
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Groups

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Groups

As you might recall from Week 5, there are significant differences in the applications of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for families and individuals. The same is true for CBT in group settings and CBT in family settings. In your role, it is essential to understand these differences to appropriately apply this therapeutic approach across multiple settings. For this Discussion, as you compare the use of CBT in group settings and family settings, consider challenges of using this approach with your own groups.


Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Compare the use of cognitive behavioral therapy for groups to cognitive behavioral therapy for families
  • Analyze challenges of using cognitive behavioral therapy for groups
  • Recommend effective strategies in cognitive behavioral therapy for groups

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To prepare:

  • Reflect on your practicum experiences with CBT in group and family settings.

Post an explanation of how the use of CBT in groups compares to its use in family settings. Provide specific examples from your own practicum experiences (you as the writer can make this up as long as it deals with drug addiction). Then, explain at least two challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the group setting.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Group Settings versus Family Settings

Cognitive behavioral group therapy is a group approach that utilizes behavioral, relational and group practices to improve the coping skills of participants, and address the problems that they are experiencing (Wolgensinger, 2015). On the other hand, cognitive behavioral family therapy focuses on supporting members of a family to interact in a more adaptive manner; learn how to make better decisions to create a conducive environment for family interactions. Additionally, cognitive behavioral family therapy relies on reciprocal interactions between family members (Lan & Sher, 2018). During drug addiction treatment, CBT shows that emotions and harmful actions are not rational and might have come from past experiences. When a person struggling with addiction understands that their feelings lead to substance use, they are better placed to control their addiction. In practice, I work closely with individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. During family CBT, emotions and behaviors have a mutual influence on one another. For example, clients often change their addiction story when a family member is in the therapy session with them. When I encounter such clients, I recommend group CBT because they may relate better to others that are going through the same situation.


CBT administered in the group setting posses several challenges to counselors. Clients might have limited motivations to change. Counselors should therefore establish motivating factors to help the client cope with therapy. For psychotherapy to work, the individual, the family and the group should ensure that treatment goals are met. During group CBT counselors face the challenge of choosing effective structures to use (McHugh, Hearon & Otto, 2010). Additionally, identifying proper techniques to introduce to obtain maximum results is a challenge. Evaluating techniques and consulting with other therapists assists with meeting all the needs of the parties involved.



Lan, J. & Sher, TM. (2018). Cognitive-Behavioral Family Therapy. Research Gate. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_40-1

McHugh, R.K., Hearon, B.A. & Otto, M. (2010). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 33(3), 511-525. Doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2010.04.012

Wolgensinger, L. (2015). Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Anxiety: Recent Developments. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 17(3), 347-351.

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Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Please review the annotated bibliography handout from this week. Your annotated bibliography must include at 3-4 entries.

Your articles must come from the academic databases through the college library website. EBSCO and Academic Search Complete may be the best databases to begin your searches.

The assignment must be formatted in MLA format—heading, header, double-spacing, 12 point Times New Roman, etc. There is no required length, as long as you are meeting the word count of 100-150 words per entry.

Please review the annotated bibliography handout and sample for an example what each entry should look like.


FYI: Enclosed is the college library website page.



Annotated Bibliography

Marwick, Alice E. “Why do people share fake news? A sociotechnical model of media

effects.” Georgetown Law Technology Review 2.2 (2018): 474-512.

The article attempts to answer the question of why individuals are involved in the sharing of fake news. The author makes use of the social-ethical model and establishes that people share fake news mainly because their perspective of the world is shaped by the polarized and partisan social beliefs and deep beliefs. This is contrary to the expectation that individuals share fake news because they have been duped by the media which is partisan. The authors also urge the readers to view fake news as being a component in the larger media ecosystem and consequently exhibit the ability to scrutinize the systems. The best solution that is offered is media literacy alongside the conceptualization of the issue as sociotechnical.


Peters, Alexandra, et al. “Fighting the Good Fight: the fallout of fake news in infection

prevention and why context matters.” Journal of Hospital Infection 100.4 (2018): 365-370.

The article acknowledges that misinformation has always existed since time immemorial. However, various challenges are presented and special focus is placed on the medical field. The authors establish that there has been a misconception that fake news does not affect the medical practitioners mainly because they are involved in scientific projects. As a result, the medical practitioners have for a long time underestimated the effects of misinformation on the health of eth public. It, therefore, examines case studies to establish how information gets distorted and amplified between the medical community and the public. The authors focus their findings on the infection prevention and control field.

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Hubbard, Sally. “Fake news is a real antitrust problem.” CPI Antritrust (2017).

The article acknowledges the existence of a general outcry over fake news by the public as well as the political arena and presents information on how to curb the issue of fake news. It defines fake news and explores reasons why fake news is an antitrust problem. The author also discusses the concept of fake news and market power and uses Google and Facebook for the analysis.  The article further sheds light on the Facebook instant articles and expounds on how technology-based platforms can come up with strategies that disadvantage their rivals as they compete for an audience. It concludes that is important to have a measure that will combat fake news by altering the market structure and providing competitive pressure.


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Fake News Outcry Is Misguided

Fake News Outcry Is Misguided

Essay 3 will be a research argument essay. This week you will receive a course message with an article attached to it. The article will be taking a position on a current event. Your essay will be an classical argument paper that either agrees with or disagrees with the author’s of the article’s position.

You must support your argument with evidence from the academic databases found in the college library–Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, CQ Researcher, etc. Please review the library orientation videos to refresh your understanding of including reputable sources for research papers. Sources that are found outside of the academic databases will not count and may even harm your grade for this essay.

Essay guidelines:

-7-10 pages of content typed in MLA format with a work-cited page (work cited page does not count as a page of content).

-You must include at least 4 sources for you paper–these sources must be indicated in the annotated bibliography.


FYI: College library website enclosed:



Fake News Outcry Is Misguided

“Fake news” has taken center stage and has been determined to be a trending topic in the last few years. The fake news challenge has been researched by the committee to protect journalists that established that in the year 2017; about twenty-one journalists from various countries were imprisoned and charged with charges that relate to fake news. At the beginning of 2018, several countries attempted to come up with plans to introduce legislation that targeted the issue. According to the ABC news, in the year 2018, several freelance journalists were arrested in Egypt and they included May al-Sabbagh and Ahmed Moustafa who were working on providing information about the outdated trams of Egypt (Ibrahim, 1).  In addition, several technologies based companies also reported having adopted measures to address the fake news that was spread on their platforms. An example of such attempts is the introduction of a new metric called Click-Gap, which Facebook’s news feed algorithms will use to determine where to rank a given post. This effort was aimed at redefining Facebook’s authority on the internet, as well as, fighting the abuse of the platform by those who spread fake news. With regard to the actions to be taken, there has been a furore that has been created in public debates with people taking the opposing sides. Some argue that people should not turn a blind eye to the fact that the crackdowns on fake news are a threat posed to freedom of expression. This is explained to be characterized by the prospect of State-controlled information, or a situation where a dominant group sorts out the information that needs to be shared. Although the opponents of the crackdown on “fake news” have made arguments that the efforts are misdirected and that the stories are nothing new, “fake news” has several implications on the audience and especially on contemporary democracy and, therefore, the “fake news” outcry is not misguided.

