses to define and describe nursing care, guide nursing practice, and provide a basis for clinical decision-making. Nursing theories also help nurses to evaluate patient care and base nursing interventions on the evaluation of the findings. They provide a rational and scientific justification based on which nurses are inspired to carry on with their practice. Furthermore, nursing theories play a vital role in the evolution of nursing as a discipline. They not only improve the quality of nursing as a service but also affect the overall well-being of the patients and the nurses who are delivering the care. Nursing theories also provide a basis for research and peer-reviewed journals written on the subject of nursing and healthcare.

One of the weaknesses of nursing theories is that they can be too abstract and complex, making it difficult for nurses to apply them in practice. Some nursing theories may also be outdated or not applicable to contemporary nursing practice. Additionally, some nurses may not be familiar with nursing theories or may not see their relevance to their daily practice.

Comparison of Nursing Theories

Nursing theories can be divided into three types: grand nursing theories, middle-range nursing theories, and practice-level nursing theories. Grand nursing theories are broad and abstract, while middle-range nursing theories are more specific and offer more concrete connections to nursing practice. Practice-level nursing theories are even more specific and provide guidance for nursing interventions and outcomes. While grand nursing theories can be too abstract and complex, middle-range and practice-level nursing theories are more verifiable through testing and can be used to guide nursing practice.

Application of Nursing Theories to Guide Nursing Care, Solve Clinical Problems, and Improve Patient Outcomes.

In nursing education, theories are used to guide curriculum development and design learning experiences that promote critical thinking and clinical reasoning. In research, theories guide the development of research questions, hypotheses, and study designs. In administration, theories can inform the development of policies and procedures that promote high-quality patient care and ensure that resources are allocated effectively. In all these areas, nursing theories provide a foundation for understanding the nature and goals of nursing practice and facilitate the advancement of the nursing profession.

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Future directions of nursing theories

The future of nursing theories is likely to involve greater integration with other disciplines, such as medicine, psychology, and public health. As healthcare becomes more complex and interdisciplinary, nursing theories will need to adapt to address new challenges and opportunities. Nursing theories will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of nursing practice by providing a framework for understanding and addressing complex nursing issues and concepts. They will also continue to guide nursing education and research, providing a foundation for nursing curricula and guiding the development of nursing research. As nursing theories evolve and adapt to new challenges, they will continue to enhance the professional status of nurses and promote the recognition of nursing as a distinct discipline. Overall, nursing theories will continue to be essential in guiding nursing practice, education, and research, and improving patient outcomes in the future.


In conclusion, application of nursing theories are essential in guiding nursing practice, education, and research, and improving patient outcomes. They provide a scientific and rational basis for nursing interventions, improve communication between nurses, and provide guidance for research and education. Overall, nursing theories are an essential aspect of nursing practice and will continue to shape the future of nursing as a discipline.

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Greatest challenge for women in the world or in America today

Greatest challenge for women in the world or in America today

It’s an English assignment on Sex trafficking and the Title is

What is the greatest challenge or problem for women in the world or in America today? I attached the instructions as well as the research paper. Please let me know if I need to make corrections or if I need to add more info. She wants it on MLA format

First Quarter Research Paper Assignment

English Composition

1.) You will write a research paper on the following topic: What is the greatest challenge or problem for women in the world or in America today?





5.) The last part of your paper will be to discuss what your opinion is.   You can take any position across the spectrum.  It doesn’t have to be an extreme position either way.  It can be in a middle ground.  THIS PART OF THE PAPER MUST BE YOUR OWN WRITING.  NO SOURCES HERE.  IT IS ALSO NOT YOUR CONCLUSION.  THE CONCLUSION IS A SEPARATE PART, AND WILL PROBABLY BE ONLY ONE PARAGRAPH.

6.) The hardest part of writing a paper is looking through the sources.  You have to develop your own method.  I used to copy potential quotes into my notebook and later my laptop.  Many people use index cards.  Keep track of where you are getting the quotes because you need to cite them in your paper.  Most databases give you all the information you need for your citation.