The term “Fake news” is commonly used to refer to allegations that the information provided is misleading or contains significant omissions in the content. It implies that the information is false and the main purpose of the content creator is to deceive a certain intended audience. “Fake news” refers to a wide range of things including satire and parody shows, comedy news shows, as well as, news stories that are characterized by having a mix of true and false to misleading stories (Harsin, 99). These stories may be invented or may not have any basis at all. “Fake news” may also be defined as false news that is spread on the internet or any other media to influence a particular stand or political views. Fake news is a purported fact and this is mainly characterized by being either entirely false or in some cases having partial truths, or simply information that is fabricated to make a certain theory look warranted.

“Fake news” brings about anxieties especially about the complex or unwelcome consequence of democracy when people consume the information from mainstream media such as the newsrooms. However, the problem goes beyond that and includes several individuals on social media platforms and especially Facebook and Twitter. This is because of the algorithm that connects the news, which does not assess the quality of the source but instead connect users to the news by second-guessing what the user might like. This becomes a hub for advertisers to make their advertisements for audiences that are in the digital environment and are hungry for content. These people’s clicks’, ‘shares’ and ‘likes’ are tracked by Digital programmatic advertisers during their browsing sessions. When this happens, the brands may end up appearing inadvertently on “fake news” sites and other inappropriate destination. There has been criticism about the two platforms, Facebook and Twitter, mainly because they play a significant role in the spreading, facilitating, and even encouraging “fake news” (Marwick, 474).

There has been an outcry and hullabaloo about fake news and disinformation becoming more prevalent especially in the recent times with special focus in the public domain. The concerns are a result of the rise in the number of populists and anti-intellectual politicians who have become more pronounced as days go by. The “fake news” issue, however, becomes centralized when considered in line with the centrality in the political campaigns as well as regimes. “Fake news” has been used significantly in the past in various political discourses for different purposes. For instance, several parts of information that would be deemed misinformation formed part of the story that was used by western powers in an attempt to sell the weapons of mass destruction to the countries such as Iraq. False information and misconceptions have also been established to have played a role in the rationale for the cold war and other similar political issues that were faced in the past. Therefore, in the debate about fake news outcry, one needs to consider the issues that surround it keenly. A critical analysis should be made on the impact of “fake news” on the politics of different countries as well as the various epistemic and ethical concerns that come about with fake news. An analysis into these aspects will prove the fact that the “fake news” outcry is guided and there are serious implications that people, societies and even nations face as a result of the spread of false news. The implications spread to different sectors of life, including the health and education systems and most importantly the political systems, which in turn directly affect the other system within a country.


The “fake news” outcry is not misguided and indeed, there are several reasons why people should work together to support the efforts being made to curb the spread of fake news. This is mainly because, despite the evolution and technological advancements, there are challenges regarding sieving out whether the information is true or false, there is a need to curb the “fake news” because of the negative issues that it presents. One major characteristic of “fake news” is that it produces some form of false belief about an issue and consequently, the false belief brings about confusion among the members of society. This is because “fake news” represents a particularly bad and direct avenue by which inaccurate beliefs have been propagated via social media. The confusion may lead to misinterpretations or misunderstandings of various important social and political issues because it has the ability to capture the attention of the audience and consequently, the audience views it in a particular light. In return, inaccurate beliefs pose a threat to democracy. A study by Pennycook and rand in the year 2018 established that people tend to fall prey to the “fake news” and they investigated the cognitive psychological profile. The study revealed that several people have the tendency to relate randomly generated sentences with great depth of insight or knowledge, something that they referred to as pseudo-profound bullshit receptivity. This attribute among people was positively correlated with the perception that individuals have of the accuracy of fake news. Furthermore, it showed that people did not have a satisfactory ability to differentiate between fake and real news. This lack of media truth discernment may influence the perceptions that they have and consequently contribute to the confusion or misunderstanding of the social and political issues.  As a result, there should be a critical analysis of news, as well as, media truth discernment so that individuals can consume news that is true as this will present the misconstrued beliefs that are propagated by fake news, which capitalize on the inability of people to tell the difference.

“Fake news” has received attention because of the role that it plays in the politics of a country, for instance, the last election of the USA (News Media Association, 3). “Fake news” is bad for democracy in several ways mainly because democracy is unlikely to survive when there is a poor information environment. Although the decisive role of “fake news” in determining the outcome of that election has not been established, there may be reasons to believe that some people were duped (Hubbard, 474). Unreliable information, as is characteristic of “fake news” may shape the choices of the voters and consequently the elections and economy. This action may bring about incompetent governments and have a public that is disappointed. Also, it is possible that “fake news” may in the long-term; erode civic engagement through the action of replacing real news with fictitious ones. This may be carried out through different strategies such as diverting, stories that destroy public faith in the media and displace advertising revenues that support real news media and their investment in journalism.

For these reasons, it becomes evident that “fake news” has an impact on the lives of people and, therefore, the crackdown should be enabled so that the effects are reduced. In addition to the crackdown, there should be an effective and strong real news sector that will efficiently filter the “fake news” and ensure that individuals are presented with real news. A vivid example of the scenario is as lived by the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump. The phrase “fake news” was frequently used by the president and his allies on various platforms as they addressed the critical coverage from major media organizations reporting on the president’s administration. In the year 2017 alone, the president sent out a total of 146 tweets that included the phrase “fake news.” The phrases were sent out to change the perception that people may have received from the alleged “Fake news” that sought to establish that there was a dysfunctional White House (News Media Association, 3). There may have been several people that received the information and it may have changed their perception about the president’s administration.

Misleading information has been a major issue in the political world mainly because it is used to propagate stories for political interests. However, other crucial fields such as the field of medicine have also been subject to misleading information, an action that may be detrimental to the lives of several people (Peters et al. 365). There has been a misconception that “fake news” does not affect the medical practitioners mainly because they are involved in scientific projects. As a result, the medical practitioners have for a long time underestimated the effects of misinformation on the health of the public information gets distorted and amplified between the medical community and the public. Consequently, information gets distorted and amplified between the medical community and the public. The result of such misleading information could be detrimental to the health of several consumers that require medical knowledge. Therefore, irrespective of the source and the motive, medial related information should be verified for facts because the impact would be severe (News Media Association, 3). For this reason, the “fake news” outcry is not misguided as there are facts to prove that the effects are harmful.