7.) It is much better to use books, newspapers, and magazines from the library or our databases.  If you use Google, you may only use information from an established news source, as stated above in boldface.

      8.) Your paper must have an introduction in which you introduce all aspects of the

paper.  You must also have a creative, interesting conclusion.

9.) You need at least three sources in total.  The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages, plus a Works Cited page, so the total is really 6 pages.

10.) You must use MLA style. We will go over MLA style in class.

11.) Remember, any idea that is not your own must be cited and listed in the Works Cited      page.



14.) PLAGIARISM – We will discuss this in class, but just in summary – If you plagiarize in your research paper, then you are really intending to cheat and “get one over” on the teacher.  I don’t believe there is such a thing as “unintentional plagiarism.”  This is a research paper.  I know that you are using other sources.  All your teacher wants you to do is cite these sources.  If you leave off the quotation marks and leave off the source, then you are trying to pass off someone else’s writing as your own.



Greatest challenge or problem for women in the world or in America today

In the contemporary world, women are often involved in all parts of the society. However, there are some matters which often affect these women in different magnitude. The challenges ranges from the power for women to vote to reproductive rights as well as yap gap. The consistency of these issues has been addressed in different international platforms to improve the existing challenges that women experience in the world. therefore, it is essential to understand sex trafficking as one of the greatest challenges affecting women in the United States of America.

One of the greatest challenges some women face in the world and in the United States is sex trafficking. Sex trafficking can be described as type of human trafficking which consist of commercial sexual exploitation which takes place in the United States of America and other parts of the world.  Similarly, these activities involve the transportation of people through the means of deception, coercion or even forceful exploitation to other places in the world (Fedina, Celia and Perdue 2360). the people associated with sex trafficking often target women and girls because they are considered to the most vulnerable individuals. Their main in the trade is to obtain wealth and power around the world. as a result, it has been considered to be a big problem for women in the United States and all around the world. substantially this is because they undergo or being drugged, beaten, raped, starved, abused, get sexual transmitted diseases and kidnapped (Fedina, Celia and Perdue 2360). Notably, the background for these victims is that they come from poverty and some girls often escape from their homes to join the activity without intent of knowing what would happen next. In some cases, some women and girls are being sold by their family members into the sex trade business (Fedina, Celia and Perdue 2360). This tradition can be traced from the early slavery trade which took place in Africa where women were caught and being sold to cross through Atlantic to get into the sex trade business. However, it is essential to note that in the U.S. many advocates are trying to end the illegal trade business because many women have become the victim. According to Geoff Rogers, cofounder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, “the United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide” since the society have become part of the driving force behind its generation (Keiper, Andrew & Perry Chiaramonte, par. 5).


Sex trafficking continues to be a problem with the societies in the global and United States of America due to various measures taken by the involved individuals in the activity. The industry is considered to be a multi-million-dollar business for these involved people. Besides, there returns on the activity has proven to yield more profits than expected ordinary business activities. They are desperate to make money and will do or take any necessary action to achieve their mission (Varma et al. 99). Notably, most of the involved individuals in the sex trafficking are mainly the criminal organizations. The margins for profits are increasingly high for this business. However, despite the involvement of women and girls being trafficked, they don’t make money in this business.  These sex traffickers are evil in regards to their actions since they do not care about the age of girls being used in the trading activity (Varma et al. 103). Many women are victims of this horrific act and it is essential for them to be identified to get support from these criminal gangs misusing their lives.

The traffickers in this business have measures and mechanisms to manipulate the system in their favor. Substantially this is another issue which makes sex trafficking to continue in the contemporary world. further, they know their way into powerful leaders and government officials.  Many sex traffickers are aware of the fact that some women are desperate to make money because their poverty background. Some of the actively involved women would also use or lure other girls to obtain or get favors for nit directly being involved in the activity. As a result, it enables them to continue with the activity in the long run. According to Julie Bindel, “One Albanian woman told me that the only way she could escape her own trafficker after five years in London brothel was to agree to return home and bring back fresh victims. “I had to go to my town and tell the girls there that I knew from school that there were great opportunities in the UK for them, you know, as waitresses and even as dancers,” says Elda” (Bindel par. 8). There are extreme actions which some of these women would use to escape can be harmful when they are caught. There is no win/lose situation for the victim because the trafficker is only thinking about making money. This issue continues to be a problem for women because it’s a multi-billion-dollar industry for the traffickers.