“Fake news” remains a significant problem and its effects can be felt even in the academic world, where students rely on several sources of information for their projects, as well as, knowledge on current trends. Although the schools require that the students make use of quality sources of information for their research assignments and papers, some assignments may require sources such as news channels, especially when addressing current issues within a given society. The spread of false or misleading information may affect the student’s assignment because they may end up spending so much time and resources on the project and they end up failing the test because of the misleading facts. Furthermore, the “fake news” outcry has led to the imprisonment of several journalists who were associated with propagating or spreading them.

The “fake news” outcry has brought about debate and although people acknowledge the challenges that the issue presents, some individuals believe that the outcry is misguided. Some argue that “fake news” stories are not nearly as significant a problem as bias and inaccuracies in mainstream reporting. However, with the advancements in technology and the fact that many people rely on social media and other platforms as their sole source of information, the impact of “fake news” will be felt by many people contrary to this belief (Hubbard, 474). Another major argument is that the internet has been successful in helping individuals to experience democracy in publishing mainly because everyone with access to the internet and a computer are able to publish content. Their thoughts are published and spread across different groups of people. The critics of the crackdown argue that carrying out the crackdown could harm the process and reverse the democratized publishing, which is viewed to have advanced.  However, owing to the negative implication of fake news, coupled with the inability by several people to differentiate between fake and real news, there is a need to come up with strategies to curb fake news.

In conclusion, there is a need to curb fake news, which is a news story that has no factual basis but is presented as news. This is because the outcry is not misguided and is instead based on the negative implications of the “fake news” on the different aspects of people’s lives. There is a need to investigate, expose and debunk all the people that share “fake news” including the ones that use social media platforms such as tweeter and Facebook. This can be achieved through an examination of the advertising supply chain and ensure that it does not undermine the news media’s sustainability. With the “fake news” detriment, the audience tends to neglect the issue of politicians who choose to create and suppress realities. The first place to begin is to have fact-checking sites and media literacy campaigns so as to prevent people from sharing “fake news” because they bring about negative implications. People make use of digital networks as a constant feed of information and, therefore, whenever there is misleading information, several people may be affected. It is, therefore, necessary to have the crackdown on “fake news” so that the perpetrators including those on social media platforms are brought to book in order to have better reporting and so that people can consume information that is true and substantiated with facts. The legislature is also instrumental in managing the issue. For instance, in Egypt, “fake news” has been outlawed and reporters of false and misleading information have not only been punished but some have been detained in an effort to deter others from following suit.


Works Cited

Harsin, Jayson. “A critical guide to fake news: From comedy to tragedy.” Pouvoirs 1 (2018): 99-


Hubbard, Sally. “Fake news is a real antitrust problem.” CPI Antritrust (2017).

Ibrahim, Noor. “Under guise of combating ‘fake news,’ foreign governments target their critics”

(2018) retrieved from:

Marwick, Alice E. “Why do people share fake news? A sociotechnical model of media effects.”

Georgetown Law Technology Review 2.2 (2018): 474-512.

News Media Association. “Culture, media, and sport select committee ‘fake news’ inquiry: New

media association response.” Wales: NMA (2017).

Peters, Alexandra, et al. “Fighting the Good Fight: the fallout of fake news in infection

prevention and why context matters.” Journal of Hospital Infection 100.4 (2018): 365-370.

Pennycook, Gordon, and David G. Rand. “Who falls for fake news? The roles of analytic

thinking, motivated reasoning, political ideology, and bullshit receptivity.” SSRN Electronic Journal (2017). Doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3023545.



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Journal – Major Issues Anticipated while Writing the Essay

Journal – Major Issues Anticipated while Writing the Essay


In 300 words, Discuss what major issue you anticipate having when you begin writing this essay. How do you plan to address this issue when it arises?



Essay topic: Fake News Outcry is Misguided


FYI: These are the essay instructions that the above question is referring to:

Essay 3 will be a research argument essay. This week you will receive a course message with an article attached to it. The article will be taking a position on a current event. Your essay will be an classical argument paper that either agrees with or disagrees with the author’s of the article’s position.

Research Paper Help

You must support your argument with evidence from the academic databases found in the college library–Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, CQ Researcher, etc. Please review the library orientation videos to refresh your understanding of including reputable sources for research papers. Sources that are found outside of the academic databases will not count and may even harm your grade for this essay.

Essay guidelines:

-7-10 pages of content typed in MLA format with a work-cited page (work cited page does not count as a page of content).

-You must include at least 4 sources for you paper–these sources must be indicated in the annotated bibliography.



WK 8 Journal – Major Issues Anticipated while Writing the Essay

The main issue that I anticipate in writing this essay is the introduction. The introduction is supposed to serve as the icebreaker for the audience that will read my work and therefore, I acknowledge that I need to put more focus on how to grab the attention of the audience in my introduction. I am not sure I will be able to attract the interest of the specific audience and still be able to focus on the subject matter of the argument. The essay topic also has a lot of information and I am afraid about the idea of providing enough background information so that I can ensure that the audience is aware of the general problem or issue that I am addressing. The challenge is on identifying the elements of background or context that needs to be resented in the introduction amidst the large pool of information that exists.


However, I plan to address the issue as soon as it arises through several techniques. The first one will be to find the best way to capture and focus the audience’s attention. On this, I will choose to focus on quotations, or a representative analogy or case. Also, a useful strategy would be to attack an opposing point of view which will focus on grabbing the attention of the audience so that they can be prepared for my thoughts. Also, I intend to carefully elect worlds so that I can be able to use my introduction to signal my specific position on the topic of discussion and the direction of my argument. In addition, I will ensure that I establish my image and bring out exactly what I would like to project in the argument such as aggression and passion on the topic for the readers to understand my point.

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Trends and Best Practices in “Best Hospitals”

Trends and Best Practices in “Best Hospitals”

It is important for health care leaders to be aware of industry trends and best practices that might impact their organizations. By strategically implementing these trends and best practices, organizations can improve patient health outcomes and remain competitive within the industry. For this Discussion, you examine the trends and best practices hospitals implement for organizational excellence, information technology, and informatics.

To prepare:

  • Locate the most current “Best Hospitals” report from the U.S. News & World Report.
  • Select a hospital from the report and locate the hospital’s annual statement.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the “Post to Discussion Question” link and then select “Create Thread” to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking Submit!

By Day 3

Post: a cohesive response to the following:

Identify the hospital you selected from the “Best Hospitals” report. Analyze the trends and best practices that the hospital implements for operational excellence, information technology, and health care informatics. Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Consider how your colleagues’ postings relate to the information presented in the Learning Resources and to your own posting.



Trends and Best Practices in “Best Hospitals

The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota was selected from the “Best Hospitals” report. The hospital was developed in 1889 (Lindquist, 2018) and has become a role model in the healthcare industry because of the best practices used in the organization. Best practices are techniques that help to ensure quality in health care delivery and are founded upon self-evaluation and benchmarking (Jaana, Teitelbaum, & Roffey, 2014). Therefore, Mayo Clinic is rated as a high-performance healthcare institution because of the best practices and quality of care provided in the healthcare institution.

Operational excellence is a vital feature of the institution because they have a model of improving and delivering care (Walston, 2018).  The stepwise approach is used by the organization to help gain support from senior leadership, selecting employees with appropriate knowledge and skills, measuring costs and patient outcomes, involve in staff training, and test project improvement propositions (Jaana, Teitelbaum, & Roffey, 2014). For example, Mayo Clinic uses the CaringBridge website as the best information technology to help share health updates between nurses and patients (Lindquist, 2018).  The hospital also provides virtual consultations to help reach more patients through digital connection opportunities, video appointments, and online services to patients.


Mayo Clinic is also involved in community support through contribution millions of dollars to sustain community needs (Lindquist, 2018). The hospital also offers the Adult Survivorship Program to help in treatment of cancer. Other best practices used in the hospital include the use of automated physician entry order system that provides handwritten orders for patient’s medication, assessments, and tests (Lindquist, 2018). Therefore, the success and performance of Mayo clinic have contributed to its ranking as one of the best hospitals in the US, including its useful project management techniques, strategic leadership, and better IT infrastructure (U.S. News & World Report, n.d.)


Jaana, M., Teitelbaum, M., & Roffey, T. (2014). IT strategic planning in hospitals: From

theory to practice. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care,

30(3), 289–297.

Lindquist, S. B. (2018, February 20). Mayo Clinic is strong, well-positioned for future;

leadership transition begins. Retrieved from

U.S. News & World Report. (Ed.). (n.d.). Where Are America’s Best Hospitals? Retrieved from

Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd

Ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration.




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Group Therapy Documentation

Group Therapy Documentation

Students will:

  • Develop effective documentation skills for group therapy sessions *
  • Develop diagnoses for clients receiving group psychotherapy *
  • Evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for groups *
  • Analyze legal and ethical implications of counseling clients with psychiatric disorders *

* The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 10.

Select two clients you observed or counseled this week during a group therapy session. Note: The two clients you select must have attended the same group session.

Then, in your Practicum Journal, address the following:

  • Using the Group Therapy Progress Note in this week’s Learning Resources, document the group session.
  • Describe each client (without violating HIPAA regulations), and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
  • Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for each client.
  • Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.
  • Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.
  • Support your approach with evidence-based literature.



Group Therapy Documentation


Documentation of sessions in psychotherapy is considered an essential aspect for practitioners. The act enables psychotherapists to have a strong foundation for their clinical decisions. Moreover, documents act as a source of reference. Therefore, they may have legal and ethical implications (Amico et al., 2019). The paper develops documentation of a group therapy session, explains viability of a therapy, and depicts legal and ethical consequences regarding the clients.

Group Session Documentation

Jake reveals that he has fear and nightmares based on his experience in Iraq. He shows that he feels regretful for not keeping his friend’s last request of letting him to kill him. He also shows that many veterans are suffering, with a high rate of suicidal incidences. Bill also reveals that he is facing fear due to their bombing experience. In his words, none was supposed to see the images that occurred during the bombing period. He also suffers from hallucinations as he hears mortar rounds and tries to reach for his helmet and weapons. His narration shows that he has not adjusted well to civilian life (Fulton, 2016).


Jake and Bill show that their fear has led to other social problems. For instance, they both drink heavily to forget about the images. In addition, they have problems interacting with other people. Jake shows that he has gotten into fights with his wife after the Iraq incident. The clients reveal that they want to have a normal life. Jake shows that he is expecting a baby. Therefore, his situation is making it difficult to make suitable goals with his family. Bill shows that he is having problems in making decisions concerning his feeding habits (Fulton, 2016).

Clients’ Description

Both Jake and Bill are marine veterans who experienced a similar traumatizing incident in Iraq. They are ex-marine soldiers. Jake is married and has an expectant wife. Bill’s family life is unknown. There is no previous medical record indicating that the clients have had fear issues in their lives before (Kalisch et al., 2017).

Clients’ Diagnosis

The subjective information shows that Jake has fear-related issues. He also feels anxious at times.  It is evident that his major fear emanates from the bombing incident in Iraq. This shows that the incident may have traumatized his psychology. Therefore, Jake is diagnosed of post-traumatic stress disorder (PSD). Bill is also diagnosed of PSD. This issue is revealed in his revelation of nightmares related to the Iraq incident. He also has some severe anxiety and difficulty in speaking about the incident. These features are associated with the disorder (Kalisch et al., 2017).

Effective Therapeutic Approach

Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for the situation. While assessing the scenario, it can be seen that the clients seem to very emotional when they recollect the incident. Cognitive therapy is essential in improving their emotional processing. Since the clients also engage in addictive behaviors, the approach is suitable in shaping their behavior to enhance better outcomes. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also important in developing self-efficacy for the clients. This will make them believe that they can overcome their anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder with strength (Patterson, 2014).

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Legal and Ethical Implications

The practitioner needs to ensure that the clients have enough information regarding the session and techniques used in managing their problems. Any underlying   health issues that emanate from the analysis need to be reported to the relevant therapists. The practitioner is also obliged to offer quality treatment for clients. Therefore, he or she needs to maintain professionalism to maintain the audience. The practitioner is also mandated to report the clients’ problem in case they show signs of threatening others (Fulton, 2016).



Amico, K. R., Miller, J., Balthazar, C., Serrano, P. A., Brothers, J., Zollweg, S., & Hosek,

  1. (2019). Integrated next step counseling (iNSC) for sexual health and PrEP use among young men who have sex with men: Implementation and observations from ATN110/113. AIDS and Behavior23(7), 1812-1823.

Fulton, C. L. (2016). Mindfulness, self-compassion, and counselor characteristics and

session variables. Journal of Mental Health Counseling38(4), 360-374.

Kalisch, R., Baker, D. G., Basten, U., Boks, M. P., Bonanno, G. A., Brummelman, E., … &

Geuze, E. (2017). The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders. Nature Human Behaviour, 1(11), 784-790.

Patterson, T. (2014). A cognitive behavioral systems approach to family therapy. Journal of

            Family Psychotherapy, 25(2), 132–144. doi:10.1080/08975353.2014.910023.


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Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Proposal-Assessment 1 Detailed Instructions are uploaded along with a detailed example and template. PLEASE follow every single detailed instruction and bullet point accordingly and please make sure that you review the scoring guide/competencies prior to returning to me. Also please make sure that ALL editing is thorough! Thank You!


Economic Decision Making in Health Care


Assessment 1

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity



Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for improved care quality.