Greatest challenge for women in the world or in America today

The responsible agencies dealing with such cases in the world should develop essential solution to prevent cases of sex trafficking in the world. the concern from the individuals saves from this experience depict hash conditions undergone that needs to be addressed by both the lobbyists and legislatures in most countries in the world (Nichols, and Heil 15). substantially, this is because it is a serious crime and these criminals should be severely punished for life because they are damaging the lives of so many women that are in the industry. There are a few possible solutions that we can prevent sex trafficking in the world.  Learning the indicators of human trafficking is one of the potential measures which needs to be put into consideration. There are different parties who should participate to ensure these indicators are determined accordingly (Nichols, and Heil 15). These may consist of law enforcement agencies, educators, federal workers as well as the entire society suspicious of these activities around their neighborhood. The need to promote education regarding this issue should be the primary focus to detect the possibility of the matter. Nonetheless, the collaboration of these parties would be useful to successfully improve the concern of preventing sex trafficking.Greatest challenge for women in the world or in America today

The establishment of promotional programs within the society is the way to prevent sex trafficking claims.  The benefit of this is to involve people in the communities’ help stop this crime faster. Having more advertisement and also donating to anti-trafficking organizations will push more people to help around the world. We can spread awareness in areas that we feel that sex-trafficking is being targeted the most. The other measure to the solution is to take action on colleges, schools and other institutions to establish awareness campaign on human trafficking which leads to sex trafficking among women and girls (Bryant et al. 19). The involvement of College students will make a difference for young women because people will take them seriously to fight this crime. Once students get involve many parents and family members want to participate in helping the community. Even celebrities can get involve since many people look up to them as role model. Some women are lure into thinking they going to work as models or make a lot of money working for a good company (Bindel par. 12).  The promise given to most young innocent girls deceived for sex trafficking is mainly jobs which would sustain their families. The feeling to know that some people are being used and sold like products is not ethically correct. Therefore, developing these initiatives needs to be implemented to minimize or prevent the situation completely within the society. The U.S need to have more advertising on sex trafficking and they need to educate our children in school districts and at job sites as well (Keiper & Chiaramonte par. 9). Just like we have Amber Alerts we need to have alerts traffickers because this demand is becoming increasing high. The government needs to make this their top priority to stop sex trafficking all around the world

Sex trafficking is not an ethical activity because it violates human rights in the world. Therefore, I feel sex trafficking is a crime and holding someone against their own will is ethically wrong. People should be allowed or given the freedom to do their activities at will or have sex at will. I feel we should all come as a whole and be better advocates of sex trafficking. The media needs to get more involve and we need to have sex trafficking awareness in every community (Bryant et al. 18). The media should hold interviews with woman that have escaped the industry and talk to schools’ officials about how they can help and become more involve. I feel the government should also get involve and reach out to small or big businesses on how they can help to spread the word. There should also be classes taught in all school districts on how to avoid a trafficker if students come in contact with a trafficker. These classes would be helpful to many young students (Bryant et al. 19). We also need to talk to the victims and ask them if they would be interested talking to students in schools’ districts about their experience and alarm them of the red flags when being approach from a sex trafficker