Master’s-level health care practitioners are charged with the responsibility of constantly scanning the external environment for shifts in supply of and demand for services. Concurrently, leaders must examine strategic fit with their organization’s directional strategy and determine if adjustments need to be made for current service offerings, updates in equipment, changes in staffing models, and a variety of other decisions. Each decision that is proposed must be evaluated in terms of the health care setting as a system, alignment with the mission and strategy, available internal resources, potential contract and payer source implications, and the short- and long-term economic effects at both the micro and macro levels.


Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
    • Analyze the supply and demand for a proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to a care setting.
  • Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
    • Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for a care setting at both the micro and macro levels, and that will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.
  • Competency 3: Justify the qualitative and quantitative information used to guide economic decision making to stakeholders and colleagues.
    • Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support a proposal and analysis.
  • Competency 5: Apply various communication methods in order to clearly, effectively, and efficiently relate information to stakeholders and colleagues related to economic data, findings, and strategies.
    • Communicate an economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
    • Effectively support a proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.


Assessment Instructions:

In this assessment, you will propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for improved care quality.


As an emerging health care leader, the senior management has requested that you independently research and explore one of the economic opportunities that may be available in your care setting. This may be offering a new service line, working to improve a service line already offered, retiring an outdated or unprofitable service line, or any other economic initiative that you believe will be of benefit to your care setting in the short and long term. One example of this is a recently launched partnership with a local bicycle sharing company. Your care setting partners with them to host healthy community events that offer free screenings for early detection of various health issues. This helps fulfill some of your care setting’s preventive and healthy lifestyle initiatives, while also potentially driving referrals to other services provided by your care setting. You have been asked to submit your proposal in the form of a 2–4-page executive summary that includes your proposed economic initiative, supporting economic data, and an analysis of the proposal’s benefits for your department and for the care setting overall.


You have been asked to ensure that your report addresses the following. Note: The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each of the bullets below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity document, linked in the Resources, to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading criterion:

  • Propose an economic initiative that presents an opportunity for your care setting at both the micro (departmental, neighborhood) and macro (organizational, community) levels that you believe will provide ethical and culturally equitable improvements to the quality of care.
  • Analyze the supply and demand for your proposed economic initiative within contexts relevant to your care setting.
  • Explain relevant economic and environmental data that support your proposal and analysis.
  • Communicate your economic proposal in a logically structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Effectively support your proposal with relevant economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Example Assessment: You may use the assessment example, linked in the Assessment Example section of the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 2–4 double-spaced, typed pages. Your proposal should be succinct yet substantive.
  • APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
  • Resources: Cite 3–5 authoritative and scholarly resources. Be sure to include specific economic data and support as part of your cited resources.


Questions to Consider:

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

  • What factors determine the price and quantity of health care? What factors determine the demand for health care services?
  • What suggestions do you have for improving the economic situation of your current health care setting? How might strategies or priorities need to shift to keep up with the changing health care economic environment?
  • How do the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations impact documentation, billing, and reimbursement?



Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The reduced concerns about sterilization and disinfection processes in healthcare setting has led to increased nosocomial infections. Usually, the contagions occur after a victim has been admitted to hospital or a few hours after discharge, and about a month in case of an operation.  The increased reported cases of nosocomial infections ascertain the high cases of morbidity and mortality as well as financial strain on both patients and hospitals (Revelas, 2012). Thus, there is an urgent need for system change that will ensure that safety of patients in regards to the expected outcomes while under care of medical practitioners is improved. A regulatory approach to nursing practices within healthcare facilities can help in reducing or eliminating risks that patients are susceptible. Succinctly defined and formulated supervisory measures that can guarantee competent undertakings in intensive and special care units to minimize prevalence of nosocomial diseases (Hartmann, Arefian, Vogel, & Kwetkat, 2009). This article outlines a brief account of supervisory approach as an economic way of system change that can help to improve patient outcome by mitigating the challenges of healthcare-acquired infections.

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The prevalence of nosocomial infections affects one out of ten patients that visit a healthcare facility (Stone, 2011). This signifies a lack of a sustainable culture that guarantees competence and adequate care when handling sensitive aspects such as those touching on life. Nosocomial diseases and infections affect both adults and children. Both genders have an equal chance of being infected.  Pediatric patients are also prone to these infections.  Children are mostly susceptible to bloodstream infections (Reveals, 2012). The reason for vulnerability is that children body system is not highly developed to fight contagions without external boost to immune system. Pneumonia and urinary tract infections are prevalent among adults. Methods and medical procedures used in the treatment of adult urinary complications require special attention and hygiene. Pediatric patients such as infants and youngsters in PICU or NICU are also vulnerable to healthcare-acquired infections. It is estimated that about two million individuals in a year are affected by nosocomial diseases in United States (Scott, 2008). Over 90,000 of those infected ends up dying because of extremity of complications.  The annual increase rate of infection in U.S. is about 33% (Scott, 2008).


The financial implications of diseases on the healthcare sector is worth noting. About $28 billion to $40 billion direct costs are recorded in hospitals every year (Scott, 2008). Most healthcare facilities are affected by nosocomial hospital infections that lower quality of patient outcomes as well as compromising the patient’s safety.  Treatment burdens associated with these diseases are costly. Therefore, there is need for an urgent change that will ensure that shortcomings are mitigated through nursing supervision mechanisms. It is estimated that 70% of bacteria that cause infections have mutated to resistant levels (Hartmann et al., 2009).  The increased expense for managing medical facilities and the high cost of healthcare services require a systematic change that is economical but also effective.

It is essential to note that healthcare-acquired infections emanate from lack or inadequate supportive culture within a hospital setup that is also encouraged by some other factors.  Diseases affect the nature of patients’ outcomes by affecting their quality of care while under medication.  Hospitals usually house many patients whose conditions are already stale (Nursing Times, 2010).  The numbers of patients who occasionally visit health centers seek medical attention because of their diverse ailments.  High number of patients leads to congestion in hospitals that leads to straining the available resources. Each sick person requires individual focus, and there exist chances of negligence from health practitioners because of mounting pressure due to high number of patients.  The nurse to patient ration is a critical problem in healthcare institutions. Currently, the U.S. is facing nurse shortage and the problem seems to be increasing. Burnout experiences among healthcare professionals can hinder their competence and lead to medical errors (Nursing Times, 2010).  Many procedures can be undertaken when conducting diagnosis and treatment tasks. Some processes are beyond standard body protection mechanisms (Schumacher et al., 2013). When doctors move from one individual to another, chances of pathogenic transmission are high if inadequate sterilization and disinfection methods are used during the treatment process. One can argue that nursing specialization could assist in reducing patient to patient transmission. However, it is worth noting that nurses are bound to esteem life and their actions are derived from the need to save as many lives as possible with their acquired skills and competence.

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

The prevalence of risky conditions that can lead to infections in hospitals can be controlled by setting up supervisory standards and quality measures that will encourage patients’ safety. Setting up strategies that will ensure that medical processes are supervised will guarantee safety if amalgamated with adequate facilities such as modern equipment and adequate human resources (Schumacher, Allignol, Beyersmann, Binder, & Wolkewitz, 2013).  The notion of supervision has not been fully incorporated into medical practice owing to costs and complexity of the processes. However, the involvement of health administrators and managers in nursing activities processes is associated with improved patient safety. Worth noting is that sectors of economy such as corporate industry have realized how supervision is attached to potential of profit margin increase. In nursing, there are no precise mechanisms for engagement and sharing of challenges practitioners face in working environment. Therefore, high chances of cumulative burnouts and incompetence that could compromise in-hospital quality of patient outcomes and safety exist (Nursing Times, 2010). Such forums can assist in providing space and time to consider avenues for improving quality of service and safety while taking care of patients to reduce rates of nosocomial infections. Supervisory processes meant to eradicate hospital-acquired diseases require a procedural process. Appropriate supervisory system change is, therefore, essential to assist in reducing the risk that patients are exposed to from nursing activities and lower levels of nurse-sensitive consequences among the patients (Stone, 2011).  The quality of healthcare provided in hospitals an important issue not only to the patients but also to the health physicians as demonstrated in their oath of service to protect life. Supplementary strategies stemming from external environment can improve commitment and competence of nurses and eliminate nosocomial contagions.

In summary, it is indispensable to recognize how healthcare-acquired infections originate from ordinary culture within a healthcare facility setup that is fortified by many factors.  Infections affect nature of patients’ outcomes by distressing eminence of care they are permitted to receive within the hospital premises. The method is a necessary progressive tool that is engrossed on conveyance of quality nursing care to alleviate pervasiveness of nosocomial contagions. For hospital management to control effects originating from homeopathic activities carried out by nurses and clinicians, it is essential for administrators to deliberate on supervision models that will assist in mitigating any shortcoming. Thus, there is an urgent need for system change that will ensure that safety of patients with regards to the expected outcomes while under care of medical practitioners is improved.



Hartmann, M., Arefian, H., Vogel, M., & Kwetkat, A. (2009). An economic evaluation of

interventions for the prevention of hospital-acquired infections: A systematic review. PLoS One, 11(1): e0146381. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146381.

Nursing Times. (2009). An integrated approach to introducing and maintaining supervision:

4S model. Retrieved from–4s-model/5000899.article

Nursing Times. (2010). Clinical supervision using 4S model 1: Considering the structure and

setting it up. Retrieved from http://www.nusingtimes,net/clinical-supervision-using–4s-model-1-condiering–structure-and-setting-it-up/5013987.fullarticle

Reveals, A. (2012). Healthcare-associated infections: a public health problem. Niger Med J.

53(2):59-64. doi: 10.4103/0300-1652.103543.

Schumacher, M., Allignol, A., Beyersmann, J., Binder, N., &Wolkewitz, M. (2013). Hospital-

acquired infections: Appropriate statistical treatment is urgently needed.  International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(5), 1502 – 1508. doi: 10/1093/ije/dyt111

Scott, R. D. (2008). Direct medical costs of healthcare-associated infections in US hospitals

and the benefits of prevention. CDC. Retrieved from

Stone, P. W. (2011). Economic Burden of healthcare-associated infections: An American

Perspective. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 9(5): 417–422.

doi: 10.1586/erp.09.53







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Evidence-Based Practice Change

Evidence-Based Practice Change

Basically, the paper involves revising and merging the previous papers into one, and doing the conclusion part. Please check the previous papers you did attached


Prepare this assignment as a 1,500-1,750 word paper using the instructor feedback from the previous course assignments and the guidelines below.

PICOT Question 

Revise the PICOT question you wrote in the Topic 1 assignment using the feedback you received from your instructor.

The final PICOT question will provide a framework for your capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).

Research Critiques

In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments, you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique on two articles for each type of study (4 articles total). Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of each study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT question.

Refer to “Research Critiques and PICOT Guidelines – Final Draft.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper.

Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Discuss the link between the PICOT question, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes.

General Requirements

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.



Evidence-Based Practice Change

Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection

Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) is a bloodstream infection that causes increased mortality, morbidity, and length of stay in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), escalating health care costs. About 260,000 central line-associated bloodstream infections are reported in hospitals in the United States (Cleves et al., 2018). Also, approximately 29,000 death cases related to the central line-associated bloodstream infections are reported every year (Savage et al., 2018). Nearly 29,000 US dollars are spent on treating each patient, which creates a burden of about 2.4 billion dollars on the US healthcare system every year (Noto et al. 2015).  Multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) such as vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are the most endemic pathogens that cause CLABSI and other bloodstream related infections (Cleves et al., 2018). These pathogens are endemic in most acute and long term care areas, and their resistance makes it difficult to treat because of the decreasing armamentarium of active antimicrobials. Significant efforts are put to prevent and reduce the rate of infections through health practices designed to decrease the transmission of pathogens. Such methods include care of devices, bundles for insertion, isolation of multidrug-resistant organism’s patients, and hand hygiene (Noto et al. 2015). Chlorhexidine can be used as one of the interventions in reducing bacterial burden, thus decreasing the rate of infections.

PICOT Statement

In patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (P), how does daily chlorhexidine baths (I) compare to baths with soap and water (C) in decrease the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) (O) after one year of the intervention (T)?

Evidence-Based Practice Change

The utilization of antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) can be used as the primary intervention to fight bacterial load both in the central lines and central venous catheters. CHG daily baths are imperative compared to regular baths using soap and water in the ICU unit. Chlorhexidine has a broad-spectrum topical antibacterial agent, which decreases the bacterial burden, thus reducing the rate of infections when used daily during baths (Noto et al. 2015). The antibacterial activity is also essential in reducing microbes and pathogens in patient’s skin thereby preventing both primary and secondary infections. Therefore, daily baths with chlorhexidine wipes in traditional bathing procedures in the Intensive Care Unit should be considered as a significant intervention in the prevention of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections.

Evidence-Based Practice Change

Many studies have also shown the efficacy of CHG in intensive care patients, and support is increasing in caring for non-ICU patients. Daily baths with Chlorhexidine are associated with reduced skin colonization with organisms that have multidrug resistance, reduced clostridium difficile infections, and reduced bloodstream infection rates (Savage et al., 2018).  Therefore, nurses should consider the use of Chlorhexidine as a primary intervention in the prevention and reduction of Central Line Bloodstream Infections in hospitalized patients.

A study by Holder and Zellinger (2009) used a research design where nurses came up with a bathing procedure, which included bating frequency, technique, contraindications, required documentation, and bathing technique. The study method was controlled by advanced nurses and nursing leaders that ensured the accuracy of the findings. The results of the study on Daily Bathing with Chlorhexidine in the ICU to Prevent Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections showed that the Bloodstream Infections reduced from 3.6 per 1000 patients to 1 per 1000 patients after six months of chlorhexidine bath procedure implementation. The study findings indicated that the use of chlorhexidine baths reduces the rates of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections and resistant organism’s acquisition rates in patients admitted in the Intensive Care Units.