Greatest challenge for women in the world or in America today

The government should provide more employment opportunities to people so that sex trafficking can be minimized in the long run. There are measures which needs to be put into consideration to prevent cases of sex trafficking of women and young girls. The first step is to look at social media and determine ways to stop cases of human trafficking (Bryant et al. 19). The involved criminals should be investigated by the relevant agencies in the world such as the FBI across the world. developing programs which can undercover these operations should be implemented and approved by the government agencies and authorities to help the affected individuals (Nichols, and Heil 15). We should also put our focus on the victim health conditions too because they will need psychological help. These women will need years of intensive treatment to recover from their pain. It’s important that we make sure the victims mental health is not causing them any harm. Experts need to make sure that the women affected by this crime have a normal life as much as possible because the goal is to make them feel protected. It’s a shame to think that human trafficking is considered to be the modern-day slave trade. This problem is so big all across the world and the United States. The government needs to illegalize this crime because this is forced labor. Not much have been done to end this horrific act. No woman or girl should ever be kidnapped from any part of the world to make money. It is an inhumane act and I believe in we should respect our rights in every aspect of our lives. I believe together we can fight sex trafficking and help the victims that are being dragged into this industry. If we can sign into our social media account every day, we should have a page dedicated on social media on women or girls that have been kidnapped (Nichols & Heil 15). Then we should send alerts on our phones to friends and family members to remind them that this industry must end and to help find the victims. Hearing it on the news or just talking about it every now and then is not good enough to spread the word. Not everyone is paying as much attention but uniting a whole will make a difference to end this heinous act. The government needs to protect our citizens and crack down on those involve in this crime.



Works Cited

Bindel, Julie. “Women Sex Trafficking Other Women: The Problem Is Getting Worse.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 22 Apr. 2013

Bryant, Chelsea, et al. “Societal statement on the role of occupational therapy with survivors of human sex trafficking in the United States.” OCCUPATION: A Medium of Inquiry for Students, Faculty & Other Practitioners Advocating for Health through Occupational Studies vol.1, no.1, (2015), pp.18-19.

Fedina, Lisa, Celia Williamson, and Tasha Perdue. “Risk factors for domestic child sex trafficking in the United States.” Journal of interpersonal violence vol.34, no.13, (2019) pp.2653-2673

Keiper, Andrew & Perry Chiaramonte. “Human Trafficking in America among Worst in   World: Report.” Fox News, FOX News Network, 23 June 2019,

Nichols, Andrea J., and Erin C. Heil. “Challenges to identifying and prosecuting sex trafficking cases in the Midwest United States.” Feminist criminology vol.10, no.1, (2015), pp. 7-35.


Varma, Selina, et al. “Characteristics of child commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking victims presenting for medical care in the United States.” Child abuse & neglect vol.44, (2015), pp.98-105.




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Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction


When selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for a client, you must consider the unique needs and characteristics of that particular client. The same is true when selecting a psychotherapeutic approach for groups. Not every approach is appropriate for every group, and the group’s unique needs and characteristics must be considered. For this Assignment, you examine psychotherapeutic approaches to group therapy for addiction.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Evaluate psychotherapeutic approaches to group therapy for addiction

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and reflect on the insights they provide on group therapy for addiction.
  • View the media, Levy Family: Sessions 1-7, and consider the psychotherapeutic approaches being used.  (See downloaded files)

The Assignment

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following:

  • Identify the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using, and explain why she might be using this approach.
  • Determine whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were the counselor facilitating this group, and justify your decision.
  • Identify an alternative approach to group therapy for addiction, and explain why it is an appropriate option.
  • Support your position with evidence-based literature.



Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction


Psychotherapy involves a wide range of interventions that are used by a therapist to ensure that the patient gets the most out of the treatment. The case assesses the Levy family sessions and establishes that he experienced posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of a life-threatening experience in Iraq. PTSD is associated with several other issues such as addictive behaviors, anger, and depression among others (American Psychiatric Association 2013).

The Psychotherapeutic Approach

At the beginning of the session, the facilitator employs individual therapy intending to get information about Levy. The method is successful and the facilitator can obtain information such as the war experiences, alcohol use as well as the relationship issues that he is facing in his marriage. In the process, Levy breaks down but the facilitator employs behavioral therapy approaches to help him through the process. The psychotherapeutic approach to group therapy for addiction that is employed is the exploratory psychotherapy. The exploratory, also known as the psychodynamic approach, is derived from psychoanalysis and aims at understanding the thoughts and feelings that are unconscious (Levi et al. 2016).