Johnson et al. (2019) developed an observational study to determine the relationship between Chlorhexidine baths and Central Line-Associated Bloodstream infection prevention. The groin and arm skin bacterial growth were observed in non exposed patients, and 40 Chlorhexidine exposed patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The exposed patients were given 2 % Chlorhexidine baths for Central Line-Associated Bloodstream infection prevention. The study showed that the bacterial burden reduced after the patients took the first bath. However, the bacterial load returned to baseline after 72 hours. The concentration of residual CHG on the skin reduced with time as the bacterial burden increased. The bathing with Chlorhexidine decreases the bacterial burden on the skin. Nurses should be aware that CHG bathing twice a week may reduce the risk of CLABSI associated with using central lines and central nervous catheters. Thus, the study has shown the efficacy of chlorhexidine gluconate in intensive care patients, and support is increasing in caring for non-ICU patients.

Evidence-Based Practice Change

The study by Savage et al. (2018) applied a retrospective time series to examine the effectiveness of various prevention bundles that were developed by nurses in infection control in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in 2006-2014. The research was subdivided in to post, peri, pre, and second peri-intervention periods depending on each bundle’s implementation status. The study showed there was a significant reduction in unit Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection rates where all units were less than the corresponding National Healthcare Safety Network Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection rates after the study. Prevention bundle for centralized Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection can be useful in universalizing central line care, improve and control the quality of care to help maintain low CLABSI rates in the hospital. Thus, the study showed the efficacy of chlorhexidine gluconate daily baths in reducing the risk of CLABSI associated with the use of central lines and central nervous catheters in intensive care patients.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The suffering experienced by families and patients due to the central line-associated bloodstream infections acquired in the hospitals is immeasurable. Therefore, there is a need for nurses to focus on the prevention strategies for bloodstream infections in hospitals, especially in the Intensive Care Unit. Antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate is one of the primary measures that can be used to reduce bacterial infections in the central nervous and central line catheters. Nurses should consider the use of antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate in the ICU since it is effective in preventing bacterial infections in patients as compared to regular soap and water bathing. Therefore, chlorhexidine gluconate daily baths are imperative compared to regular baths using soap and water in the ICU unit.

It is recommended that four strategies can be used to help implement the use of CHG daily baths for patients in the surgical or medical units to reduce CLABS rates. The strategies include increased awareness and accountability, resource availability, leadership support, and staff education (Noto et al. 2015). Therefore, targeted interventions in the ICU can reduce the risk of CLABSI associated with the use of central lines and central nervous catheters. Hospitals need to commit developing strategies to minimize the cases of central line-associated bloodstream infections, which are the primary source of high costs of care by both patients and health institutions.



Cleves, D., Pino, J., Patiño, J. A., Rosso, F., Vélez, J. D., & Pérez, P. (2018). Effect of

chlorhexidine baths on central-line-associated bloodstream infections in a neonatal intensive care unit in a developing country. Journal of Hospital Infection100(3), e196-e199.Doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2018.03.022

Holder, C., &Zellinger, M. (2009). Daily Bathing with Chlorhexidine in the ICU to Prevent

Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections. JCOM16(11), 509-13. Retrieved from

Johnson, J., Suwantarat, N., Colantuoni, E., Ross, T. L., Aucott, S. W., Carroll, K. C.,

&Milstone, A. M. (2019). The impact of chlorhexidine gluconate bathing on skin bacterial burden of neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Perinatology39(1), 63. Retrieved from

Savage, T., Hodge, D. E., Pickard, K., Myers, P., Powell, K., & Cayce, J. M. (2018). Sustained

reduction and prevention of neonatal and pediatric central line-associated bloodstream infection following a nurse-driven quality improvement initiative in a pediatric facility. Journal of the Association for Vascular Access23(1), 30-41. Doi: 10.1016/


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Reviewing Research and Making Connections

Reviewing Research and Making Connections

REVIEWING RESEARCH AND MAKING CONNECTIONS Due Week 4: 110 points For your first assignment, you will complete a short answer

activity in which you will analyze the article following the Ask, Research, Learn, Do process. This process was introduced in your webtext as a

simplified version of the sociological research process. It’s a useful tool to help you think critically, answer questions, and solve problems. REVIEW

THE RESEARCH Review the Article “Most Americans think the government could be monitoring their phone calls and emails” USE

THE RESEARCH Use the research information presented in the article to answer the questions below. You should write four paragraphs, one for

each step listed in bold. Use the Assignment 1 template to complete this assignment. Refer to Chapter 2 of the webtext as necessary.


1) Ask: • What was the topic of the research? • Who was studied in the research? • What was the research question that was answered by the

information in the article?


2) Research: • What research methods were used? • Summarize the process researchers used to collect data.


3) Learn: • What were the key findings of the research? • What conclusion was drawn from the research?


4) Do: • What are two additional follow-up questions that you have based on this research? • Why did you choose these follow up questions?

FORMATTING 5) Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Use the Assignment 1 template to complete this assignment.



Reviewing Research and Making Connections

Article Title: Most Americans think the government could be monitoring their phone calls and emails


The topic for research is “Most Americans think the government could be monitoring their phone calls and emails.” The research was conducted by the Pew Research Center through a survey. The study target was adults and youth in the United States of America. Individuals of different gender, age as well as education levels were sampled for the study. The different demographic groups all had different views on the topic of discussion. The research question that was being answered was whether they believed that the government was monitoring their phone calls and emails.



The study adopted a qualitative study and a survey was used to determine what people thought about their government monitoring their phone calls as well as emails. The article brings out that the survey was conducted in the month of February of the year 2017. Interview questions were asked to various people of various backgrounds and the results were analyzed and presented in the article findings. The study also assesses whether the public approves of the government monitoring their phone calls and emails. It relates the findings to other studies that were carried out by the same institution in the years 2014 and 2015. These studies established that it is unacceptable for the government to do so. They also revealed that the government was monitoring their phone calls and emails as part of efforts towards anti-terrorism.



The key findings of the research showed that 7/10 of the adults in the United States of America believe that the government monitors their phone calls and emails. Also, about 13% of the population believes that the government is not likely to monitor their phone calls and emails. In addition, eight out of ten adults under the age of 50 believe that it is possible that the government tracks their communication through phone calls and emails. Furthermore, the same thoughts are held by six out of ten adults who are above 50 years of age. Also, there are more men than women that suspect the government of monitoring their communication activities. The concern of being monitored by the government is shared across the political divide and both democrats and republicans believe that there is a possibility of their communication being monitored by the government. The conclusion that was drawn from the research is that a large number of people in American believe that the government could be monitoring their phone calls and emails.