In the psychodynamic approach, the therapist and the patients uncover the links between the past experiences and the present behavior that the patient is exhibiting. Levi explains the ordeal that he went through in Iraq and especially seeing his colleague die, something that haunted him leading to his drinking problem. He narrates the other challenges that he experienced during his mission and this explains the present problem of addiction and the severed marriage. One characteristic of the exploratory forms of psychotherapy is that they may be disorganizing mainly because the patient has to recount some of the memories that may be very painful. In this case, Levi gets anxious and the facilitator has to employ some behavioral strategies to calm him down so that he can be able to go through with the session.

I would use the approach to help patients manage the challenges of substance abuse. Patients that struggle with addiction usually feel lonely and therefore, group therapy is important as it allows them to experience a platform where they can share their problems, frustrations as well as solutions (Srivastava, Singh, and Chahal, 2019). The psychotherapy approach is a useful one because it provides support for the patient and establishes processes that in establishing the problem as well as the best option to solve them. It extends beyond simply counseling a patient because it involves several talk therapies that aim at restoring normal status.

An alternative psychotherapeutic approach is Supportive psychotherapy, which seeks to help the patient master their difficulty and gain control over the problem that they are facing (Lysaker et al. 2015). In this approach, the therapist only comes in when it is necessary and is only involved as a guide that outlines what they need to do and what they should avoid. The difference between this and the exploratory approach is that this approach does not delve into the past of the patient.  Supportive psychotherapy makes it possible for therapists to help clients through the challenges without necessarily discussing the traumatic experiences of their past.

Nursing Paper Help


Substance abuse presents numerous challenges and is brought about by various things including PTSD.  Patients undergoing these challenges often feel lonely and consequently, group therapy becomes ideal as it helps them recognize the fact that many other people are struggling with the problem. Furthermore, group therapy helps them to share their experiences, challenges, and solutions as well as an opportunity to offer support to each other. In Levi’s case, the facilitator uses the explorative psychodynamic group which discusses the past experiences. An alternative to this approach is the Supportive psychotherapy, which not only helps patients gain control over their problems, but it also avoids the painful memories.



American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders, DSM-5. (5th edition). Washington, DC American Psychiatric Association.    ISBN-13: 978-8123923796

Levi, O., Bar‐Haim, Y., Kreiss, Y., & Fruchter, E. (2016). Cognitive–behavioural therapy and

psychodynamic psychotherapy in the treatment of combat‐related post‐traumatic stress disorder: A comparative effectiveness study. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy, 23(4), 298-307.

Lysaker, P. H., Kukla, M., Belanger, E., White, D. A., Buck, K. D., Luther, L., & Leonhardt, B.

(2015). Individual psychotherapy and changes in self-experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative comparison of patients in metacognitively focused and supportive psychotherapy. Psychiatry, 78(4), 305-316.

Srivastava, P., Singh, K., & Chahal, S. (2019). Application of Motivational Enhancement

Therapy in Group settings among Patients with Substance Abuse. Indian Journal of Psychiatric Social Work, 10(1), 22-27.

Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2017). Group therapy for substance use disorders: a survey of

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Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems

Assignment: Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems to Improve Outcomes and Efficiencies

New technology—and the application of existing technology—only appears in healthcare settings after careful and significant research. The stakes are high, and new clinical systems need to offer evidence of positive impact on outcomes or efficiencies.

Nurse informaticists and healthcare leaders formulate clinical system strategies. As these strategies are often based on technology trends, informaticists and others have then benefited from consulting existing research to inform their thinking.

In this Assignment, you will review existing research focused on the application of clinical systems. After reviewing, you will summarize your findings.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Conduct a search for recent (within the last 5 years) research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
  • Identify and select 5 peer-reviewed articles from your research.

The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the 5 peer-reviewed articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
  • Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.

In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Be sure to address the following:·   Properly identify 5 peer-reviewed articles selected.·   Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.



Transforming Nursing and Healthcare through Technology


Technology has played an instrumental role in changing healthcare. With an evolving healthcare system, nurses face the challenge of learning new skills and integrating them into practice. From unique interventions like tablet computers to radio frequency identification-enabled devices, the healthcare field is becoming more efficient. Nurses are now using technology to update patient records, schedule care and navigate online systems (Thimbleby, 2014). Long gone are the days when patient information was stored in handwritten charts. Now, patient’s data is safely and efficiently stored in electronic health records thus transforming the nursing profession. In addition, technology has improved communication between medical personnel during emergencies. Technology has made nursing work easier and as a result, increased the number of patients that nurses are likely to attend to. While technology improves communication and work efficiency, there can be several challenges when new technology is implemented. Nurses and other care givers report experiencing difficulties in effectively communicating patient information. Additionally, there is a high privacy risk associated with using technology devices to record patient data (Thimbleby, 2014). The use of technology in healthcare is expected to rise in the future. When it comes to nursing, technology advances will improve the ability of nurses to offer quality, accurate and efficient care to patients.

Use of Health Information Technology for Older Adults Care

In recent years, health information technology (HIT) has been used to improve care for the elderly. With the introduction of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, more research is being conducted to analyze the impact of electronic health records (EHR) and health information technology on the quality of care offered to older patients. Dowding and colleagues (2014), analyzed the impact of using EHR to improve outcomes such as the rate of elderly falls and pressure ulcers. The study investigated 29 hospitals and analyzed how their EHR systems affected documentation of patient information. According to the study, EHR systems were associated with improved documentation of pressure ulcers and falls in the hospitals investigated. Additionally, using EHR reduced pressure ulcers rates by 13%. However, the fall rates were not affected by the introduction of EHR systems. The study concluded that for effective change to be established and for successful EHR system to be installed, collaboration, teamwork and supportive leadership must be maintained.


Impact of Bar-Code Medication Administration (BCMA) on Patient Harm

Medical errors pose serious risks to hospitalized patients. Medication errors are among the most common medical errors in healthcare facilities. These errors are categorized into prescribing errors, transcribing errors, dispensing and administration errors. Historically, several techniques have been developed to reduce administration errors. Barcode verification technology mitigates human errors by automating five key areas-patient, drug, dose, route and time-and alerts nurses to any violation. Thompson et al (2018) sought to evaluate the impact of implementing barcode medication administration technology on the rate of medical errors more specifically medication administration errors that result in patient harm. From March, 2007 to September, 2013 the study analyzed adherence to BCMA technology and tracked the number of actual errors during the study period. According to the results, there was a 43.5% reduction in medical administration errors after BCMA technology was introduced. The rate at which harmful medication errors were administered decreased from 0.65 per 100,000 to 0.29 per 100,000 medications. Overall, the use of BCMA technology significantly reduces medication administration errors.

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems

Intravenous Smart Pumps

With over 90% of hospitalized patients receiving medication intravenously via infusion pumps, intravenous smart pumps are among the most used technologies in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Smart pump technologies have been proven to be profitable in intensive care units as they save costs and prevent medication errors. Rosas and colleagues (2018) evaluated the economic impact of implementing smart infusion pumps in the administration of intravenous drugs and solutions in the intensive care unit (ICU). The retrospective observational study analyzed patterns of consumption of intravenous solutions pre-implementation and post-implementation of smart pumps. The results show that the implemented smart pumps reduced the annual consumption of intravenous solutions by 18% units and by 22.3% liters. Additionally, the study observed that the smart pumps lowered the cost of IV administration by 17.1% when compared to conventional infusion systems. The results therefore prove that smart infusion pumps save costs specifically for the administration of intravenous solutions in the intensive care unit.