Additional follow up questions?

  1. What are the factors that trigger the population to believe that the government of the United States of America could be monitoring their phone calls and emails?
  2. What is the implication of having the government monitoring the communication made by the people in the country?

These follow up questions are important because they justify the research that was one. It will be a significant attempt at explaining the statement of the problem that prompted the research. In addressing these questions, I will be able to understand the justification and significance of the study as well as the impact of the study.

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External Environment and Healthcare Planning

External Environment and Healthcare Planning

Accountable health care leaders must respond to external factors in a way that is advantageous for the organization and the community. While health care organizations must strive to improve their financial positions, it should never be at the expense of the populations they are serving. For this Assignment, examine the following scenario and consider strategies to limit the negative impact of external factors and improve organizational success.

Scenario: A small independent hospital in rural Georgia is seeking to attain Magnet Status. This designation demonstrates to stakeholders that the organization is committed to delivering high-quality patient care. With this designation, the organization can easily attract and retain a highly-engaged clinical staff. Moreover, it provides the organization an opportunity to market itself to potential patients as the place to receive top-quality care. This means that the organization could realize a greater market share of insured and private pay patients traveling as far as 100 miles just to receive the quality services. It also positions the organization to enter into joint ventures with physician groups eager to provide new services, which would lead to increased revenue streams.

External Environment and Healthcare Planning

Although the designation sounds like a great opportunity for the organization, the board of directors is split on their support of this designation. The board members in support of the designation understand the great value that this program will bring to the facility; however, those in opposition learned from a research study that non-magnet hospitals had better infection control and less post-operative sepsis. They also learned from another study that working conditions in a magnet facility are not better than those in non-magnet facilities. Therefore, the dissenting directors have concluded that the organization should not invest its time and resources to seek this credential. The CEO must get support from an overwhelming majority of the board to move forward with pursuing this designation.

To prepare:

Review the provided scenario and consider external environmental factors that may impact the organization’s strategic planning (e.g., policy and economics, laws and ethics, health care quality, and population health).

Note: Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.

The Assignment

In a 2-page executive summary, do the following:

  • Identify and evaluate the impact of external environmental factors on the strategic planning of the organization in the scenario.
  • Recommend strategies to address these external factors and limit their influence on organizational operations.

Required Readings

Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration.

  • Chapter 7, “The External Environment and Its Relationship to Strategy” (pp. 151-180) Note: This chapter was assigned in Week 3. Please review it for this week.

Wayland, M. S., & McDonald, W. G. (2016). Strategic analysis for healthcare: Concepts and practical applications. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

  • Chapter 6, ““Five Forces in an Industry” (pp. 33–38)
  • Chapter 7, “PEST Analysis of the Environment” (pp. 43–45)
  • Chapter 23, “Ansoff Matrix” (pp. 151–152)

Cheng, W.-H., Kadir, K. A., & Bohari, A. M. (2014). The strategic planning of SMES in Malaysia: A view of external environmental scanning. International Journal of Business and Society, 15(3), 437–446.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Górecka, D., & Szalucka, M. (2014). Application of MCDA methods and stochastic dominance rules in the entry mode selection process in international expansion. Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 9, 5–31.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Metcalfe, L., & Lapenta, A. (2014). Partnerships as strategic choices in public management. Journal of Management & Governance, 18(1), 51–76.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Pliskie, J., & Wallenfang, L. (2014). How geographical information systems analysis influences the continuum of patient care. The Journal of Medical Practice Management, 29(5), 282–285.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Rajan, D., Kalambay, H., Mossoko, M., Kwete, D., Bulakali, J., Lokonga, J.-P., … Schmets, G. (2014). Health service planning contributes to policy dialogue around strengthening district health systems: An example from DR Congo 2008–2013. BMC Health Services Research, 14, 522–536.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Urban, B., & Mothusiwa, M. (2014). Planning flexibility and entrepreneurial orientation: A focus on SME performance and the influence of environmental perceptions. Management Dynamics, 23(1), 58–73.

Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.



External Environment and Healthcare Planning


Like other businesses, the operations of healthcare facilities are surrounded by both internal and external environment.  Unlike internal factors, external factors emanate from outside and the firm does not have control over them. Better knowledge on external factors influencing the operations of the facility can enhance development of better strategies for improving services (Walston, 2018). The paper tries to depict issues related to the external environment of a small rural hospital in Georgia.

Impact of External Environmental Factors

Firstly, the facility’s strategic development will be affected by the legal environment. Policies set by healthcare controlling institutions at the State and Federal level require that facilities should engage in quality and safe practice. To get higher patient ratings and support of evidence-based activities, the facility needs to attain the Magnet Status. Secondly, the economic environment is also essential. In the scenario, the facility operates in the rural area, which has a lower economic status than the urban area. Under the current status, it is small in size, making it hard to enjoy economies of scale. Therefore, the firm needs to make a decision that will enable it to be sustainable under the economic environment (Cheng, Kadir, & Bohari, 2014)


In terms of technological factors, many facilities in the United States are applying technologies such as robotic surgery, virtual information storage, and online payment of patient services. This feature makes it necessary for the management to develop strategies to align with the current technological applications in healthcare.  From another perspective, the firm is small in size and is situated in the rural area. This issue affects its competitive position in terms of rivalry with other facilities and its bargaining power to the customers. An increase of larger facilities in the region will make it difficult for the organization to operate well. Therefore, it needs to change its style of operations to increase its competitiveness. The facility is also affected by demographics as the population needs require better health outcomes (Vecchiato, 2015).

Strategies to Address the Factors

A significant strategy to address the issues is a change in the cultural and structural set up. This strategy is aimed at having a culture that appreciates changes in the environment. The organization my also need to develop overall cost leadership through aggressive development of efficient-scale operations, engagement in cost reduction, and reduction of other activities that would lead to more economic challenges. In addition, the facility should also engage in differentiation strategy. This plan involves developing something new. From this perspective, having a magnet status may be essential as many facilities in the rural areas may be lacking it (Vecchiato, 2015).

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The facility also needs to engage in market development. Being a rural organization, it needs to engage in more aggressive ways of promoting its services to a wider area. This would enable it to penetrate to other areas t the State and Federal levels (Vecchiato, 2015). The firm also needs to improve its information system. This would enable it to provide suitable information to all stakeholders and enhance better decision making. Innovation is also another strategy that may improve the status of the firm. This aspect needs the firm to engage in creative operations.  When complemented by a change in the organization’s culture, it will enable the facility to have sustainable operations with the changing external environment (Urban & Mothusiwa, 2014).


The scenario reveals that external environmental factors are important in determining the types of strategic plans for organizations. The healthcare sector is a dynamic area where shifts in external environment occur frequently. For the facility to improve its operations, aligning its strategies to the environmental changes is paramount.



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