Intelligent Healthcare Data Management System (IHDMS)

With the increase in the development of intelligent healthcare systems, come more novel approaches that rely on Nanosensors and smart phone technologies. Patients are now using intelligent healthcare data management systems to access healthcare services including emergency management services and diagnosis services. IHDMS with nanosensors involves the use of wearable nanosensors, individual applications that are executed on smart phones and medical or healthcare servers (Dorj et al. 2017). In recent year, nanosensors have been utilized to solve human problems and treat diseases. Intelligent healthcare data management systems have also been used to maintain medical equipments. Hamdi et al (2014), developed a novel software system and applied it in the maintenance management of medical technologies. The researchers sorted medical maintenance requests and calculated priority indexes for the requests. Additionally, model performance was assessed by analyzing maintenance requests. The results showed significant improvements in equipment downtimes based on healthcare delivery capacity. This ultimately improved patient outcomes. The results conclude that IHDMS improves medical equipment reliability, safety and maintains cost efficiency.

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems

Automated Medication Dispensing Cabinets (AMDC)

Automated medication dispensing cabinets are designed to provide computer-controlled storage, dispensing of medication and tracking at the point of care. AMDC offers several benefits to users and to patients. These cabinets provide nurses with total access to medication; they provide control of medications and greatly reduce medical errors. Moreno et al. (2014), sort to estimate the return on investment of an AMDC taking into account its role on the reduction in drug consumption. The study compared drug consumption rates in two separate wards with similar medicine use characteristics. The two wards used ADC model OmniSupplier and an inventory of the medication used was analyzed. The results showed a significant difference in the total cost of medication consumed by the control ward and the two test wards. The results showed a 16.3% reduction in drug consumption. Additionally, there was a median stock reduction of 56.5%. When the investigators compared the results, they observed a consistent reduction in the consumption of medicines. The study concludes that installation of automated medication dispensing cabinets reduce drug consumption, improve efficiency and save on medication costs.

Literature Review: The Use of Clinical Systems


New technology is changing the way people live their lives. And now more than ever before, technological advancements are impacting the healthcare industry in unique ways. In the healthcare industry, new technologies are used to improve patient care and ensure quality nursing care. Many new medical technologies help nurses with routine processes. For example, automated medication dispensing cabinets help nurses decrease human mistakes, improve efficiency and reduce medication consumption rates. Smart pumps on the other hand, have been used in ICUs to administer IV substances and medications. Electronic health records reduce medical errors and increase the time nurses allocate to each patient. While technology and innovation improve quality of care, all nurses agree that it should not replace day-to-day human interactions.



Dorj, U., Lee, M., Choi, J., Lee. Y. & Jeong, G. (2017). The Intelligent Healthcare Data Management System Using Nanosensors. Journal of Sensors, 9. Doi: 10.1155/2017/7483075

Dowding, DW., Turley, M. & Garrido, T. (2014). The Impact of n electronic Health Record on Nurse Sensitive Patient Outcomes: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 19(4), 615-620. Doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2011-000504.

Hamdi, N., Oweis, R., Zraiq, H. A. & Sammour, D. (2014). An Intelligent Healthcare Management System: A New Approach in Work-Order Prioritization for Medical Equipment Maintenance Requests. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(2), 557-567. Doi: 10.1007/s10916-010-9501-4

Moreno, M.M. et al. (2014). Return on Investment for Automated Dispensing Cabinets. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 19(2). Doi: 10.1136/ejhpharm-2012-000074.3014

Rosas, EP. Et al. (2018). Impact of Implementing Smart Infusion Pumps in an Intensive Care Unit in Mexico: A Pre-Post Cost Analysis Based on Intravenous Solutions Consumption, 54(13): Hospital Pharmacy. Doi: 10.1177/0018578718786943

Thimbleby, H. (2014). Technology and the Future of Healthcare. Journal of Public Health Research, 2(3). Doi: 10.4081/jphr.2013.e28

Thompson, K.M et al. (2018). Implementation of Bar-Code Medication Administration to Reduce Patient Harm. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Innovations, Quality & Outcomes, 2(4), 342-351. Doi: 10.1016/j.mayocpiqo.2018.09.001


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